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Everything posted by jody123

  1. Hi Dr Mike, Do you have an address for Tom Alexander - I want to send him a copy of my letter regarding their none cancellation of an account. Jody
  2. I have a very similar problem to the above, I gave notice, they sent me a different numbered PAYG sim, then billed me for another two months. I haven't paid - Its only £52.35 - its the principle. I cancelled, they didn't tell me I had to register the new PAYG sim to cancel the old contract, there was nothing with the sim to say it had to be registered, so I simply put it in the phone for emergencies. I'm not paying it. I have now been contracted by moorcroft - I have told them the account is in dispute and unless and until Orange prove they told me then they can swing for their money. I'm currently considering DSAR ing them with a view to getting 18 months of call billing information....this alone will prove the phone wasn't used for the last 8 months of the 18 month contract. ggrrrr I'm so cross about it all and if my credit rating is affected them I'm going legal because it is a diabolical tactic that orange are using....
  3. I could tell you what to write, but the I am not the one applying for the job and I really think that you need to be clear about what the job being offered is about, otherwise you will come off badly in any interview. Do you know anything about mentoring people? Do you know what a mentor does? Have you ever been mentored yourself? Can I suggest that you write what you know in answer to the above I.e. I was mentored during my time at school/college/in my work place. and then we can perhaps shape it from there.... Jody
  4. Signed the petition. With the state of the economy at the moment I can only see more repossessions taking place if this legislation is allowed to come in...
  5. welcome to the forum Snorbitz. From being on here just under 10 months I can tell you that very few, if any people finger point, and you will find great company, loads of advice and support and generally a way of keeping yourself sane whilst keeping your head above water. Post new threads on anything you want help with and someone will come along to help. Jody
  6. Hi Phat256, you are legally entitled to a written statement of your employment terms within 2 motnhs of starting work. Not sure about the 0 contracted hours bit, but you may find the following link useful which gives lots of advice on what you are entitled to as an employee/worker/self-employed... Employment terms and conditions : Directgov - Employment Jody
  7. Hi Rob2008, Not sure whether the cca is legal, but I am sure someone will be along to help pretty soon. I believe that they have to send notification of assignment of the debt to them, and I don't think that a letter is good enough, but again someone with more knowledge should be along. The fact that the debt appears to be jumping up - does not surprise me, but if the CCA proves to be valid, and they have the correct documentation to enforce collection of the debt then you would need a better breakdown of the figure owing. Have you read some of the other threads on CCAs? There is a lot of information already on the site and if you haven't searched already can i suggest you put in "crapquest" in the search term? Jody
  8. hi Linux44, Apart from Q1, there does not appear to be much wrong with your answers to 2 and 3 - they are concise to the point, but above all relevant, although unless the position is a senior on, I doubt that you would be "coordinating colleagues". Re Q 1 is there anything pro-active that you have done to find out about the occupations - perhaps spoken with someone already in the role, searched google for key words (i.e. impact mentor) to see if you can find any job specs, or better still "A day in the life of an impact mentor" article? At the end of the day the university will be looking for someone who has a keen interest in the job, is open to learning and will fit in with the team already in place. Good luck with your application. jody
  9. Hello - is there anyone out there - I've posted several questions over a couple of weeks, but no one seems to be answering - have I upset anyone??
  10. phoned the court today - they haven't submitted a disclosure list. Do I now send a letter to the court with draft orders for an "unless order" or do I just ask for the claim to be struck out for non-compliance (a long shot perhaps)? jody
  11. submitted the disclosure list to the courts and sent a copy to the sols - but we have received nothing from their solicitors....are they meant to send their disclosure list direct or does the court send it out?? Anyone know - and should I now be asking for a strike out if they haven't filed their disclosure? Jdoy
  12. subbing as I would really like to know the answer to this....my mate is in middle of court case over alleged shortfall debt...we had to have dislosure list in last week, but we have heard nothing from them and its been a week since the deadline...
