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Everything posted by Peter_Moxon

  1. My solicitor has confirmed following: The land included on the Title plan within the red boundaries belongs to you. You are permitted to park on the land as it belongs to you, and I cannot see any restriction within the Transfer prohibiting this. The Transfer makes reference in Schedule 2 paragraph 3 to a right over the forecourt coloured brown, which is reserved for all other persons entitled to. This is likely to be the owners of the other garages but without seeing all the title documentation for each property, we would not be confirm the specifics of each person and their right. However, In Schedule 1 paragraph 4, you are granted a similiar right over the forecourt in brown. Each owner can only park within the land they own and should not park within land owned by any other person, or this may be considered trespass. I hope this clarifies
  2. All 5 garages are owned by the freeholders and the "forecourt is a shared right of way" according to the deeds
  3. If I install a bollard they could park their cars outside their garage and I'd still be unable to get my trailer past their vehicles.
  4. Ethel, yes, there is a row of 5 garages, my neighbour has the one directly next to me. I will get my Solicitor to check whats on the Land Registry. Its crazy that people cannot use a bit of common sense and be more considerate. The neighbour said she could park "where I f.....g want to" and made a racist comment about my girlfriend. We walked away at that point. It surely should be clear about access to the garages/right of way and ownership of land. Some posts on here and other sites say people can park where they want, while others seem to suggest an injunction could be obtained to stop her parking there. I cant get my trailer out of the garage as and when I want to which is really irritating.
  5. The issue also with them blocking my garage is that I store a 2 man dinghy in there which I wish to use from time to time. There is no way I can get the trailer in or out of the garage if they park their 2 vehicles so close. Last Saturday I went round to ask them to move one of the cars only to find out that they were away for the weekend. Why is it not deemed as trespassing? There is ample parking on the street 20 yards away.
  6. I have checked, and the land directly in front of the garage belongs to me as per the Land Registry document. By parking there what laws are they breaking? I assume that if I parked behind them and blocked then in they would be within their rights to have my vehicle towed away?
  7. I assume that we all own the land directly in front of each of our garages.
  8. The Land Registry file show the attached image as my boundaries
  9. My neighbour has parked their 2 cars as per the attached photo so that I can not access my garage or park outside my own garage. I own the garage. Legally what can be done about this please?
  10. Update: I approached the Council and offered to pay them direct as the Bailiff had not turned up to collect the money on 2 separate occasions. The guy at the council took the balance due to them. He confirmed that the balance for 2012/13 was now zero. That was on the 17th October. He did advise that the enforcement officer may pursue his £235.00 charge. I received a letter recently from the council who said there was still a balance as they had now transferred the amount that I had paid to the enforcement company and in turn they had apportioned the money partly against the Council Tax debt and partly against the bailiffs fees. I was not made aware that they were going to do this and would like advice as to whether this is acceptable protocol and contradicts what the Council said when they took the payment. I have a receipt from the council to show receipt of funds for the money that was outstanding to them. Hopefully someone can help as to the legalities of this. Thanks
  11. Bizarre twist - having received a text message demanding payment in full by phone to the office, I received a letter from another firm of Bailiffs for the original amount the sum of £62.00 ( the balance I agree that I owe ).
  12. The council tax debt was originally £167, the compliance fee was added in February making a balance due of £242. Deducting payments I have made so far £180.00 the balance at the end of August 2017 was £62.00. I offered full payment of the £62.00 on Wednesday but the Bailiff refused to accept it. He ordered me to pay £297.00 by debit card the next day. I am unable to find this amount in one hit. My daughter lives at home with me and she is currently on Maternity leave. I do not want the Bailiiff turning up at my property again while I am at work and harassing her as to my whereabouts.
  13. Thanks for the reply. I don't believe I should have to pay more than I can afford nor take out another loan to pay off the debt. Just to clarify and earlier reply I am not disputing the £75.00 Compliance Fee and that is being paid back as part of the current monthly repayments.
  14. If I offer to pay the Council the balance of £62.00 in 1 or 2 installments can they refuse to accept my payment is the matter is now in the hands of the Bailiffs? This way the Council will have been paid in full. The next step is either to sit it out over the £235.00 enforcement fee, or maybe offer them £10.00 a month.
  15. Originally had a Council Tax debt of £167.00. A fee was added of £75.00. I agreed to pay £20.00 per month and did so on 15th of each month. At the end of August 2017 I owed £62.00. Stupidly I forgot to pay on the 15th September and on Wednesday I got home from work to a hand delivered letter which turned out to be an Enforcement Order with a further £235.00 of charges. I contacted the Bailiff by text and offer 50% of the £62.00 now and the balance next month but he was not interested. He wanted me to pay the total £297.00 the next morning. I asked what the next stage was and he menacingly answered "You will have to wait and see." I was hoping to be debt free by the end of the year, but these mean it will be another year. Can anyone please give some advice ? This means that my charges exceed the value of the original debt and he is expecting me to pay more than I can afford. Can I challenge the Enforcement Charge? Can I pay the charge by setting up a payment plan? Thanks in advance.
