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Everything posted by rachuk

  1. Yes it is it is jd Williams and a Cabot debt . We can't have this going to employers to need to pay but they are making it so difficult. It's like they don't want us to so they can refer it back to an attachment order. The relief when they suspended it was so good but now we can't win
  2. Hi does anyone have the payment information for Mortimer Clark. Omer have a suspended attachment of earnings order and the first payment needs to be there by 15th August. They are refusing to give me the bank details to set up a standing order . They want me to pay by debit card which I am not comfortable doing. Anyone who pays them and has the sort code and account number I would be most grateful
  3. Thanks for the advise everyone. I'm going to wait and see what the court decide to do. If they agree to let me pay directly and avoid the order going to husbands employer I'm happy with that. If not I believe we have 14 days to contest the order so I'll take a closer at that. I'm just too worn down, scared and poorly to fight them. My husband should have dealt with it long ago and it would have been sorted but he didn't, and the best thing for my peace of mind is to have it over and done with.
  4. .He doesn't even know it is, he hid it from me so I didn't find it. I could try and get a copy of it. I went about setting aside would his employer still be notified about the attachment of earnings? To be honest if the court do grant a suspended order I would rather to pay it and have done. I've been fairly Ill the past coup,e of years and can't cope with the stress of it all.
  5. I don't think they would have had a different address, we have lived here fifteen years. We do owe the money and I have no issue paying it whatsoever, I am just terrified that they won't accept our request to have the order suspended and pay the creditor directly as it could cause all sorts of holy hell for my husband at work. I guess I was looking for some reassurance that other people had requested the suspended and it had been granted. He probably just ignored the claim form as well, stupid stupid idiot!!
  6. Hi, he didn't have a summons, he said the ccj came through a few months ordering him to pay which he didn't, the. This notice for attachment of earnings came last week which he filled in and sent straight back. It had a option to tick the box to suspend the order for a opportunity to pay the creditor directly which is what we did. I know he ignored the original ccj, does this mean they won't give him a chance to pay directly?
  7. Hi, thanks for replying. I believe it was a JD Willian's debt originally who sold it to Cabot. No he didn't defend it, he just ignored everything that came through the post until this turned up last week, then realising what trouble it could cause at work finally told me and then sent it back with the offer of payment. I know he should have dealt with it, I think he was trying g to spare me the stress as I was ill but this is ten times worse than dealing with it originally. I'm just hoping and praying the court give us a chance to make the payments directly to Cabot without contacting his employer.
  8. Hi, has anyone any experience of an attachment of earnings. We received one last week, we definitely owe the money, I wasn't aware that it had escalated to a ccj, husband didn't tell me as I was fairly Ill at the time, I think he hoped it would just go away, obviously it hasn't and now we Are faced with this. We have filled it in, it was for £1500 and we have offered £250 a month ( a struggle definitely). We requested for the order to be suspended and payments to be made directly to the creditor . We write a fairly lengthy letter explaining how if this were sent to my husbands employer it would really jeopardise his,position at work, it's a very small company and he deals with a lot of the company finance. Does anyone know how likely the court are to agree to this or would they just ignore it and make the order anyway. I'm worried sick. Can't sleep. If my husband loses his job that's game over just as we are starting to come out in the other side.