  13. HI All, Just an update and seeking some clarification from you guys: We haven't received anything in relation to the sols reply to the judge's request on their attempts to settle - but we have just received notice that it is going to court and giving us a court date next year. I have several questions that I would be grateful for some advice on... We want to change the defence from a "prove it" to a "This is our defence", but I was previously advised to ask the judge's permission when we had a case management conference....the judge has scuppered that by going straight to notifying us of a court timeframe in the multi-track system and asking us to file a disclosure list by next wednesday. Do I therefore write and ask to change the defence now, or use the defence when they've proven the possession, but not that the debt is owed in court on the day? If I write to the judge asking for a change in defence do I attach the change in defence or do I wait for him to reply? What do I do about the disclosure list in the meantime? Does my disclosure list have to include case law that I will rely on in court as part of the defence? What about any information that I get hold of between now and February next year? Can this be added to disclosure as and when I receive it or not? I am still waiting for a breakdown of loan b - although I do have it in writing that Loan B is for audit purposes only and I am not therefore entitled to it - whatever that may mean - I have sought clarification from them, but nothing has been forthcoming in over a month (just sent chaser letter) but its unlikely that the response will come before I have to file the disclosure list. What do I do about the illegal charges that were added to the account and the amount the property was undersold by? Do I counter claim for these when I file an amended defence - do I need the courts permission to counter claim - alternatively do I merely use them as set-off figures on the day in court? If I claim as defence estoppel or waiver - can I still counter claim for the underselling and illegal charges? MIG - I still haven't got my hands on this, despite numerous requests for such - if they don't put it on their disclosure list - how do I compel them to give us a copy? Finally - if they consciously withheld the fact that my mate was eligible for shares in HBOS in 1997 (repossession in 1999) - does that make the reposession illegal as the amount outstanding was less than the value of the shares and the bank charges. looking on the bright side - Count is due in court at the end of this month and is arguing the waiver defence - if he wins then I can just claim for the underselling and charges and they will owe my mate 13K - plus compound interest!!!! Any advice/guidance gratefully received. Jody
  14. Anyone have any thoughts to the points raised in post 158 above - I could do with some help here - I have to file the disclosure list by Wednesday. Cheers, Jody
  15. hi Bremner8, Sorry for the bad news. There are other ways of dealing with your debts which very much depend on your circumstances - but unfortunately this is not my area of expertise. Why don't you start your own thread detailing all your debts, the payments you make etc and then someone will be along to give your help and support? Jody
  16. Unfortunately if you have paid anything towards, or acknowledged any of the debts within the last six years then they are still "live" and are not statute barred. The clock starts to tick for the 6 year statute of limitation from the last payment you made, or the last time your acknowledged the debt - even if you were to go five years without payment or acknowledgment and then did one of the other the clock would start to run again... Jody
  17. I wrote to Orange at the address they advised over the telephone - I received not response - but today I received a demand from Northern Debt Recovery - part of Orange - they have told me that I must pay the money in 7 days and that they have recorded a default on my credit file. I did not think that they could do this if the account was in dispute - can they? How do I get them to respond to my letter in which I dispute that I owe them any money for the reasons posted above? Jody
  18. HI All, Just an update and seeking some clarification from you guys: We haven't received anything in relation to the sols reply to the judge's request on their attempts to settle - but we have just received notice that it is going to court and giving us a court date next year. I have several questions that I would be grateful for some advice on... We want to change the defence from a "prove it" to a "This is our defence", but I was previously advised to ask the judge's permission when we had a case management conference....the judge has scuppered that by going straight to notifying us of a court timeframe in the multi-track system and asking us to file a disclosure list by next wednesday. Do I therefore write and ask to change the defence now, or use the defence when they've proven the possession, but not that the debt is owed in court on the day? If I write to the judge asking for a change in defence do I attach the change in defence or do I wait for him to reply? What do I do about the disclosure list in the meantime? Does my disclosure list have to include case law that I will rely on in court as part of the defence? What about any information that I get hold of between now and February next year? Can this be added to disclosure as and when I receive it or not? I am still waiting for a breakdown of loan b - although I do have it in writing that Loan B is for audit purposes only and I am not therefore entitled to it - whatever that may mean - I have sought clarification from them, but nothing has been forthcoming in over a month (just sent chaser letter) but its unlikely that the response will come before I have to file the disclosure list. What do I do about the illegal charges that were added to the account and the amount the property was undersold by? Do I counter claim for these when I file an amended defence - do I need the courts permission to counter claim - alternatively do I merely use them as set-off figures on the day in court? If I claim as defence estoppel or waiver - can I still counter claim for the underselling and illegal charges? MIG - I still haven't got my hands on this, despite numerous requests for such - if they don't put it on their disclosure list - how do I compel them to give us a copy? Finally - if they consciously withheld the fact that my mate was eligible for shares in HBOS in 1997 (repossession in 1999) - does that make the reposession illegal as the amount outstanding was less than the value of the shares and the bank charges. looking on the bright side - Count is due in court at the end of this month and is arguing the waiver defence - if he wins then I can just claim for the underselling and charges and they will owe my mate 13K - plus compound interest!!!! Any advice/guidance gratefully received. Jody
  19. Hi Jadzia.dax1, I don't think that Count has internet access at the moment - I understand that he now has a court date for the end of this month and he is going to use waiver as a defence, will let you know more when I do. Jody
  20. HI Tide, just wondered where you were at with your case? Are you able to provide an update? Jody
  21. Sorry Sequenci, Have is my understanding above correct - and if so, is the limitation for statutory interest 12 years or 6? Jody
  22. hi Todd 390 - Sorry - it was me that got confused! Jody
  23. Hi OrangePrimate, Thanks for the detailed response above. The guy I spoke with knew that I was outside the 30 days to the end of the contract but he said it would cancel automatically at the end of the 18 months now that I have given the notice. Which did not happen. My bills were paid half in arrears half in advance so the first payment which they say is outstanding for June (due 2 July) covers the period 17 June to 16 July....so in fact Orange owe me about £3.00 If I recall correctly he asked me whether I wanted a sim sending with the same number but on PAYG - I said there was no need for the number to be the same....could he not just send me a PAYG sim with a new number. At no time did he say that the old contract would not be cancelled as requested if I did not register the new sim....could you tell me whether there is any legal requirement to register a PAYG sim? I've also looked through the booklets that came with the sim - it makes no mention of registering it to cancel an old contract, nor indeed that it has to be registered... Can you advise? Regards, jody
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