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Everything posted by Delta82

  1. ‘New’ Anti-Piracy Lawyers Chase UK File-Sharers | TorrentFreak Seems the coverage is picking up ... starting to get square eyes and bad head now with all the reading up on Davenport and ACS:Law Ive done over the past 24 or so hours now. (not including sleep time of course )
  2. I agree with Robjam on his last comment .. In a way its putting you guys out there and showing you genuinely care and do your utmost best to help folk as I know a lot of people who came to me and asked for help and Ive sent them here and realize that there is light and the end of the tunnel so to speak. Ive a feeling ACS:Law are watching this thread but on a more frustrating note there's no clear indication of how many people have received the letter for now anyway.
  3. True.Ive no proof on my part other than them taking my computer away and testing it to see if there is a trace of this so called "Two Worlds" there but can most likely guarantee it wont be. A few people use the PC regularly but there is a lot of speculation on the company who gather the data ... Logistep Antipiracy group's tactics violate Swiss law | Developer World - InfoWorld the link is based on a case in Switzerland so I'm not sure how they stand over here or how much weight they actually carry
  4. ACS-Law Solicitors is the address on the letters as the .co.uk draws a blank .. Seems that Andrew Crossley is the same fella who defended the infamous sex on the beach couple . Solicitor in 'sex on the beach' case speaks out | The Law Gazette
  5. Thanks ..the link in the P2P freak forum is picking up ..seems it may well be a [problem] so going to wait off a bit and see what happens.
  6. hmmm thinking back I was on a wireless router but again will be hard to prove .. not sure what to make of it up to now. Do I ignore or wait and see what happens as another letter arrived shortly after the £730 one printed the same with a few ip details and dates but wanting £860 So now have 2 debts ....
  7. UK BitTorrent Users Under More Pressure From Lawyers | TorrentFreak thats also interesting but by a different firm but using the same people who collect the data... plot thickens
  8. Thanks for that Cerberus ..I will keep an eye on that posting and see what develops as Im thinking Im not the only one in the country to receive this letter today.
  9. Not sure if its the right place to post but here goes Recieved a letter this morning claiming "Infringement of Copyright" saying they have "retained forensic computer analysis" to identify me as sharing a game on P2P over a year and a half ago. Now after reading all the long confusing paragraphs about this that and the other I have a form on the back saying I'm to pay over £730 to ACS I'm going to dispute this as the game in question really doesn't ring any bells and maybe someone else who was using my computer may have downloaded it but early days yet. Back to my main question has anyone any story's about ACS:law at all as well as some information as how to tackle this. There based in London W1S 1NX If that is any help
  10. Thank you .. I will be sending an Income and Expenditure listing along with a payment of £7.50 ..(even though they refused this)... just in case things go the legal way and will send the letter above also..this is the only DCA I have had trouble with Again Thanks
  11. UPDATE : I have now had a letter saying a field agent is coming today between 8am and 8pm .. I have not payed anything yet because of being payed monthly .. can anyone advise me what to do step by step.. as the debt is over 4 years old now
  12. great .. much appreciated ..you dont realize how much this means..I assume they all think us debtors dont actually look for help lol. Again ..thank you I will keep you posted on the actual proceedings etc. Also Spamheed the debt is for about £300
  13. Hi Im new and in a bit of a bad way ..:o I have a debt with Hutchinson 3g (old mobile bill) which is over 4 year old or so now. I received a letter form a debt collection company called C.A.R.S saying I was a confirmed occupant,because a letter was received a few month earlier saying the same but my girlfriend and I had split up and I was not actually living at the address at the time,so my Girlfriend rang to say I no longer lived there But I am now back at the address. Anyway I got in contact saying I can only afford £7.50 a month which is really all I can manage but was told quite bluntly £30 is the minimum,now after a week or so I receive a phone call asking about how I was going to pay and told the same ,I can only reasonably manage £7.50 but again told quite cheekily and bluntly ,we can only accept £30 minimum and if I cannot make that payment .. we have no alternative to proceed with further action What are my options ? Is there anything I can do ? And what is this "further action" Much appreciated for any info or help
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