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Everything posted by lachie8

  1. Hi Shadow, Through my name but company paid for it, do not remember seeing T & C's it was so long ago, I will ask them for a copy of same with SAR. It appears though that I can do nothing with them if not covered by CCA so back to the drawing board as what to do with them. Run possibly!! Lachie
  2. Thanks People, I will get information and let you know how things go. Lachie p.s. Sorry fagain for the confusion,my head is stuck where the sun does not shine right now!!
  3. Shadow, Chargecard,I had to clear balance in full each month. Does this make a major difference do you happen to know? I think in my panic I have led everyone to believe this was a creditcard and must APOLOGISE for mis-leading those kind enough to try and help me earlier. Lachie
  4. Me too!! I need to get to the bottom of this asap,thanks for the link by the way,for some reason or another I could not access site. Lachie
  5. Hi postggj, The card I had was the green one, I was informed by the solicitors today that in my agreement that it states that interest is charged at 48% for defaulted cards,their words not mine. I will get the SAR off tomorrow and then see where I go from there,but it appears there is nothing I can do at the moment about these interest payments at present.Other than to throw myself at their mercy!! Ha! Ha! Lachie
  6. Hi Alphageek, Not moved in 17 years,must be real popular with them for some reason. I am a muppet when trying to negotiate this site today,trying to find template letters,any clues? Lachie
  7. Hi Monty, They first actually wrote to me on 21st July,2009 advising they had been instructed by AMEX to collect outstanding sum of £5167.94, I then contacted them and agreed to pay £100 per month unaware that they were still charging interest on this sum which is now £6k+!!! That is all I have had from them other than a letter confirming that AMEX would not freeze the interest on the account,after I had written requesting them to do so. Will send off SAR tonight as suggested,thanks so much for your help. Is this normal for AMEX to act this way from your experience? Surely,got to be a law against this arrogance? Lachie
  8. Hi Monty, Thanks for your reply. I have not been through any DCA'S,AMEX put me straight to these Solicitors. My account was opened in August 2006 as I replaced a previous account,unfortunately I have no paperwork whatsoever in relation to agreements,APR etc. In short,I have been a bit 'thick' with this debt and the others and really do not know how to fight back now. Debt was passed to BTO in September 2009 and I have been paying them £100 a month,what a waste of money this has been. If you could give me any pointers,it would be most appreciated,as I am trying to learn how this great site works as the advice I have gleened so far has been invaluable. rEGARDS, lACHIE
  9. Where do I begin other than to say that I lost my business last year and could not afford to pay my credit cards on time resulting all being handed to various collection agencies. So far, I have came to agreements with everyone except AMEX to have interest frozen and paying a sum of money to each to reduce the outstanding balances as I get on my feet again. However, today I received a call from Brechin Tindall Oatts solicitors in Glasgow advising that I now owe them £6500 on an original debt of £5100!! and that AMEX are charging me interest at 48%!!! I have asked that the interest is frozen but the stock answer is no go,and so I find myself wondering whether I can do anything to challenge this answer or do I go to Citizens Advice for help or someone. If anyone has any suggestions I would be most grateful to hear.
  10. Sorry,new to this ,solicitor seemingly has raised actions before and won compensation from likes of Firstplus,Black Horse etc. Any comments would be appreciated.
  11. New to site,I have a few clients who are experiencing problems with PPI and have referred them to a solicitor contact in Wolverhampton who deals with cases such as these.Does anyone have any experience of legal actions so far?
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