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The Prophecy

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Everything posted by The Prophecy

  1. We never received any letters stating they where changing, only once they had changed we got a letter. So we had no prior knowledge of it happening.
  2. So do I just have to leave it?? The debt is from at least 5 years ago,no we have lived in our house for 20+ years so haven't moved.
  3. Have done that there's 3 Pepper UK = mortgage Arrow global accounts management Ltd =loan Arrow global accounts management Ltd =loan Surprised me that none of them where showing ge money.
  4. They did constantly ring,where do I go to look at the land registry?? And do I have to pay to view it.
  5. In mine and my wife's names, think it was a mutual clothing account from years ago but not sure. So do I sign it or contest it???
  6. Restriction No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge, registered before the entry of this restriction. Is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to Cabot financial. The notice requires you to object to the application or consent to it. Before 17th March 12 noon. It's ten pages long so just copied what looks like important bit.
  7. had a letter come today, it says notice to a registered proprietor of an application to register a restriction against the land, disposition was given to Cabot financial. Either sign consent or object against it. What does this mean in simple terms and what should I do sign or object. Any help appreciated.
  8. the reason it's a bit muddled is that for 18 months I was fighting a esa appeal which had caused some of the loans to get behind. can you elaborate on why arrow can't do this .the figure of £225 is what they said we needed to pay for them to not do anything further.
  9. OK bit more detail sorry one was for £6000 and the other £7000 should of been approximately £105 and £115 for the 2 loans. Which is why I assumed the £225 was covering both and heard nothing different to say otherwise from ge money.
  10. We had our mortgage and 2 secured loans with ge money. out of the blue about 6 months ago get a letter stating they had sold our mortgage on to engage credit, had no prior warning of this happening. 3 months ago get another letter telling us our 2 secured loans had been sold on to arrow global. Now when the loans were with ge money was paying £225 a month and believed this to be covering both the loans. Never received a letter at any point stating we was behind with 1 of them, now arrow global are telling us that the £225 we were paying was only being paid on 1 of them, and the one that wasn't being paid only has 11 months left to run and only way to stop eviction process is to pay £980 a month for the rest of the term, which we can not afford, they are not prepared to stop the process for re-posession. Any help would be greatly appreciated,thank you.
  11. As far as I'm aware we caught up on what we owed,and I'm sure this is for this year.
  12. Hi, just after a bit of advice please, have got Jacobs on our back regarding council tax. We where originally had an agreement with the council of paying £100 a month, but we couldn't make the payment one month and they cancelled the agreement and sent it to court. To cut a long story short, our daughter moved away with her husband who is a royal marine, she lives down south approx 300 mile round trip. I lost my mum in September of last year which none of us expected and I already have ankylosing spondylitis, I also ended up also having a stroke in October. So I know I can go down the vunrebale way if need be to hold them off. We also became grandparents, our daughter having our first grandchild . When I was in hospital I was also diagnosed with depression, and after my daughter having her son she was eventually diagnosed with depression also, her grandma was a big part in her life. With her husband being in the armed forces he is away quite a lot ,so we have ended up having to go down quite a bit, when we really couldn't afford too, but needed to check she was doing ok. This resulted in us having to use money for fuel we really didn't have. Which is why we missed 2 repayments on our council tax and them taking us to court. Looking for some help / advise please on how to go about getting Jacobs off our back. Any help advise appreciated.
  13. Thought it's too good to be true,rang today and now they reckon there's some abnormality on my claim,omg I thought I would be starting to feel better about all this but,seems like there's still he'll to go through,told me someone would ring me back within 3 hours,to then receive a phone call within that time saying the system had crashed and I have to ring them again tomorrow. Annoyed and frustrated!!!
  14. Thank you for the reply was on enbrel for 6 and a half years,then it seemed to stop working,so have currently been on simponi for the last 18 months. Sally @ nass was great in helping me and doing a supporting letter for my appeal,not only did she tell them about my medication and the fact you are not put on the anti tnf medication lightly. She also explained other parts of the disease such as the constriction i feel in my chest,iritis,fatigue,the arthiritis in my hands,to name just a couple. And also your day to day living with AS, as everybody like you say are completely different. Liverbird37 I would also recommend if you have Facebook joining the UK AS group,and the international one,if you havent already,there's a lot of us with great knowledge and support for any questions you may have. Hopefully this will help you if you run in to any problems.
  15. I have had my disease for 20 years it's nothing new,have had 2 lots of spinal surgery from disks out to bone graphs being put in my spine,I hear what your saying about atos inaccuracies not being just a factor for the decision to be changed,but if you read my last post you will see,what has happened in the last couple of hours.
