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  1. with regard to notice the tenancy agreement says this "To give one calender month notice in writing, and such notice not be given at anytime before the final month of the agreement period" by the way, can you tell me why you are agreeing with the landlord? this is the first ( and hopefully last) time i have had this problem
  2. Hi, just wondering if anyone can help? we are currently 9 months into a 12 month lease on our flat. the exact wording with regard to the term of rental is "one year but can break after 6 months (terminal)". Our landlord is saying that we can only break lease early if we or the letting agent can find new tennants before the 12 months. we thought we could break the lease at anytime after 6 months provided we gave sufficient notice. who is right? us or the landlord? advise please
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