  9. power 2 contact have just visted me regarding a capital one debt that is actually in my maiden name. The guy asked if I was the person and I said I wasnt, he then went on to ask if she had ever lived here etc, I was a bit scared really so I just said no. He then said okay then but I would be concerned that some one was using your address and went away. What will happen now, will he come back? Has anyone had any dealings with these people just turning up and knocking on the door? Thanks Rach xx
  10. Hi, just an update, still no joy from Wonga, they just keep emailing asking for payment and stating that they cannot agree a repayment plan over email and asking me to phone - strangely enough they havent rang me yet! As for the others, capital finance one, quickquid and payday express, just keep recieving the odd email and text asking for payment, I keep replying with my offer - they havent rang - dont know if they have tried my work number but as I lost my job two months ago couldnt really care less! Strangely enough the other payday loan I had was with onemonthloan (oasis?) I havent heard a word from them, this was for £200 and has been ongoing for nearly a year paying interest at £60 per month so they have had their money back tenfold, not sure they would see it like this but they are yet to contact me and I defaulted on 30 May. Rach
  11. okay just another update after a day of exchanging emails with these people: paydayexpress - are referring me to their legal team and have informed me that I will recieve numerous daily phonecalls to all the numbers I have given them until the situation is resolved. I can cope with this as I will reject them on my mobile, just put it down on my house phone and I no longer have my job so they can ring there as much as they like. Quickquid - will now no longer accept my payment plan once I refused to provide them with my new card details - me thinks they were just agreeing to anything to get the new card details!! They will continue with collection activity Capital one finance - will ring me every day until I answer the phone to discuss the account - have emailed them suggesting payment plan again and am waiting to hear back from them. Wonga - all gone quiet after writing to them via post at their request for repayment plan onemonthloan - still not heard a word. I have told these people repeatedly that it doesnt matter how many times they ring or what they say to me I cannot afford more than what they have offered no matter what pressure they put on me, I am not working and cannot magic money - their emails just seem to be standard replies. Have not had any phone calls from them yet, just the odd text. The saga continues Will let you know any updates Rach
  12. Hi all, just a quick update, and to anybody else that is trying to get of the payday loan merry go round!!! I defaulted on my loans on 29 May - I had five altogether, I emailed every company on 22 May to explain that I had changed my card needed a repayment plan etc. Quick quid - accepted my payment plan no hassle and supplied details to pay through pay plan Wonga - absolute nightmare - refuse to discuss by email, i refuse to discuss by phone so at a standoff!! Pay day express - just keep texting me asking me to call them, i keep emailing to say correspondance by email only Capital one finance and one month loan - not heard a word yet! Will keep you all informed and thanks for all the advice so far. Rachuk
  13. Hi, this one is for my sister - I didnt know she was in any financial difficulty until today when everything has finally come out - bless her. She has been struggling to pay stuff and has a next directory with a balance of around 800. It was being dealt with by Moorcroft (one letter she has still got!), she arranged to pay them £40 per month, made one payment and then couldnt keep up with it and missed the next one. From what it sounds like she then recieved a letter from the court, I presume a POC for her to file a defense etc - unfortunately her husband knows nothing about the trouble she is in, obviously she didnt realise how serious it was and she just threw it in the bin ( I presume hoping it would go away). Then a few weeks later she gets something else from the court and just threw that away, I presume that judgement, then a letter from Moorcroft saying that a judgement has been entered and she is to pay £78 per month. I know she has been so silly, I wish I had known so I could have pointed in this direction;). The payments really are too high, she couldnt manage the £40 per month one, she doesnt work, her husband manages all the money, and try as I might I cannot get her to tell him. Is there anything she can do to challenge this or has it gone too far - I know a bit about dealing with DCA's but have never had any experience of courts or CCJ's. Thanks in advance for your help. Rachuk
  14. Hi, thanks for this but I havent actually sent any CCA requests as yet - they were opened on the internet over the last three years ish so I wondered is it worth me sending the CCA as I presume they will come into the category where you just have to tick the box to make it enforceable?? Thanks Rachuk
  15. Hi, just looking for a bit of advice, I have quite a few accounts with the JD Williams group that I am struggling to pay. I was going to CCA them but wasnt sure if I could do this as they were taken out over the internet and after 2004 - can I still follow this route? Thanks in advance for your help. Rachuk
