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  1. It had wheels... (see my post with pic above ^^^^)... But without front suspension the entire front end was resting on those wheels, which werent attached to anything. So I can see their point that it could be considered dangerous as they thought it could fall off the wheels or something (even though it wasnt, it was solid as a rock). But they have their guidelines... Hence re-attaching the front wheels. I checked with the local council's abandoned vehicles policy and it mentioned such things as exterior/interior mould, vegetation under the car, the car being un-driveable, etc... So I made it 'driveable', put all the essential elements of a car in it such as dials, seats etc and swept the leaves out from underneath it... I even left the front wheels at full lock so they could see clearly that they were attached. My argument that 'It is a road legal track car and thus has no interior... just because the engine doesnt work doesn't mean its abandoned. Its not my fault I have to save up to fix the engine... I work hard for low wages with a family to support... yadda yadda blah blah sob sob' seemed to work. And yes, the clock is ticking, work has begun. All the docs run out at the end of May. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell it will be finished by then, but I WILL have found a garage to rent.
  2. Update> I re-attached the front suspension and thus the front wheels, bolted an old seat in the drivers position and balanced a set of dials on the steering column. Then called the council abandoned vehicles officer and asked her to re-appraise the cars status. The next day she came round and looked at it. Got a call 10 minutes later saying the notice had been lifted and it was fine to stay there as it is until the tax etc runs out. Yay me.
  3. well...today I re-fitted the front suspension (so the front wheels are now attached) and put a drivers seat and dials in the interior. When they put the notice on it, my mates identical car was parked next to it, in the same state but with a drivers seat, dials and front suspension... there was no notice on his car. I contacted the 'abandoned vehicles officer' at the council today but they were busy and I havent had a call-back yet. I have taken some pics and they will be developed tomorrow to be attached to the letter I will be sending with photocopies of all my documents, asking why I was targetted for this removal notice and requesting it be removed and my LEGAL car left alone.... I wont let this go without a fight... grrrr
  4. Well... I'm not actually working on it at the moment. I havent had time for a few weeks. Externally it is a complete vehicle so 'sorry state' is a bit of a misleading term. Just a car, parked in a car park... Admittedly it doesnt drive, but thats not the point. Its not dangerous, its not leaking fluids or anything, it just doesnt work and has no interior... That in itself surely doesnt justify it being removed as abandoned?
  5. anybody? I understand that once the insurance, mot and tax expire I will need to find a garage to store the car... but I really could do with some ammo to use when the council get back to me on tuesday in reference to the removal notice. Its taxed, mot'd, insured, secure and safe... albeit immobile, stripped and looking sorry for itself... But surely a legal car that doesnt work is still a legal car?
  6. balls... guess I need to find a garage. But, it is still taxed, mot'd and insured now (and for the next two months) so surely they cant take it away (yet)?
  7. I have a car that is off the road being rebuilt. Its parked in a space in the residents car park for my street, which is never full or even close so its not taking a space that would otherwise be used. It is however council owned land. Its currently got no front suspension and is sat on its wheels with no interior. But it is secure, has all windows intact, no sharp edges, is no danger to anyone and has tax, mot and insurance. Today it had a removal notice put on it... What do I do? I've called the number on the notice and am waiting for a call back (after bank holiday weekend)... Surely they cant take it away if its taxed etc? Fair enough if it had no windows or loads of sharp edges or something, but externally it is a complete car. One of the locals has been using the car park to dump loads of sh** lately which was removed the other day. I was told by a neighbour that the police were sniffing round my car at the time but figured as its all legal they wouldnt do anything... then this happens. So I assume they reported it as dumped (its too much to expect them to use their anpr system to actually check to see who's it is and ask me about it, obviously)... Hopefully the council will get back to me and I'll be able to explain its being rebuilt and that will be the end of it but the chap on the phone today asked about its 'state of repair' and I had to say its in the process of a rebuild. So I'm worried they'll claim its in a state of disrepair and can be removed under the 'clean neighbourhoods and environment act' (mentioned on the removal sticker). Also... Just out of interest... Its insured for the next two months, and taxed until the end of the 5th month. Does it have to be insured to be legal or does it just have to have tax? I was planning on getting a new tax disc before the insurance runs out (as you need ins. to get tax) then letting the insurance and mot expire. I know if its on 'the road' it needs to be insured, but its in a (council owned) residents car park so does the insurance thing still count? Same goes for MOT? If not... I need to find a garage to rent. Or... is there such a thing as off road car insurance? A 0 mile policy or something like that? (which would be a good idea anyway where I live... I wouldnt want one of the local feral children to run across the roof or throw a brick through the window, hurt themselves in the process and then sue me) Thanks in advance, I'm very worried about this as I was planning I rebuild that will take 6 months + but now, thanks to some jobsworth I have this to worry about.
  8. A case of the big man beating the small man down as ever. Its absurd that these companies get away with things like this but they know full well that to actually pursue it is completely out of the grasp of 'the common man' so they can and do act above the law. I'll get the S A R off asap. I've been informed (and can well believe it) that a normal S A R can (and probably will) be doctored by them in their favour so a screenprint one is better? How do I go about getting one of them? A template letter or something I can edit to suit would be ideal as I'm not au-fáit with this sort of thing. If ever enough people decide to stand up and have a shot at bringing them to justice, I'm in like flynn, but on my own I think it would end up a long drawn out waste of time unfortunately.
