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  1. Well i like 'Bernie_the_Bolt' way the most, so i am gona forward this on and see how we do, I will let you all know of the outcome! Thanks bernie great reply.
  2. It states that if you sign their agreement you will be liable as the owner for any offences when it is stationary or a fixed penalty notice is issued. Any excess charge incurred under section 35-36 of the road traffic act. But, my friend was not asked to read or sign this as they arrived with only an electronic organizer which showed only pictures of car as far as dent scratches are concerned, and then asked to sign the screen. A few days later the document arrived with scanned copies of digitized signature under PCN notices etc etc they never read and signed that on the organizer. Is this legal and binding
  3. A courtesy car was dropped of to a friend whose car was going in for an insurance repair; the courtesy car arrives 2 days early. The delivery agent delivers it/parks with 2 wheels on the kerb (this is a contravention). The car is checked over and signed for. Neither delivery driver nor friend knew it was parked illegally, as the car came early the friend continues to use there own vehicle until the insurance repair comes to take it away approx 2 days later. However the day the courtesy car is delivered on to kerb at 2.45pm, at 20.20pm same day a ticket is issued. As the delivery driver committed the contravention and the car also belongs to the courtesy car company, they should pay. They are saying that once you sign for it it’s your liability even if they park in a contravention. Any ideas? Who should pay, why my friend should pay they neither own the car or committed the contravention and the ticket is £100 reduced to £50 if paid in 14 days. Should she ignore ticket and let company deal with it?
  4. I wanted to know if a V5C would cause any prob in a insurance claim with your old address i.e. case of a write off. If the reg doc address was an old address. I have heard they wont pay out if your MOT has ran out, but if you forget to change address on a V5C would they care when you send your docs in. A friend has had their car written off and the insurance want the docs, then they noticed it still has previous address on V5C. should just send it in to insurance or send off V5C to dvla to get address changed and then send it in?
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