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  1. Conniff, Are you trying to say that because I had already spent £1.50 on a ticket which was still valid then I should only be paying the excess minus the £1.50. If that is the case can I then argue the ticket is incorrect as it should say that I should only pay £23.50 for paying early(instead of £25) or £48.50 (instead of £50) if I delay payment.
  2. The bays were properly marked but all full when I arrived. If the car park is full should the council have to provide details of the nearest alternative parking? Clutching at straws but is there any obligation on the council to give a defanition of what constitutes a parking bay.
  3. I forgot to add that the other side of the ticket is blank.
  4. Here is the parking ticket. http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/8030/parkingticketem4.png
  5. How do you attach the scanned document on here? I have also attached a link to the councils website. On here it says that the parking attendant could of issued a warning instead of a ticket. Do you think I have grounds to appeal due to the fact that I had parked illegally due to no spaces but paid for a ticket. The ticket shows I wasn't trying to avoid paying. WCBC: Wrexham Car Parks
  6. Can anyone offer me any advice. I was going to the local council owned gym where I am a member and parked in the council car park that is next to the gym. I drove around the car park a couple of times but could not find a parking bay so parked on a grass verge. I got out of the car and paid for a ticket for three hours. Upon return I had received a ticket stating that the car was parked incorrectly. Afterwards I read the and display sign which says that you have to park in a parking bay. Seeing as I was trying to park correctly but there was no spaces available do I have grounds to appeal as I feel this is very unfair. Should I have been given a warning first? P.S. Should the council have to define a parking bay and should they also have to tell you were the nearest parking is next to this site. Any help would be appreciated.
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