  9. well.... interesting stuff. But god herself (the wife) has spoken. All 'I' (she) wants is our money back. 'We' (she) doesnt have time to pursue things. As much as the thought of getting some sort of justice served is appealing, the risk of ending up with either; wasted time spent on a court case, or failing in a court case and ending up with costs, its not worth it. So... cases for fraud, harassment etc can jog on How do I go about getting my money back? 'screenprint' Subject Access Request followed by???? Or statutory out of time declarations on all three tickets? Or?......
  10. pm sent. I await your response keenly. And yes, it would be great to know if anyone else who has suffered a similar fate would want it pursuing further. As said, if you can find out what you can, and whether it is worth pursuing further I will gladly offer whatever I can to help and take it further. My only financial interest is reclaiming the unfair charges I have paid, but I would love to see equita up in court being made to answer for their actions.
  11. Well, while I have a good grasp of english, legalese has always been beyond me But from what I can make out, they fall into at least a few of those categories and I will gladly, happily, eagerly do everything I can to prove that they have. I will get digital copies (and photocopies to be sent via royal mail if needed) of all correspondence I have had with them (thank god my girlfriend is organised!) and forward them onto you so you can ascertain the situation. As said in the edit up there ^^^ your pm box is full so I cant send you my email details, but as soon as something is arranged with regards communication out of the public eye I will get on the case and send you as much as I can.
  12. ps, if you want any more information such as copies of the letters I have recieved from them with regards these cases, email me at the address that will be in your pm inbox in a minute or two and I will gladly oblige. I have no scanner so photos are the best I can do, but if things progress I will gladly send you either copies, or the originals if needs be. edit> your pm inbox is full... if its preferable, pm me your email and I will happily correspond that way. Or make some space and I'll send you my details and thoughts on this issue.
  13. Well, as far as I can tell, they think my debt is settled and haven't requested any confirmation from me. So they are 'off my back'. Thus time taken is of no consequence. Take all the time you need (unless I'm mistaken). Having them charged with fraud would make my year, hell it would make my last two years. I will get a subject access request off to them asap. But as they have stated, they have 40 days to respond and I would be willing to bet it will take just about that long. As to what grounds would be best for me... Any! Well... any that is likely to see them 'pay' for their actions, be it financially or any other method such as criminal charges or, and oh how I wish it could be so, such action as losing their ability to act as a bailiff (wishful thinking I know) for one of the governments most active departments, traffic law enforcement, for commiting fraud. But, and its a big one, I am in no financial state to do anything outside of the help available from legal aid. So as much as I would love to pursue things to the highest level and pay to see them pay, I cant afford to pursue anything that will cost me and my family. I dont understand how legal aid works though so if its possible, I have the time, inclination and commitment... just not the money... to pursue this as far as is humanly possible.
  14. yes! For the last two years pretty much I have had equita threatening to come and remove property, and have been paying them every sparepenny I have. The way they word letters (I dont think I have had more than three (one for each case) letters from them that arent 'final demands' or 'removal notices'... yet only once have I actually spoken to one of their bailiffs with regards them paying me a visit), the way they add charges, the way they conduct business is threatening and, in my opinion, tantamount to demanding money by menaces. Not to mention the money they are demanding is unjust and THEY LIE! I recently spoke to a solicitors about this and they werent interested, I qualify for legal aid but they werent interested in doing anything other than a means test. They pretty much laughed me out of the room when I mentioned harassment. With regards compensation, I'm not money hungry, but I would give the world to see them in court admitting they are wrong, and accepting the consequences of their actions. Case law... perhaps a recent case in plymouth of a woman who successfully sued halifax bank for harassment to repay overdue bank charges might help? (thats all the info I have on it, but it was reported in the local press)
  15. your thoughts are much appreciated. I am not happy with this. Yes it has got them off my back. But in no way do I feel that they are acting fairly or, dare I say it, legally. Some background (mainly pertaining to paragraph 3 on page 1). A bailiff has NEVER called at my address. I know this as I am a househusband so am always in during the day. I was NEVER informed of any terms of the repayment schedule. I was NOT notified of a reduction of the debt to conclude the account, nor was I informed of any over payment. (the mythical £57 that oh so conveniently settles my debts). I have on more than one occasion, over the phone, requested a breakdown of the costs and charges they added and been told I cant have one. And so onto the charges on page 3. How does it cost a different amount to 'assign an enforcement bailiff' each time, when no action was ever taken in the form of a bailiff calling. From what I can gather, they cant add charges unless a bailiff calls... so I re-iterate, NO BAILIFF HAS EVER CALLED AT MY ADDRESS. What should I do? The way I see it, they are trying to placate me with a 'your debts are settled, please leave us alone and we will leave you alone' settlement, of sorts. I'm not happy with this, I feel I have paid at least 281.98 in undue and unfair 'bailiff fees' (not including VAT) and I want it back. I'd also love to pursue a harassment case against them for the way they conduct business in a threatening and fraudulent manner, but thats a daydream I guess.....
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