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  1. Thanks for information of the PDF above. However I am very disappointed according to the Page 6, since it says: Your claim for compensation may not succeed if the deposit has already been protected or repaid before the case is heard in court – even if it was not protected when you issued your claim. This is because the court can order repayment or protection, and then if it makes such an order it must also order compensation. The legislation does not provide for the court to make a compensation order if the deposit has already been refunded or protected. After my claiming, eventually the deposit was fully repaid. My current status is before the hearing stage, hence it seems to be better to give up the x3 fine and forget my claiming costs, £100+25. Are there any chance to get reimbursed the court fee because of they payed the amount? It sounds really not fair as if a shoplifter put the item back and further no punishment!! They can repay the deposit back after receiving the N1.
  2. Thanks for everyone. I have processed my claim on Housing Act 2004 and eventually the landlord returned the deposit; however, I am going to continune my claim to order a fine 3x amout of the deposit, which is less than 5000. thanks again
  3. Thanks everyone, I hope my claim will be allocated in the small claims track, since the claim is 5080....
  4. Many Thanks, the link only shows the cost for the court. My concern is other hidden costs from the defendant(s) if you lose: 3) their legal costs for expensive solicitors--- (capped at 260??) 4) up to 50 pounds for loss per day each; and 5) and travel/accommodation expenses. If I was not exposed to the other sides legal costs, as Lura answered, I would continue my fight.
  5. Cannot be easier. I finally made phone call to the all three scheme and found none of them has kept my deposit. You will be asked your name and address.
  6. Hi Grid66, I am interested in what was the judgement on your claim, since there is few case information on the Scheme issue. If anybody knew such cases, please let me know through the forums. I submit my claim recently, but they eventually repay full of the deposit. Still thinking whether I should continue the claim or not, because of the jeopardy for their legal costs, when I lost...... My case would be important because if they paid full refund during the 2 weeks, we would not claim the deposit itself but only for the 3 times fine. This claim would be no longer the primary purpose of the schemes for securing tenancy deposit..... Also another possibility is all the ex-tenant who recently finish the tenancy brings claim, because of the 14 weeks rule, which will be a nightmare for landlords who did not realize the scheme in this Spring.
  7. Hi, I just wonder how much could be cost after I bring my claim to Small Court. Cannot decide if I should go further or not. Particularly, my concern is the defender's legal cost, since most our defenders are big companies and banks, which equip strong solicitor teams. Most book or leaflets do not clearly state, even in the HMCS EX307 "the Small claims track", when the claimant DO NOT win, but only do in the case he/she win. I thought, you have to pay: 1) the court fee up to 108 pounds for initial stage; 2) for the hearing process, and 35 pounds for allocation fee and Hearing fee up to 300 Pounds, which are not paid from the defendant even in the case he/she win; 3) No fee for solicitors but legal advice up to 260 pounds in some case; 4) up to 50 pounds for loss per day each; and 5) and travel/accommodation expenses. If the claimant lost, he/she not only cannot get the paid money back but also has to pay 3)-5) in the other way around,: 3) their legal costs --- (capped at 260??) 4) up to 50 pounds for loss per day each; and 5) and travel/accommodation expenses. I asked to the court service, CAB or other help line, but cannot obtain clear answer or just advised to have a legal boX! I really appreciate if you could let me know the answer with reference, website, or resource, whether defender's legal cost are capped --- if unfortunately lost to estimate risk/benefit balance. tgk
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