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  1. Dual carriageways can carry all sorts of speed limits. When I hit the A1 going down through Bedfordshire the speeds change so often you can lose track if not a regular traveller. They range from 30 40 50 60 and 70 shooting down to 50 again.
  2. My uncle had an issue where he parked in a BB holders space only, he knocked it off the dash when he got out and didn't realise. He came back to his car and had a ticket. I submitted a challenge online with a picture of his BB which was valid at the time and got the ticket cancelled. Your badge was not valid, it could of been revoked and you no longer need one for all the CEO knows.
  3. Hachi

    failure to insure

    Sadly a car must be taxed and insured, if neither of these are in place then you must declare a SORN on it. Pay the fine and move on, there really isn't a lot you can do.
  4. I can stay there if I want, or I can use just the address for a care of and stay with someone else, there are two places I can stay but would rather use my cousins house for the care of. Thanks
  5. Hi, I need to seperate my joint claim from my partner, everything in the house it currently claimed from my jaw claim. I need to move out but have no where to go to, my cousin said I can use her address and maybe do it via a care of address, they are already getting benefits but I only need somewhere for a few months while me and my partner sort out our differences, I'm still very close to where I was originally claiming. Thanks
  6. Hachi

    Payment refund

    Hi, not sure if this is the right forum but the problem is this. My mother today went out to a shop and bought something for £7.80p but instead charged her £78 (paid by Visa Debit card) She didn't realise this until she got home and checked her bank account to see a large amount of her money gone. She rang the bank and sure enough she had been charged £78, she also has a hand written receipt which shows £7.80 But my query is in the unlikely (I hope) case that they won't give the money back is there anything she can do, this is a large amount of ther christmas money and is quite upset and worried at the moment. She tried ringing but they are closed now until tomorrow but want to see if there is anything I can say to her to ease her mind a bit in the meantime. I'm hoping they will be kind enough to give the money back but I'm very concerned for her if they don't. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks.
  7. A late responde I know, I've just had someone from Power2Contact comr around my house asking all sorts of questions about where I am and all my ocntact and phone numbers, luckily it wasn't me who answered the door so they didn't get anywhere. They also got this other pesons phone number and have rung and left messages on it (it was on the door for people to ring who make deliveries) so now this phone has been run, my phone has been rung and the house lan line has been rung all this morning and just can't get rid of these stupid people harrassing. All i want to know is why the company they are here on behalf of stopped cashing my cheques and don't answer my mails. Edit: I had someone ring the company involved (DLC) and the only way they would give me bank details is if I ring them up. When asked why they stopped cashing cheques no answer was given, and they said they don't respond to emails or letters asking for bank details to make payment.
  8. It's for a Barclaycard, I have no problem with paying what was agreed, it's just they don't want to know, and as I said they stopped cashing my cheques and just carried on the usual harrassement lark.
  9. I had a letter off these lot this morning titled Notice of Pre-Legal Assessment Visit all the usual huff about coming to my house ect ect They are working on behalf of Credit Solutions LTD (on behalf of Barclays), who I had an arrangement with to pay monthly. I was doing so by cheque and everything was fine. I decided I'd rather pay by standing order, so I contacted them asking for their bank details (which they never responded back to) I was still paying by cheque which they suddenly stopped cashing, all I've had is phone calls non-stop saying they have a "special offer" for me please contact by phone all the usual. I'm at a loss as to who to contact next and what to write, it's like they suddenly didn't want my payments and decided to just carry on like I've not been paying. Any suggestions? TIA.
  10. Thanks for the replies, 42man, that's the one I previously sent to Fredrickson, they replied back that they will contact their client, and never heard anything again. I have got agreements with the few that actually provided a CCA, but the thing that annoys me is even though I make all my payments each month they still insist on sending me letters telling me I havn't paid. I know for a fact it can take them weeks to process letters and payments sent (one person in a phonecall ages ago said sometimes take weeks sometimes before they even open letters sent) but just send out letters anyway without checking.
  11. Mint are very determined, They first got Allied Internation Credit last year to try and get the money out of me, I sent them a CCA in January and never got one back, then they tried again with Fredrickson International, I sent them a letter saying that Mint never proved me with my CCA, and now today I have had another company, Apex Credit Management trying again on behalf of Mint. It has the usual we have been instructed to initate formal procedings to recover the debt, people may call around to my house to establish my property and reason for non payment, this is your final chance ect ect. Shall I just send these people the same letter I originally sent Fredrickson, that no CCA has been provided? Thanks
  12. Just as I get my financial problems sorted, DWP start playing silly buggers. I got sent to a independent Doctor last week for a Personal Capability Assessment with the benefits people said I had to go on, I got the result back the other day and it had said I have failed, but looking at the results it seems everything me and my own GP have stated has been ignored. I rung up today and my options are to appeal (which I will) go on JSA or take Income Support at a reduced rate (20% which is about £50 a month less) How would I go about getting the reduced rate?, the woman on the phone said to go on JSA while I appeal, but the way I am I can't be dealing with all the hassle, paperwork and miserable faces on the Job Centre (and the traveling) Also does anyone know how successful appealing is, I think I have a pretty good case as the letter says there is nothing wrong with me, completing ignoring my GPs medical certicate saying I'm not fit for work. I have to go to hospital next week for an x-ray and blood tests, and this is the last thing thing I needed, the independent doctor just didn't seem to want to know anything I told him about what was actually wrong, and not just his stupid "can I wipe my own backside (he really asked that) questions. thanks for any advice or comments.
  13. Should I make the same offers I made to Barclays? CCA them again, or just tell them to take me to court, they just don't want to play ball.
  14. Anyone know what I should try next?
  15. Hi all, trouble at mill again, Today I recieved a letter from Credit Solutions Limited (on behalf of Barclays) demanding full payment, for the last god knows how many months I have been trying to come to an arrangement with Barclays, I've sent numerous offers of payment and asked them to stop interest which have all been refused. They have still been sending me card statements with all the interest they have added on (the interest makes up about 45% of the debt) They say payment must be made in the next 7 days or the usual doorstep collection/court action will commence. I'm really at a loss as to what to do, everyone else has aggreed repayments and have had no hassle from anyone, but Barclays just point blank refuse to accept anything I offer, they seem to think they are an exception to everyone else. Any ideas as to what I can do. thanks.
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