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Everything posted by findingmy_s

  1. Is it usual that not all of the debts appear on the £2 statutory credit report from experian?
  2. We have just received the £2 credit report from Experian. One of the HFO debts doesnt appear on there? I will post up the CCA's tomorrow.
  3. I will requesr statutory credit report by post this week. DonkeyB - I did get the agreement copies through the CCA request.
  4. Hi Bandit, My dad wants to pay what he owes - but would be happy to challenge any unfair additional interest that HFO have added. He has managed to pay off 4 similar debts with other companies that have worked with him to agree a fair payment plan. Lloyds for example froze the interest at the point of the payment plan commencing on the agrrement that they would receive an agreed amount per month until the debt was paid in full.
  5. We have the original CCA for both debts from when we first found out that HFO had bought these debts in 2007. What should I do with these? On one of them the small print isnt really legible. I just tried the CRA noddle but my dad doesnt have any cards anymore so not sure how to get the report as cannot complete the verify your ID step? Note they dont contact my dad in anyway since setting up the payment plan, no letters, no calls, no statements.
  6. Hi, I am looking for advice on behalf of my dad on how to deal with 2 debts that were bought by HFO services. This has been ongoing for some time and my dad has managed to pay of all of his other debts via payments plans etc and now only these two are left. The difficulty is that since setting up a payment plan with them he never receives any communication from them - no statements etc so he has no idea what the balance is or how much interest they have applied etc. After a lot of harrassment over the phone which led to changing phone numbers etc and sending lots of letters asking them to only communicate in writing a payment plan for each loan was set up. The original debts were for Morgan Stanley/Goldfish) and (Monument). These debts were bought in 2007. The first payment plan was set up in Dec 2008 but had to be changed as the direct debit kept on being taken out on different days and my dad gets paid weekly so sometimes the payments bounced (which led to another phonecall and letter and another charge). The last statement received for each was in Feb 2010 which was when the 2nd payment plan was set up where the monthly payment would be taken by standing order. According to this payment plans the final payments should be taken on 20/03/14. Ideally we want to find out the balance of the debts today and how much interest has been applied, check that it is correct and then pay these debts off in full. Please can anyone advise on how best to proceed?
  7. Is anyone able to tell me if the document I have posted earlier (HFO Monument CCA.pdf) is a CCA as it says it is a credit application and does not state the APR terms etc?
  8. Many thanks for all of the great advice received so far! Please see attached the two documents we received in response to the CCA requests. Are these the correct documents we should have received? HFO Morgan Stanley CCA.pdf HFO Monument CCA v2.pdf
  9. Hello, My father has two debts which have been sold to HFO Services. When the debts were first passed to HFO they contstantly rang him at all hours of the day and even at work. We sent them the harassment letter that we found on this fourm and the calls stopped. We then requested the CCA for each of the debts. We received these however one of them was photocopy which had been shrunk to less than half of the original size and most of the T&C's are illegible. For the illegible CCA we wrote back to them asking for a copy that was readable. For the other other CCA we wrote back asking them to freeze further interest charges, take accept a monthly payment that my father could afford and for themto send a payment book. We sent these letters by recorded delivery every month from notification of the debt September 2007 and have never had written communication back. (The last letter we sent in February). Then last week the phonecalls started again. The caller was from India and said they would not communicate in writing as it takes too long. They also said the only way they could accept payment was via direct debit. They would not tell my dad what the statement of accounts are so we have no idea how much interest charges they have addded to the original debt. Please can anyone advise what my dad should do next? Thanks
  10. I have two debts which have been passed to HFO, one originally with Morgan Stanley and one originally with Monument. Before the Morgan Stanley debt was passed to HFO I owed £3391.00 and HFO say the amount owing is £4200.58 Before the Monument debt was passed to HFO I owed £1043.00 and HFO say the amount owing is £1423.06. I have boththe CCA for these debts. The Morgan Stanley one has been photocopied and shrunk down so the details of the credit charges etc are not readable. The one from Monument is also a photocopy but is full size and readable does not show any information with regards to the terms and conditions of the cards and refers to the enclosed T&Cs. I have 7 creditors and have managed to agree pro-rata payments for 4 of them. I only have to get agreements for the two that are with HFO services and one that is with 1st credit (this is a barclaycard debt and has a very long story behind it as Barclaycard were denying the debt was with 1st credit for sometime and have now admitted that it is with them and they have been pasing my payments made to Barlcaycard to 1st Credit).
  11. Thanks for your quick response! Yes I have requested and received the CCA from them. What is an LBA?
  12. Hello, I recently sent a letter offering monthly pro-rata payments to HFO Service (letter sent on 11th December) but have not had any response from them. I have already sent them a telephone harrasment letter asking them to only communicate with me in writing. However they are still calling (I have not been taking the calls). What should I do next?
  13. We have now had written confirmation from Barclaycard that the debt is owned by 1st Credit.
  14. Hi Spamheed, Thanks for your advice. We have had written clarification that 1st Credit do own the debt. But Barclaycard have been giving my dad the wrong info for 4 months.
  15. My dad is currently going through the procedure of trying to sort all of his debts out and has been largely successful in getting the creditors to accept pro rata monthly payments. All with the exception of two debts passed to HFO Services and one for Barclaycard / 1st Credit. The problem he faces is that Barclaycard have been telling my dad to ignore 1st Credit and that they do not own he debt for the past 4 months. They also told him that they would accept payments of £35 a month and he as been making it. We have now discovered that 1st Credit do in fact own the debt and that Barclaycard have just been passing the payments made to them onto 1st Credit. We think that because my dad has been speaking to Barclaycard only and not !st Credit that they have added £1000 interest to the debt owed. Any advice on what we should do? (My Dad is not a home owner).
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