  16. I was told by the call centre when I booked the locksmith that he would be able to gain access to the property without damaging the door or the frame, although he may need to drill a lock out.
  17. By asking for "helpful" advise I mean that I wish to know where I stand legally. I doubt that that damage can be repaired so am seeking the company contributes financially to replacing the door unit and its surround.
  18. A couple of weeks ago I had to call a locksmith out (from a call centre number). My key would not turn what appeared to be a jammed deadlock. Using airbags to partially hold open part of the door he used an angle grinder to try and cut through the deadlock but unfortunately the blade was too short by about 2mm. He then decided to use a hammer and chisel with a great amount of force for about 30 - 40 minutes. He aborted the job and I was left locked out. The next day another locksmith came round and used a paddle to hole part of the door open sufficiently enough for him to be able to drill through the lock and gain entry. Once in it was clear that there was quite a lot of damage caused to the UPVCS frame, the wooden frame and to the edge of the door. I complained to the first company who denied that their "engineer" used a hammer even though several of my neighbours signed to say that they had heard the hammering. They are denying responsibility saying " Firstly, I wish to clarify my point regarding the liability of any damaged caused. Each sub-contractor that works for us is required to have Public Liability Insurance to cover himself on jobs should accidental damage be caused. Therefore, if any damage was caused by our engineer Danny, then it would be the engineer personally liable for making further arrangements through his personal insurance. Naturally Keytek would assist as and where required should any of our locksmiths cause damage while on site. Surely my contract was between the Company and not the subcontractor they chose to appoint to the job. All helpful advice welcome. Thanks
  19. The statement prior to the upgrade was definitely only in my name.
  20. In 2001 my wife and I separated and I opened a Barclays Current Account solely in my name. Previously I had held a joint account at the same Bank/Branch. About 3 years later Barclays offerred me the opportunity to upgrade to their fee paying Additions account. This seemed a good idea at the time so I signed up for it. When the next statement came thorough for some reason the account name was "Mr & Mrs". I called the bank and they said that it was an error and that they would correct it. They confirmed also that my ex-wife had NOT been issued with a cheque book or cash card etc. As promised her name was later removed. Now I am trying through the Financial Ombudsman to reclaim the account fees as the package may have been mis-sold. The problem is that the Ombudsman and Barclays are saying that the account was in joint names "according to the ledger" and therefore insist my ex-wife needs to sign the claim form as she might be entitles to part of any refund. If I were to do that I would be acting fraudulently and therefore refuse to do that. I know that back then Barclays were running 2 systems and errors did occur, in fact our original joint account once her name was removed had my bank statements going to her address, a house that I had never even lived in. Having given other examples of account name/address issue to both Barclays and the Ombudsman we are all in a stale-mate situation. Can anyone possibly suggest a way forward?
  21. The saga continues. Yesterday (Sunday) we hired a plumber to come round to the property to detect and repair the leak. He confirmed that it was our supply pipe (and not a shared pipe) that was leaking. Gas was put into the water supply via the kitchen tap. Areas of leakage were detected and digging started. A probe was also used to try and narrow the search down but after 2 men digging for 3 hours each, no pipework was found. They had dug three trenches each about 3 feet deep. The leak detection using the gas probably failed as the leak was getting stronger since it was first reported some 7 weeks ago. The chances are that if any of the 3 Affinity Water engineers had bothered to try and detect the leak when they were first called out then the leak would not be as severe as it is now. If Affinity Water claim that "Our expertise in leak detection combines traditional methods and the latest technologies, meaning we can find and fix the problem swiftly and effectively.", then why didn't they? It is still possible that the supply pipe is not in the garden, but is actually under the path that runs to the four townhouses. There is a slight slope in the land which mean that if the supply pipe was under the path then leaking water would drain towards our garden. Not sure where to go from here, any advice would be appreciated.
  22. Thanks for the reply. Surely they need to determine which property or properties the pipe supplies. If the pipe is on our property buy only feeds the neighbours house then Affinity Water need our permission to excavate and repair and then pass the cost on to the neighbours.Until someone produces a map of the pipework dont see anyway forward Their Leak Repair Scheme is here https://www.affinitywater.co.uk/docs/Leaks_on_supply_pipes.pdf page 8 or 9. I would think they have already exceeded the wastage OFWAT recommend as this has been ongoing for 7 weeks now.
  23. Our insurance company wont consider a claim as it is not proven whether or not the pipe is for a shared supply. A plumber came out today and give a quote to repair the pipe. He said that the whole pipe needed replacing at a cost of £1000.00. He used no equipment to detect any leak - maybe he has xray vision.
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