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Everything posted by WebFerret

  1. If this was a profession then they would have been 'struck-off' and unable to operate again! - The DVLA are failing in their duty to protect public data from rouge companies and criminals!
  2. I've read fully your submission and I'm most impressed, essentially, it's the 'reasonable cause' assertion that's been removed from the ANPR process that appears to be key to stopping this quite wrongful practice I guess. The case of Observices Parking Consultancy Limited is astonishing in the fact that a proven criminal can continue to obtain details - this alone is unbelievable! - if it was a 'profession' they would be 'stuck-off' and not allowed to practice again! It will be interesting to hear Philip Hammond MP's response to this, for the DVLA is an executive agency of the Department for Transport and it is directly responsible to the Minister of State. Nice work
  3. Your not wrong. I came across this video which, in my opinion gives one of the best history lessons that simply is not taught in schools today. It's called "The Money Masters" and made in 1995. It is lengthy (available via YouTube in chunks if you google), but it explains very well how 'the financial' system is run (controlled) buy private companies and not government, showing how it's specifically designed to get the masses to pay great sums to 'the few'! - It is not a conspiracy theory video, but a factual statement of events going back hundreds of years till the current day, well 1995. What is interesting, is that it forecasts the current financial crisis and suggests that it was caused deliberately by private corporations as it was in 1929. It also suggests what we still have to look forward to - not good! Link is here: http://freedocumentaries.org/teatro.php?filmID=243&lan=en&size=big Description:
  4. http://thegwpf.org/ipcc-news/1670-hal-lewis-my-resignation-from-the-american-physical-society.html IPCC (News Friday, 08 October 2010): Hal Lewis: My Resignation From The American Physical Society Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Here is his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan Jr, Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society. Anthony Watts describes it thus: This is an important moment in science history. I would describe it as a letter on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door. It is worthy of repeating this letter in entirety on every blog that discusses science. It’s so utterly damning that I’m going to run it in full without further comment. This interesting I quit the APS resignation letter shows just how far the 'AGW crowd' will go to deny real scientific debate in propagating their multi trillion dollar [problem] of carbon trading!
  5. This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article22094.html This really does go to demonstrate how unfair the whole taxation system is!
  6. Don't know what's happened to the font but I cannot read quoted articles in: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?87070-The-great-interest-rate-rip-off/page823 without it hurting my eyes! (the italics bits) This thread was always a very good read, but I can't do it any more with it looking this way! - I've tried the 'Ctrl' plus scroll wheel which makes it bigger, but still fuzzy on my PC's LCD - there wasn't a problem before! I hate it. - If you can't read it, what's the point of the site?
  7. Don't know what's happened to the font but I cannot read quoted articles in: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?87070-The-great-interest-rate-rip-off/page823 without it hurting my eyes! (the italics bits) This thread was always a very good read, but I can't do it any more with it looking this way! - I've tried the 'Ctrl' plus scroll wheel which makes it bigger, but still fuzzy on my PC's LCD - there wasn't a problem before! I hate it. - If you can't read it, what's the point of the site?