  16. Hi, sorry cant offer much help as I am just doing the same as you, I have five loans and one of them is with Wonga due to be repaid on Thursday. I have emailed them saying I cant pay and asked to set up a repayment plan but they just keep emailing me asking to phone them. I am going to stick to my guns and just deal with by email - would be nice to know how you get on as well. Good luck Rach
  17. Robjam, thanks, will do that tomorrow. I think the thing is just to hold with them - keep sticking what I have originally said and hope they get the message! Will keep you updated, thanks for your help. Rach
  18. just a quick update, I have recieved an email from wonga advising me to extend my loan, to which I emailed back stating this wasnt an option and I wanted to set up a payment plan via email - they have just emailed back saying I have to ring them as unfortunately they are unable to set up a payment plan by email - any suggestions? I really dont want to have to ring these people. Thanks Rachuk
  19. Hi, I posted yesterday with regards to trying to sort out my payday loans - thanks for all your help. Reading through the boards I think im going to be okay at negotiating payments with them all apart from Wonga. Has anybody had any experience with sorting something out with Wonga - or how far has it gone until it is sorted. I am really starting to panick now about what they will do when they cant get the money - I have cancelled my card and arranged a new one. Should I contact them now or wait until the loan has defaulted? Any advice on Wonga would be really really appreciated as I am really starting to worry that I have done the wrong thing!. Thanks in advance Rachuk
  20. thanks so much, I will do the emails straight away. Can they set up directs without your permission? Obviously they do have my bank details account number and sort code, if so how would they do this? I do have online banking so I can check if any new direct debits have been set up and cancel them, maybe something I just need to check everyday. Thanks Rach
  21. Hi I am so glad I have found this site, to quickly explain I have found myself in a bit of a mess with payday loans (i know so so stupid on hindsight) I have five all in all with Wonga, Quickquid, Captial finance one, 1monthloan and payday express. These have been ongoing since about November last year. I lost my job two months ago and when husband has now left taking along with him his wages so I have cancelled my card with the bank and requested a new one - so as they cannot wipe me out. I have every intention of paying the money back - its totals to about 1400 pounds but I cant do it all in one go, how should I go about letting them know that I need to reduce my payments, I just cant face speaking to them on the phone, also what will they do to try and recover the debt, what can I expect, I dont imagine that they will reasonable for one minute! Has anybody else done this or had any experience with dealing with them? Any advice would be really, really appreciated. Thanks Rach
  22. Thanks for the advice everyone, i will hang tight and if they ring again I will just put the phone down. If I get any more correspondance I will let you know.
  23. Hi all I sent off CCA as advised, they have recived it and cashed cheque (account is actually in my husbands name although they have discussed the account with me only for the past 5 years! and i signed the cheque so no signatures can be copied) we havent heard anything today they rang and asked for my husband, i advised that he wasnt prepared to speak to them on the phone, they said quite firmly unfortunatley he had to call them, i said he wouldnt and was waiting on a reply to CCA, then put the phone down. Should i be worried that they are still making contact, havent had the usual letter acknowledging CCA letter as yet. Thanks
  24. Hi, A few years ago myself and husband got into a mess financially. Everything but this debt is sorted out now and was paid by arrangements with DCA's without any court action or anything. The debt is an old Llyods TSB loan, of 12,000 it was sent to 1st credit in 2005, we made payments of £100 a month and couple of years ago increased this to £200 per month. We always pay by standing order through online banking, however last month there was a hiccup with the bank and all my standing orders were deleted. I spoke to 1st credit and we decided in future to make the payments by direct debit to avoid any problems and they would take 2 payments this month, the direct debit has been sent to my bank and set up however they have not requested any payment this month. i today recieved a letter threatening that a charging order will put on my property. I immeadiately rang 1st credit who have informed that the debt has been reviewed and an arrangment is now no longer acceptable, they want full payment within 7 days, if this is not recieved they will issue a statuary demand and then make me bankrupt which will result in me losing my house. How likely is this to happen as i have made regular payments on the account for 3 years, i have today sent this months payment so it doesnt look like I havent paid but any really terrified of what this could do.
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