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  1. Even if it means i'm risking not getting home in time to pick my kids up from school. Surely this is an unreasonable request.
  2. Hi just wondering if anyone can help me with a bit of advice, the company i work for is planning to shut down but they have another place which is a 45 min drive from my house , i currently only take about 10-15 mins to get to work so this is just to far to travel to work. i have been working for the company for almost 9 years and would prefer to take redundancy but this has not been offered yet and rumours are that they might not have to give us redundancy if they offer us a job somewhere else even if it is so far away from my current location of work. i have spoken to c.a.b. and they asked if i have a mobility clause in my contract, i've checked my contract and it doesnt mention the words mobility clause but does say "we may ask you to work at other areas of the company depending on business demand" What i kind of really want to know is can i force my company to give me redundancy if i dont want to travel to work this far, there are other issues as well such as if i finish work at 2pm i need to pick my 3 children up from school at 3pm so it doesnt give me much margin for error if traffic is bad and i get held up(the journey takes 45mins) I have joined unite the union but am waiting for my registration to come through. It is also rumoured they will give us some sort of petrol allowance but this will only last so long, surely my company cant force me to go and work so far from were i currently work. Thanks for any help given.
  3. I've got one years no claims and i know am gunna get a bit stung for insurance but am going 3rd party fire and theft and i've only got a little punto but is there anyone who can give me a few tips to try and bring the payments down. I had been told to add a feww drivers who have got no claims to there names and have been driving for a decent amount of time , any truth to this, thanks for any help.
  4. Thanks for everyone who replied to the thread, i know were i am now.
  5. Am still confused on this one , my car weights 2075 and the car can tow 3170 combined,so i could tow a caravan 1095kg and that would be under 3.5 tonne and within the capabilities of the car. I passed my test 5 and half years ago and on the back of my licence it says i have catorgories b, b1, fkp so can i tow a caravan within the capabilities of the car or do i have to pass some other test to allow me to tow a caravan.
  6. On my license it says i've got catorgories b , b1 , fkp, so does this mean i need to do this extra course.
  7. I dont think so but i couldnt be 100% sure coz after the two flashes i reversed backwards and wasnt looking completely at the other dual carriage way.
  8. Just wondering if i could get some help i've been told over the phone by the dvla that i can tow up to 3500kg combined, car and caravan, but on the dvla website it looks like it says different, i've had my license now for 5 years and i currently drive a zafira 2.0 diesel.Any help would be much apprieciated. My zafira weight is 2095 and it can tow 1095kg.
  9. What sort of time limit is it till you should get something in the mail.
  10. I was on one side of a dual carriage way and to the right of me was another dual carriage way going the other way.The camera was on the other side of the road as in the other dual carriage way that i was not on but the camera was facing both dual carriage ways. It didnt flash the back of me just the front twice if u know what i mean. Thanks for all of the replies and all the help.Top site.
  11. Was on the way home last night and was a bit distracted and when i came to a cross road the lights had turned red and i for some reason broke far to late and went through it about 3 or 4 metrers i stopped and at this point a speed camera from the other side of the road flashed me twice i then reversed back over the line but what happens now. do i have a case for appealing against any penalty points.
  12. Could you help me i'm new to this site could you tell me were the statue barred letters are. A link would be even more helpful thanks for all the help donations are on the way.
  13. I was in a previous marriage 14 years ago and we had some joint loans together with the abbey after i left i believe she set up some sort of agreement which she gave so much a month for 5 years after that they would not be able to get any more money from her. I have not heard anything off them for 14 years now and the other day i recieved what i can only presume are photo copied statement/balance of accounts saying theres about 7,100 odd left to pay. These letters do not say anything like you need to pay such amount or anything of the like but they do have acount numbers on and an abbey phone no. to ring (i think). My son has told me about this site and how helpful you are and has told me the debt should be statue barred and his mother who had set up an agreement of so much a month for five years gave her final monthly payment of the five year agreement over 6 years ago. Could anyone give me some advice on what my next move should be.
  14. Sent a cca letter to lowell on the 26th nov and they then sent me back a letter saying they'd recieved it on the 29th nov.Its now the 27th jan thats well past the 42 days they are allowed , not heard anything from them since the 29th nov is that it or do i need to send them another letter to finish this matter completely
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