  8. Coincidently, I've just successfully completed my training (one week course) and this was done at CEW Forklift Training Ltd in Luton. http://www.cewforklifttraining.co.uk/index.htm In my case, my company paid for the course, but a good few others on the same course had it funded through job seekers - although I'm not sure of exact details. I suggest you do indeed 'sign-on' to qualify and get your training funded. You could even contact CEW at Luton who I'm sure would be happy to point you in the right direction. Good luck
  9. :lol: - Excellent! Thanks interestrateripoff, I always enjoy your comments and rye sense of humour. This country is in so much sh*t - it's really quite depressing - thanks Gordon, your place in history is well assured - lol
  10. Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs - Yahoo! News
  11. Climate emails inquiry: Energy consultant linked to physics body's submission | Environment | The Guardian Gaia theorist James Lovelock and former minister Michael Meacher label carbon trading a failed [problem] | Environment | guardian.co.uk Looks like the EU are fraudulently looking to direct taxation IMHO: The science is NOT settled that 'global warming or climate change' (or what ever you want to call it) is attributed to man's contribution of CO2 emissions, nor that man's activity has any significant effect on the climate with relation to CO2 emissions. Any taxation applied in the name of 'climate change' is therefore only based on a bogus assumption propagated by government propaganda to make a few people very rich indeed at the great expense of the tax payer (now where have I witnessed that before - ah yes, bankers!). Climate change is happening (naturally, for we are still coming out of the ice-age from 10,000 years ago), but for governments to use scare tactics in the name of climate change, based on discredited data models as their excuse to tax the hell out of us is simply fraudulent and a [problem]. For a very good balanced overview on the subject, you might wish to watch the following video link entitled "CLIMATE CHANGE: Facts and fictions" hosted by The Brisane Institute, Australia Jan 2010: Brook + Readfearn / Monckton + Plimer on Vimeo
  12. Since the idiot Brown took over less than three years ago, per capita GDP has fallen by a catastrophic 5%. Burning our money: Her Majesty's Worst Ever PM Throwing money at the banks - ignoring manufacturing completely - pure genius!
  13. WHY is the government NOT doing what every household and company is doing and cut ALL unnecessary expenditure - not to mention 'non-jobs' & Quango groups: It is total contempt for the tax payer to see money WASTED like this in such economic times and expect the 'average' tax payer to foot the bill. The media keep banging on about a 'choice'! of only three possible political parties to vote for, come the next election Lab/Con/Lib! - but there IS a forth option (and IMHO a very good protest vote, if nothing else) and that is UKIP to which a considerable number of disgruntled ex Tory MPs have recently migrated. The total waste of tax payers money is so enormous and unsustainable, yet this current government do nothing to kerb the hemorrhaging!, but, instead, continue coming up with new 'ingenious' ways to spend even more!!!!! This irresponsible way to run Britain's finances has got to stop, and quickly, before any more damage is done - with falling tax revenue (company closures/increased unemployment ect) Britain, very simply, HAS to tighten it's belt to survive - simply expecting the dwindling number of current tax payers to pay more tax is a ridiculous idea and will only serve to drive the country into a worsening situation. It all boils down to simple economics of 'income in and expenditure out' - it's not rocket science Mr Brown! - if we can't afford it, you don't spend it!
  14. Greece should sell islands to cut debt BBC News - Greece should sell islands to cut debt - Merkel allies I wonder how long it will be before Gordon Brown considers selling the British Isles (or perhaps he's already working on it - sell & lease back! ) - LOL
  15. The Labour governments great solar panel rip-off! Are we really going to let ourselves be duped into this solar panel rip-off? source: Are we really going to let ourselves be duped into this solar panel rip-off? | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian This comes into effect 1st April 2010 (no it's not a joke) and has had little or no media coverage, so ppl don't even know about the detail! Yet another prime example of Rip-Off Briton - Way to go NuLabour Our leaders have signed up to, on our behalf, a staggering amount of financially destructive policies under the auspices of CO2 reduction, and, while we debate the rights and wrongs of the design of a Hockey Stick, or the inclusion, or not, of the Medieval Warming Period, these rules that we have been signed up to are going to be used to brow-beat us back into the Medieval Warm Period financially. I fear however that there are many more rip-offs waiting in the wings!
  16. Bullying law firm (Davenport Lyons) complaint pursued source: [size=2]http://www.which.co.uk/about-which/press/product-press-releases/which-computing-magazine/2010/03/bullying-law-firm-complaint-pursued.jsp[/size] So they're not getting away with it after all.
  17. Peter Schiff vs. Financial Experts in 2006 and 2007 I found this YouTube video which I think makes very interesting viewing looking back to predictions from a couple of years ago. How many times have you heard the news outlets say something similar to "No one could have seen this economic downturn coming."
