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  1. Just thought I would let you know that after using the letter templates on this site to wirte to UKPC with my version of events, and stating that I would not be paying the fine, 'as a gesture of goodwill' the fine has been cancelled. Thank you for all your advice.
  2. Hi Digger42 In a way it's nice to know I'm not the only one in Grimsby, but then again Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In the words of the malted milk drink advert.... "How do they sleep at night?????????"
  3. Thank you both for your support and advice and to everyone else on the forum that inspired me to fight this company. On recieving this 'fine' I felt like a criminal - now I just feel ANGRY! To think I actually had the cheque all written out to send. It was only by chance I did a Google search for UKPC and this site came up. Good things do happen! Well, the cheque went in the bin and the 'I don't think so!' letter went in the post along with one to B&Q asking them for their opinion before I write to my local paper to let all the unsuspecting shoppers know that 'robbers' are now operating in this car park. I have come to work today to find out about another car park in Grimsby that is catching a lot of shoppers out. Staples/Next/JJB etc has cameras on the entrance which logs you coming into the car park and again when you leave. I have been told that if you return to the car park the same day you are being sent a fine for having parked there all day regardless of whether you left and returned! Do these shops really want our business?????
  4. Thanks. I have used the template and sent the letter - no going back now I guess.
  5. I have spent most of the morning reading the many threads with regards UKPC and have just torn up the cheque I was about to send them. I hope I have done the right thing as although some of the things I have read are similiar to my situation, none of them are exactly the same. I am going to write to them using one of the templates on here but any advice is greatly appreciated. I don't want to end up ruining my families credit reputation because I chose not to pay a £45 parking fine out of principal. On Saturday 01 December I parked my car in a free B&Q/Halfords car park which until a couple of weeks ago was totally free of UKPC. I dropped my husband at the door of B&Q and proceeded to find a space. My daughter and I then walked to the bank leaving my husband to do his boring DIY browsing and then over to Halfords to price up some parts for our car. On returning I saw the attendant stood against a wall and worried that we may have got a fine because we had been over the 2 hours by about 20 minutes. There was no ticket on the car and so I thought we were OK. I picked my husband up from the entrance and away we went. On Wednesday 05 December the 'Civil Traffic Enforcement Notice' for unauthorised parking arrived demanding £45 in 7 days which would then rise to £90 and then proceed to debt collectors and court if not paid. There was a picture of the rear of my car parked in the space. I know I parked there. I don't dispute the fact. I was also the driver and I am the registered keeper of the car - I do not dispute this either. How do they get my full name and address? Part of me knows I have done wrong as we overstayed the 2 hour limit by 20 minutes but the car park was not full. So aren't they really correct saying that I was 'unauthorised parking'? Any help or similiar cases???
  6. I have spent most of the morning reading through all the various threads after receiving a "Civil Traffic Enforcement Notice" from UKPC for unauthorised parking in my local B&Q/Halfords store. I must admit I was devastated and immediately felt like a criminal on seeing the photo of my car. I parked in this 'free' car park for approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes when the time limit is 2 hours on what was a very busy Saturday morning in the run up to Christmas. I saw the attendant in the car park but presumed that I was OK as no notice was on my car. Then, 4 days later this arrives in the post. Although I want to fight it, as a law abiding citizen, I can't help thinking that yes I did overstay the time limit. I am really worried about being black listed if I don't pay this fine. Has this happened to anyone? I don't think I could face the stigma of debt collectors, having always been upfront and paying my way. I immediately wrote a letter to the company and was about to post it but decided to look on the internet for advice. After reading your threads I have torn up that letter trying to justify my actions and will send one based on your templates, but I am so nervous with worry over this. I really feel like not using these stores again for fear of these parking fines, but I will be the one losing out having to shop elsewhere at higher prices. I guess they are in a win win situation!
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