  16. My atos examination stated I was unfit for work for 18 months,and in that time I receive a letter stating that because of being on ESA contribution based I am only given it for 365 days. So that's partly why it stopped. Citizens advice was a joke told me they weren't interested in supporting me as I only passed the atos examination by 2 points and it was too risky for them to support my case as they thought I didn't have much chance. The lady that just rang me mentioned a couple of points that was in the atos paper asking if I would consent to a physical examination which I said of course, they wrote I walked 16 metres to the examination room with some difficulty,when the examination room was literally a metre from where we where if that. She also stated that my supporting letter from National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society had played a factor in changing her decision. So I would advise anyone if there is a medical association for whatever is wrong with you contact them and ask for support with your appeal.
  17. Spooky just had phone call from appeals officer,reversing my appeal so no need to attend court,but she couldn't tell me how much I am entitled to back as not her department,have been placed back in the support group. Was crying by the end of conversation it has been such a weight on my shoulders. If anyone can answer any of my above questions though would still be helpful,I just can't believe it nothing ever usually happens like this to me.
  18. Hi all been a while since I needed some guidance,Tbh think this appeal process has made me very withdrawn in myself,and borderline depression,anyway here goes. Had my ESA stopped over 18 months ago,finally got a court date for the later part of next week, If i win will they owe me the whole 18 months?? How long will it take to receive this?? Is there a number to ring to chase them up other than the regular ESA number. This whole process has put us in so much of a financial bind it's scary,we would of lost our home by now if it wasn't for my parents paying our mortgage,so obviously curious over the money so hopefully I can pay them back. Will add that I'm fairly confident I will win as have picked out so many lies in atos examination paperwork,and health wise my disease is still progressing despite being on expensive injections and other medication. Any help/info appreciated thank you.
  19. Thanks for the reply's I wondered why I hadn't been told of the income related esa,and the last reply has cleared up the reason why. As you can imagine its not only mortgage payments and other things were struggling with,I'm just hoping that if it comes to worst case scenario judges will be compassionate to our situation or I don't know what we will do. I receive a low component dla at this point in time and with this new change to pip coming in I can only hope that nothing is lost from that. Hopefully there may be something left people can advise me to do as I seem to be running out of options. Once again thanks for people replying back to me I really appreciate any advice and thank you for taking your time to reply.
  20. It has stopped as I have come to the end of being on it for 365 days,which when it was changed from incapacity benefit to esa the nice people at the job centre didn't tell me and also a lot of other people that it would cease after a year. Feel very let down and I am starting to worry if we will be able to continue meeting mortgage payments/and secured loans which in turn isn't helping with my health either.
  21. To cut a long story short,I have been on long term sick for nearly 12 years,found out just before Xmas that my esa would be stopped first week in January,and not a lot I could do about it. Have got cab advice and I am appealing against the decision,which I know can be a lengthy process,the thing is we are down £500 a month income from my esa ceasing and obviously still have bills/mortgage to pay but don't seem to get any help as to if or what I can claim while I wait for decision. I can't understand the fact that we can be down by £500 and nobody willing to help us,my wife works part time approx 24 hours. Cab woman said we should be entitled to £7 a month off our council tax which isn't exactly helping,tax credits have said we are getting the most we can,don't know which way to turn at all. My mum and dad have paid the mortgage for us last 2 months but they can't keep affording to do that either. Really could do with some help we are a family of 5 me my wife and 3 children my oldest daughter works part time,my son is still in education mechanics course college,and youngest is still at secondary school. Have used the forums before and just hoping someone out there can advise many thanks.
  22. What happened was the dwp dropped our child tax credits by £170 a month,we where paying the council £150 a month,i did inform them of what had happened and there reply was well if it is not kept to the agreement then they will cancel the agreement and go back through a bailiff company to reclaim the rest,to be honest they didnt want to know it was basically tuff luck.We where already struggling on what we was paying as things where,without having a loss of income,i can appreciate what your saying,but all this again is not helping my health condition at all,i am already struggling with my Ankylosing Spondylitis,but i am also having trouble with high blood pressure and this is not helping.
  23. Hi there its been a while since i had to post anything,last time i was having trouble with rossendales over councilt tax,which we succesfully got sent back to the council and was dealing with that way until our child tax credits changed and left us short,quite a lot short of money,therefore hasnt been paid for the last 3 months,which in turn the council have got funny and returned it back to a bailiff company. When jacobs called this week i tried to make a reasonable offer of £50 a month which in turn he has turned round and said there is no way they will accept that as they have only 4 months to collect the debt which is £790.So in turn i have told him i will go down the same route as i did before and tell them i am classed as a vunerable person and try and get it returned back to the council.Can i try and do this again as i done it this way before with rossendales,or is there any reason or rule that stops me from going down this route again. Would be happy for some thoughts on this from the people in the know on here,heres hoping somebody can advise thank you. Here is the link to my previous post if people need to read more before commenting on this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?285772-Rossendales-Visit-Today-For-Council-Tax-Arrears&p=3275504#post3275504
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