  18. It says it's an "eight year deal" so I'm guessing the £5.4 billion (total) equates to this term - but the maths don't seem to add up!?
  19. Well it's over (at least for now), and what a total waste of time & money - time & money that could have been spent on THE REAL issues ADAPTING to climate change - not this poppycock nonsense of man made CO2 emissions - created as an excuse to tax the hell out of everyone. Here is a very good summary (couldn't have written it better myself - lol): http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/message-on-climate-emotive-but-a-fraud/story-e6frezz0-1225812018528
  20. Climategate: One Must Ignore 200 Years of Observations to Believe in AGW by David Bellamy December 12th 2009 http://climaterealists.com/index.php?id=4634 Now watch this video which highlights the extent of propaganda that's fed to the general public who cannot think for themselves! http://www.dakotavoice.com/2009/12/lord-monckton-educates-greenpeace-drone Now what worries me is that 50% of the human population is below average intelligence! .
  21. Gordon's only interest in the environment is ECO-TAXES. Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy: banks should pay for climate change - Times Online Where is all this money going to come from? (more at the link) Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN's negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak | Environment | The Guardian This is ALL about power! Copenhagen: Ushering In The War On Carbon | Open Source I think this link sums it up very well indeed: Listen to this radio broadcast in from Austrailia to get the full picture: 2GB Media Player - Is the Copenhagen treaty about creating a world government?
  22. Thursday 26 February 2009 this Government responded to a petition raised on the subject: http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page18414 Read the Government’s response: That old chestnut - the EU This stance by government to charge tax on tax has been legally challenged before, but alas hide behind the EU ruling that it's acceptable! IMHO, at the very least, it is immoral and unethical and does not uphold the 'spirit' of the Magna Carter. Our Government (cough) seems to me to be hell-bent on one sure-thing, and that it to tax us to oblivion! : Remember how our government told us leaded petrol was bad, and thus justified higher tax? Did they ever reduce the tax on LRP to the same level as unleaded petrol? No. Remember how diesel used to be cheaper, persuading lots of people to buy diesel cars? What did the government do? They increased the rate of tax on diesel. Hauliers complained that the extortionate tax on diesel gave foreign competitors an unfair advantage over British companies. Gordon Brown's solution? Introduce a tax on foreign trucks. Genius! And remember when VAT got reduced to 15% the chancellor increased fuel duty by 2p to make up the difference. Now that VAT is going back up to 17.5% that extra duty is not being removed. Scandalous - but I wouldn't expect anything less from 'Nu-Labour'
  23. I thought they already charged VAT on 'fuel duty' which is technically illegal, but the government seem to have got away with it for many years now! On a tangible note: For an insight into the 'intelligence' of today's 'Joe public' with regard to the current financial crisis check out this YouTube video - it's unbelievable and at the same time alarming but explains how the Fed get away with soooooooooo much People sign petition calling for 100% inflation http://faustiesblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/people-sign-petition-calling-for-100.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FWoLA+%28Fausty%27s+Libertarian+Blog%29 Education, education, education - where has it gone?
  24. Petition the Prime Minister We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to suspend the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia from preparation of any Government Climate Statistics until the various allegations have been fully investigated by an independent body. Deadline to sign up is by: 24 February 2010 http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/UEACRU/ For a current update (4th December 2009) and easily understood explanation of the current situation to Climategate, watch the following YouTube videos by Lord Monckton: Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference, Dec. 4, 2009 - 1of4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1UAFRlZtVE&feature=related Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference, Dec. 4, 2009 - 2of4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk1wi9_P7C0&feature=related Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference, Dec. 4, 2009 - 3of4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhaG4q81Do4&feature=related Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference, Dec. 4, 2009 - 4of4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMIbDT7Se-s&feature=related If you wish to see a copy of the draft Copenhagen Treaty a PDF version can be found here: http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/un-fccc-copenhagen-2009.pdf
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