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  1. Many thanks for your help. One last thing, should I do a SAR to the supplier to get the account details to validate the discrepency in amount or just submit the set aside request?
  2. Unfortunately I do not have the corresponding paperwork for the solictor. However I would have thought it was for a final bill as that is the correct amount.
  3. One hopefully is easier as it is for the wrong amount, by about £80. The solicitors one I was hoping to dispute as I did not receive the paperwork and they know it because they rang me at a my mother's house where I had temporarily moved to while me and the Mrs split up for a few months (stress of the whole situation!). Yet they served it to my home address when they knew I did not live there at the time.
  4. Thanks for that. I do have reasonable arguement for set aside as neither company had a credit agreement with me and as such I was incapable of defaulting. I accept I owe them the money for which I am willing to pay. I guess if they can't set it aside on my behalf I will have to go through the courts. Thanks
  5. Ok can I put this another way? What is the likelihood of the companies I owe money to agreeing to remove the CCJ if I offer to make payment in full? And is this possible?
  6. Ok this is a brief history of my last 4 years so you can see where I am coming from. My business collapsed in late 2007 leaving me in all sorts of financial problems. The problems compounded themselves with my stupid decisions to take out more finance etc. Well having struggled through all manner of things including using the dreaded Log book loan companies and losing my car and payday (read crazy interest) loans I am happy to say I have now reached the position where I have paid all my debts in full apart from 2. I was so stressed by various things at the time that I didn't respond to lots of letters, in fact I didn't even open them. I was aware of my debts existance but not how far things were going. One of my outstanding debts was with a solicitor I used to wind up the business but then could not settle his bill in full and the other was from a supplier. Both of these companies applied for ccj's and of course, as I did not even open any letters, they won. I have not been in contact with them at all but I have now saved up enough to pay them both off in full, which was always my ultimate intention. I would like advice as to what to do next. Should I contact them and ask if they will agree to have the ccj's set aside in return for full payment? They are both 2 and a half years old now so they probably think they will never get paid. Or should I apply to the court to have them set aside? Then if successful I could pay in full and they would be removed? The main reason for this is that I would have been out of debt a lot sooner had I not had them on my credit file. My mortgage broker tells me I am paying nearly £200 per month more than I would have done if I had no CCJ's. My only other blemish on my file is a stupid default from O2 for failure to cancel a contract in time but that was 4 years ago and satisfied so not too bad. Any advice would be most welcome. I must reiterate I have not shirked any of my responsibilities for any debts and have worked bloomin hard to get back into the black. I just want to draw a line under the whole sorry period in my life and move on without being beaten with the bad credit stick for another 3 and a half years.
  7. Hi all I hope someone can give me advice on this as I've trawled the other threads and can't find the answer. Basically the story is this: I had a Ltd company which took a lease on a premises, however I wound that company up "a franchise" and tried to go as a sole trader in my own name to rescue some of my losses. After 9 months I admitted defeat and closed the business. Now the tenancy for the premises was to my Ltd company and the non domestic rates were too. Upon changing from a ltd company to a sole trader the council changed my addressee for my non domestic rates to me. As I was in arrears with my rent my landlord unlawfully locked me out of the premises a week after I stopped trading thus, as I understand it, negating my obligations as a tennant. From what I can understand, I am liable as a sole trader for the non domestic rates regardless of the lease being under a ltd company name. I had paid in advance any way so am only liable for 4 months as I see it from my last payment to the point the landlord took possession. However the council are trying to bill me for 8 months even though the landlord was using the premises for 3 of those and had possession for 4 of those months. During the same period, as often happens in debt, Me and my partner split up with me moving out of her house. I have no fixed abode at present so can not notify anybody as such. The council have gone through the courts and passed the debt onto Bristow & Sutor Bailiffs for collection. I was unaware of any of this as my ex partner did not tell me. She contacted me a few weeks ago after their last visit, and I contacted the council, outlining that I was not willfully refusing to pay, but wanted clarification of my liabilty and the correct amount. My partner has now told Bristow & Sutor on many occasions that I no longer live there and has given up answering the door. They have tried all the doors, tried keys in locks, tried forcing the garage doors open, knocked on neighbours doors asking them questions and telling them they are bailliffs looking for me, shouted out from the street, rummaged through the bins and many other things. Bristow & Sutor have today put a "Notice of Intention to Force Entry" through her letterbox. Apparently they did a walking possession on her car and a knackered old lawnmower down the side of the house but have at no time been allowed entry to the property. She obviously can prove the ownership of the car but they can have the lawnmower!! Are they allowed to force entry in these circumstance? And are they allowed to keep pursuing the debt when it is under dispute? Are they allowed to keep revisiting a property to which I no longer reside? The latter part would not be a problem but my daughter lives there too and it is quite distressing for a 3 year old to have men banging on all the doors and windows.
  8. I hope someone can help me. I took out a loan with mobile money over 6 months. Unfortunately on the 6th month I couldn't afford to pay the balance and as such had their representatives wait outside my house to take the car away. I obviously did not return home as tipped off by my neighbours. They say they have reported the car stolen to the police and I will be arrested if seen driving the car and have to give it to them immediately. Can they do this?
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