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  1. Hi, Unfortunately my father died a couple of weeks ago. I took a lot of the paperwork from my mum to sort out at this difficult time for her, and one of the things I did was cancel my dad's car insurance policy. The car insurance was paid monthly and was up to date on the payments. However my mum has now received a letter asking for £91 to be paid on the car insurance, in outstanding fees and cancellation charge. Given that the policy was £330 a year and had four months left, this seems excessive, particularly given the circumstances. I know that a lot of policies do have a "cancellation" charge written into them, but from my point of view this isn't a cancellation it is a termination. It is also very much the opposite of choosing to cancel the policy. This seems heavy handed on the part of the insurance company (RBS Finsure) - particularly that given they are aware of the circumstances they send out a letter asking for immediate payment or further action will be taken, without prior request or mention of any possible additional charges when I originally cancelled the policy. Is this charge fair? Is there any point arguing? To be honest I do just feel like paying it and forgetting about it, but the tone and timing of the letter annoyed me so much that on the other hand I really don't want to give them any more money right at the moment.
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