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Everything posted by rogersonjeff

  1. sorry about late reply been on nightshift.. dont no why i went with fOS thought it was the right idea at the time I have the final statement from GE from when they transferred mortgage to Kensington this has all charges on Man at FOS was not very clued up as i say so think he will side with Kensington Will i decline any offer they make if any and start though courts I thing they are just going to reverse a few charges
  2. hi im still in arrears but below three months so they cancelled repossession hearing mortgage was sold to kesington earlier this year ombudsmans complaint was started when mortgage was with GE but it is now kensingtons responsibility dont hold out much hope though after speaking to him on phone
  3. Martin read your thread fantastic wish i had went court way now my companys are exactly as yours GE/Kessington what do you think i should do as a way forward with the adjudicator. should i badger him with lots of pages for him to read ...give him his due he emailed me at 17.25 and said thankyou for the article and he has now read this and an additional article could this be good news
  4. Thanks for the quick reply Martin do you think the fact that i have shown him the GMAC article may make him think again because of the excessive amount of the monthly fee I heard of cases that refer to MCOB rulings should i email him and mention this or will i wait til adjudicator dismiss s the complaint then bring it up with the obbudsman
  5. Hello after a bit of help trying to reclaim mortgage arrears charges through the Financial Ombudsman charges total £5000 of which i have paid £3500 through increased mortgage payments I have now been allocated to an adjudicator whom i have spoken to today Trouble is he wasn't that clued up and i think he s going to dismiss my complaint he said that he has looked at the charges and has spotted some that should not have been applied but most of the £40 monthly arrears charges are stated in my terms and conditions so he see s these as fair i told him about the FSAs guidance where they state excessive charges can be refunded he said he never heard of it so i sent him a link about GMAC where they had to repay £2.900000. is there anything else i can send him before he makes his decision any help would be appreciated
  6. Hi there need some help again im trying to claim charges via the ombudsman and have finally been allocated an adjudicator. spoke to him this morning and he said ombudsman cannot do any thing about arrears charges if they are stated correctly in the terms and conditions I explained to him that i am in real financial hardship of which he agreed I also mentioned that i have read case of other mortgage companies that have been made to refund excessive charges I also mentioned that I have read that the ombudsman set a limit in some cases that justify the amount of extra work that the company has to do when the account is in arrears. trouble is i cant find any evidence of this to pass on to him any help or links will be much appreciated as I feel he is just going to let them get away without any refund
  7. Can you outline a plan of action to do this and would there be help available to do it correctly
  8. Have just recieved a updated arrears statement from G.E. charges are worse than i thought charges =£4404 additional interest =£740 payments made towards charges =£4003 outstanding =£1557 can i try and claim what ive paid using the FSAs MCOB rules if i can is there an idiots way to start this off
  9. Is it worth pursuing the fact that the full mortgage statement sent with the court papers contains no references to any of the £3000 worth of charges added to my account
  10. As i said ive struggled for years with them always in and out of arrears but i think ive just hit the magic three months..if i try to talk to them they wont take any offer unless it clears the arrears in six months. Is it not possible to put a separate claim in for the charges and use this to get the hearing stayed
  11. I have also noticed that the full account of the mortgage that they sent with the summons does not show any charges atall
  12. Thanks for all the help so will i just put this offer on the defence form and not mention the charges..or will i bring it up on the day the summons cost of £250 will be added as well
  13. Sorry i am back to work now and will be paid on the 22/12 and after doing budget i can manage to up monthly payment to £300 G.E say that this isnt enough
  14. Thanks for quick reply its my house they are trying to take they are my mortgage provider .wife has been ill for five years and cant work,had to take time of work to look after children when she was hospitalised. had mortgage since 2005 but have struggled for last five years dropping in and out of arrears, that is why so many monthly arrears charges have be added
  15. Hi need some help please filling out my defence for up and coming repossession hearing against G.E.Money date is set for 13/01/16 Monthly payment £264 arrears total £842 Hoping I can raise the issue of amount of charges added to account off the top of my head approx £3000 Interest is also charged on top and statement says I have paid £1000 towards these charges By the time it gets to court I would have made Decembers payment and brought arrears down to approx £700 Any help will be really appriciatted
  16. No i will miss tomorrows payment but will pay £300 on the seventh,this has not gone to court yet but default date was 14/03/15 and account had to be clear by the 28/03/15. as i say if hearing was around about a fortnights time i am hoping to clear it by the court date but then hit G.Es reprasentative with the amount of charges on the court date and see the judge with the account clear but bring the charges up when there solicitor is in front of the judge
  17. Hi would appreciatte some help with my imminant repossession hearing. Background is have mortgage with G.E Money monthly payment £265 current arrears £440 but monthly payment due on tomorrow so will be £685. had default letter two weeks ago saying account balance of £740 must be cleared by 28/03/15 i managed to pay £300 last week. Reason for arrears is wife is sick and has been for over 2 years..I antisipate court date within next fortnight but hopefully i will go to court with account up to date and it will be thrown out (this has happened before) But this time i would like to counter claim G.E about all of the late payment charges applied to my account £40 monthly plus interest which over the years in total are £3000. of which through my increased monthly payments my statement shows i have paid £1000 towards these. so my first question is will i nbe able to challenge these at the repossession hearing and also will there be any help available in filling out my defense..any help will be appreciatted.
  18. Any body know the tax credits answer
  19. Shaking at moment Payment due tomorrow 500 pounds Tax credits and esa due tomorrow Would be ok but i renewed three weeks ago and have not recieved new award yet which will be lower Can they reduce it without written notice Also if i get nothing and miss payment is that the end Have my appointment wth shelter tomorrow hope tbis goes well
  20. As i said ellen ive struggled for years managed to get it back then lost it again Difference now is ive sorted my unsercured with payplan but owed relations there now sorted My mortgage is with g.e.money I no ican make the 500 each month but i dont want the suspended order Incase the wife gets iller and i have to loose work that means they can take it straight away Im hoping i can convince shelter to argue the fees Has there been any body thats managed that especially that i have statements of the payments ive made towards these
  21. Thanks for your reply ellen The mortgage company put me in touch with payplan and i now have a dpm which saves me 500 per month Troubke is my incomes dropped from tax credits due to daughters age I have help coming with interview at shelter on tuesday Hearing is set for 10/08 What im asking is should they ket me go interest only while i clear arrears Should the money ive paid towards charges be deducted from arrears and added to back of mortgage Mortgage is twenty years with fourteen left Have always struggked due to wifes illness Had lots of charges which i compained about they refunded 960 pounds from round about 3000 But they took this straight from amount owed not arrears My statement shows ive paid 965 pounds towards these charges Can i argue this They offered me interest only over the phone approx two years ago but i refused as arrears was only 400 pounds now when i asked they said they dont do this anymore Ive an arangement with them to pay 500 per month of which 73 will be towards arrears They say they will only askf for suspended order But i dont want this and want to argue on the arrears fees and what ive paid is this possible Or will the judge just apply the suspended order on that arrangment
  22. Hi can some one help with some questions for up and coming repossessiin hearing Can they refuse me a payment holiday so i can catch up Can they refuse me short term interest only so i can catch up Can they refuse to recapitalise Also ive paid 965 pounds towards my arrears charges of nearly 3000 can i argue that money should go towqrds my arrears Also how will the judge see thise questions Any help gratefully recieved
  23. hi ive been to court in simular circustances judge will always suspend possession order as long as you can make contractual payment plus amount as small as it is towards the arrears also ring HMCR and ask if they can look at your claim again using this years figures not last years due to your change in circumstances
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