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  1. Hi, £1000 was paid into my bank account back in October and I was unsure where it had come from, I contacted the bank who said they didn't know where it had come from, but that they would look into it. At the time I was (and still am) unemployed, with my rent overdue, I had applied for housing benefit but it was taking a long time to process and so I paid my rent using this money. I assumed that the bank would take a while to sort out where it came from and by that time I would of received housing benefit for the months in question.... Anyway to cut a long story short, I am only just able to pay my rent and live off the benefits that I am receiving, and have been unable to find a job so far. I have just had received a voicemail from my bank, which I think is regarding this money. I know morally (and probably legally) the money wasn't mine to spend, but I'm unable to pay it back right now, can anyone tell me where I legally stand with regards to what appears to be an accidental deposit or a banking error. Can the bank demand the full amount back in one go? Thanks for your help!
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