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  1. He has to appear in court for not making any payments on a loan he had taken out on the house last septemeber im not sure who this was with.(or so he says i will be looking at the ccj tonight) they have threatened repossession with court documents Im not sure how many months in arrears he is (again should find out later) the mortgage company is Mortgages PLC He will not be able to afford to pay all bills and his mortgage payment going forward due to CSA. I have been helping him to try and pay bills but get nothing in return but dissapointment thanks and sorry i dont have all the exact answers
  2. Hello, i am really seeking advice from anyone who can help me. I am writing in reference to my brother who owns a house and the mortgage is soley in his name, we found out that he has been getting himself into debt and not been paying things off, he has missed numerous mortgage payments and loan payments and has now received a CCJ and has to appear in court next week. They have also threatened reposession and i really dont know what i can do to help him, if there was some way of transfering ownership of the property it wouldnt be so bad but i can not afford to take on 2 mortgages is there anything at all i can do to stop them reposessing? thank you all
  3. well got my six years worth of statements through the post what do i do now? i have run through them quickly and totalled all CQ/ DD / Overdraft Intrest charge the lot and got a total of just over £2500.00 ALONE I WAS LIKE Please can someone help me with what to do next which spreadsheet do you use for totalling up and do i send this direct to the bank thanks all
  4. once i receive the statements (if i ever do) what do i need to do for the next step please?
  5. UPDATE ... nearly 2 months has passed and no statements received when i called the customers service helpdesk all i got was there is nothing on file to say you requested theses... oh i could have gone nuts anyway letter at the ready for requesting nearly 7 years worth of statements, do i just highlight all the charges incurred then send them back (well photocopy them first?) thanks
  6. thanks really apreciate the feed back
  7. new information just spoke to natwest head office in reference to how i request statements going back to my account opening she was kind enough she said she will sort out the last 7 years statement and post them out to me for free so thats a bonus all i will then have to do is highlight all charges and intrest charges and send them back is this correct? thanks
  8. Hello all i am desperately seeking advice i have been banking now with Natwest for over 7 years using a current account alone in the last 3 MONTHS i have received nearly £250.00 in charges alone and they wanted to charge me a further £28.00 at the end of the month all because of a redirected direct debit. I know for a fact that Natwest have had hundreds out of me over the years and come on, people make mistakes and get into trouble now and then which i have suffered over the past couple of months which many people have but all Natwest do is kick you while your down and have no sympathy whatsoever i printed off the letter from This Money requesting the last 6 years charges etc details is this the right way to start? thank you all
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