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Dont trust the banks

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Everything posted by Dont trust the banks

  1. Some one you owe money too........from a debters point of view they are BAD news, however from a creditors point of view the get resaults - and good ones at that. Good luck......lol
  2. Well the thread has survived the best part of hours now so I guess this means we get a second chance????? Thats probably torn it! Regards Banks.
  3. Please may we try again? Only this time could we a little better behaved?
  4. It was CAGbot that had mine away, did you ever get to read what I said baout the 307 dual mass flywheal thing?
  5. I'v just cut and pasted that in to windows so I can put it back for you when it gets MOD'ed! Regards Banks.
  6. I cant disagree......but I wouldn't have put it quite like that........ I thought they were impartial? Who do you think this semefree character actually is?
  7. I just spotted there's some one called icantlogin looking at this, LOVE THE USER I.D!!!!!!!
  8. Grow up. It's just a phrase. Ok, So you don't like me publicly voicing my opinion?. May I ask what is your involvement in all this? - are you a friend of Jo's?,inside CAG or out there in the real world? or are you just another outsider like me?. The point being, If you are just another outsider then we shear some very different views based on the same information. Which is interesting. If however as I expect is the case you know Jo, I understand you wanting to support some one you know, but with the Thread now closed she will never be able to conclude what could have been a valuable source of information for others. Regards Banks.
  9. You are something else!!!!!!!, The point of this thread is to "debate" rather than "hijack" other peoples threads!!!!! I'm off to eat me dinner, you say what you like. Banks.
  10. ERE......??????? Speechless twice in the same day! If you could explain I would be very great full. The quote was part of a conversation about people offering to "pay in kind" - regrettably something that occurs less and less often the older I get. Regards Banks.
  11. Who are you? Are you jo using another i.d?, Please reply in the "off topic thread", I will have a look for your reply at 9.30 this eve,so if you want to talk........... Regards Banks.
  12. It was an observation based on the original post. But the O/P got me thinking......(witch pipe is causing the problem??????) so I came back to have another look to find that hammy and Conniff had expressed not utterly dissimilar opinions to my self. It's a public forum! Questions get asked (occasionally they get answered),Opinions get voiced,advise is offered, thats the whole point!!!! Please feel free to comment on my posts, But please use the "Motor trade off topic" thread in the Bear Garden to do so. Regards Banks.
  13. Well it made me smile! Ans as for what Setmefree added, words fail me (and that don't happen very often), as a member of the "came equipped with common sense fitted as standard" brigade I have publicly doubted what jo's posted so far. If she wishes to set the record striate, she will. and if she choses to remain silent then we will draw our own conclusions,she don't not need your help right now to look guilty. My thoughts right now are with the other side of all this, Has he been paid? Did he get enough out of the job for it to have been worth doing?. I for one would love to hear the other side of it all,we seam very happy to assume the worst of the motor trade - I know "the customer is always wright" and all that, but there are enough cracks in this story to cause people like me to question it, and when we don't get any answers....... Regards Banks.
  14. . Couldn't have put it better myself. Regards Banks.
  15. Well........ pleased to hear you have the car back, if they are not guaranteeing the job then maybe selling the car is a good idea, as for weather you tell any prospective buyer is a matter for your conchens. All I can say is, this is about the worst time of year to be selling a "problem" car as every one is busy buying c**** for people that they don't rely want (Oh the joys of Christmas!) so may be stick with it for a little while and see how it goes?. Regards Bamks.
  16. Any update jo? I am trying to keep an open mind. Regards Banks.
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