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Everything posted by DT&FE

  1. Thanks Andy, if I recall it was all done through the post
  2. I have had the following email from these clowns: "Please contact MMF office on 01138876876 to pre-book a Home Visit appointment, otherwise our doorstep agent will have to arrive unannounced. Ref :********" Maybe I'm wrong but does this not indicate a clear and complete disregard for CPUTR? Especially when I have sent an email and told them on the phone that I WILL NOT deal with doorstep callers.
  3. Brig I will defer to your better judgement..........are you saying game off?
  4. OK game on, Paragon have effectively 'lied' in their written response saying that it was SB'd under the Limitations act 1980 (as it came from their legal department.....ignorance is no excuse etc.), I assume any DJ would see this as naughty and 'lean' towards the defendant?
  5. Andy sorry for not replying earlier but been away with work. I have no idea where the bank was. Does that make a difference?
  6. DX Thanks! So am I right 1) I can still claim the PPI even though Paragon said it was SB'd 2) I calim the PPI back off Paragon as the OC and it is nothing to do with Arrow as the debt was 'sold' 2) The interest charges are unlawful (how do I claim them back?) I have also been told that Paragon won a landmark case in Oct 2012 which meant they do not have to repay PPI
  7. Friends Firstly can I apologise for the 'multiple posts', but everyone on here especially the site team have given me the confidence to get myself back on track and sort things out, THANK YOU ALL. The next dilemma - in 1999, whilst living in Scotland, my wife and I took out a loan with Paragon for £15k, shortly afterwards my wife became pregnant and we had to move to the other end of the country as my employer moved me. With my wife losing her job and moving we found ourselves with less money than we had anticipated we tried to use our PPI but were told pregnancy wasn't covered and that as I was still working we couldn't claim. Within a year we were on reduced payments and despite requesting to have the intrest stopped Paragon refused. In 2001 we stopped paying the PPI as it was pointless having it. We carried on with reduced payments until 2006. We had all the usual DCAs chasing us and stupidly (?) ignored them. In 2009 we submitted a SAR to try and get all the information regarding the account which had been purchased by Arrow, the reason was that they were demanding over 36k. It turns out that we did actually repay approximately 9200 towards the original amount and it turns out £26,605.07 is made up of interest charges and 'sundry' charges which seems a bit extreme. At one point Arrow offered us 'a unique discount of 65% and demanded 11k payment! We calculate that we should owe around 6k, there have been plenty of threats of court action but no 'actual action' (if that makes sense). We actually sent SB letters to two sols and they dropped it, Arrow have never come back and said it isn't either! We believe that our last payment was in in Dec 2006, however Arrow have sent us a statement showing two payments in 2008, we can't recall those! My questions are: 1) As this was taken out in Scotland is it SB (5 year rule) 2) Are the charges/interest excessive 3) Waht do we do next? Thanks for listening guys and gals DT&FE
  8. I doubt if the company will last long, Mr Page and Mr Edwards seem to dissolve companies regulalry
  9. Andy I was living in Scotland at the time it was taken out, does that make a difference or because I have moved to England does the 6 years now apply? Also could I state that I only found out how much PPI I paid once I had a SAR response, that will be the only time I will able to find out exactly how much I did pay.
  10. Last PPI payment was 2001, when we started to struggle first time round, the last loan payment was made in 2007
  11. OOPS!!!! I thought (wrongly) that they would not change courts unless I contested it! Hopefully they'll bug out and I won't have to defend anyway, but if the do I'm ready for it. As an aside I have a letter from 2009 the original lender telling me I couldn't claim PPI back as the account was statute barred, for PPI. Will that also help? I will pst any update as and when I receive it Once more thanks Andy
  12. Andy AOS sent off and CPR requests to claimant and sols, I contested the jurisdiction also, hopefully it will be heard somewhere a bit nearer to me
  13. Thanks again Andy, i just thought if it does go to Court the Judge may not be happy that they inferred they could influence him/her (and they probably didn't actually mean that, but hey ho) I will send a s.77/78 to Arrow and is it the same CPR to the sols?
  14. Andy - I was think of sending this back to Shoosmiths, it this wise? " Thank you for your most recent letter (dated ** January 2013) in which you confirm receipt of Notice of Issue from Northampton County Court Bulk Centre confirming that your client will be at liberty to request Judgment on ** January 2013. May I also thank you for highlighting the implications of a County Court Judgment being registered and your inference that your client will be able to influence any judgment made regarding payment. I should also take the opportunity to inform you that I intend to defend this matter robustly. I take the liberty to draw your attention to the attached letter which has been sent to your client, by registered post, requesting documents which I believe are relevant to this matter. I am sure that you will make every effort to advise your client to provide these documents within the statutory time frame. Yours faithfully
  15. Thanks Andy, most recent letter from Shoosmiths says that Arrow will not accept installments from the judgement and will only accept a lump sum payment. It also says that if I contact them they to confirm I will make a lump sum payment there 'potentially' could be a discount on the figure outstanding. The original figure was 500, its nearly 1000 with all the charges and costs added. Do I phone them?
  16. The spelling mistake are in the document! That is the only document we have received
  17. Honeybee We have received a court cliam form (N1CPC) from Northampton CC the POC states: 1. The claimant's (Arrow Global) claim is for the sum of 866 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Vanquis Bank Limited (number ***********) and assigned to the claimant on 23/02/11, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. 2. The defnedant has failed to make payment i accordance with the terms ofn the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the CCA. 3. The calimant claims the sum of 866. 4. C has complied, as far as is necessary, wi the pre-action conduct practise direction number I did ask Vanquis for a copy of the agreement in 2010, they said they didn't have to produce one unless they were going to court! I wanted to check if PPI and what charges had been added, but they just sent back a blank application form. I do intend to defend this.
  18. Claim date is 07/01/2013, intend to defend, when does it have to be returned and can it be done on line?
  19. We have had a few over the years, but don't have any documents, we decided not to pursue reclaimng PPI in case we were refused and it also meant admitting the debt.
  20. Once a court claim form has been received who should the s.77/78 request be sent to? the solicitor or the claimant?
  21. I sent a SAR request to Welcome in Feb 2010, no reply! Last payment March 2010 There was no visit to have house valued and at the time the loan would have put us in negative equity
  22. Can anyone advise can a supposed secure loan be sold on? The reason we took out a loan with Welcome no one visited our house to value it etc. but when we started having some financial difficulties and told Welcome our mortgage was our priority statements then started saying the loan was secured (we don't remember that) it has been sold to a company called MKDP who say they have bought it and that the have all the rights and will be pursuing recovery vigourously. So back to my original question can secured loans be sold and does the mortgage lender and/or the mortgagee have to be told of the sale by lender. Thanks guys
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