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Everything posted by Kentman

  1. Well the engineer arrived and told me that the lamp had gone and that it needed a new lamp board. That was good news as JL had said that if it did need a new board they would pay the labour. Parts on order and will now have to wait at least another week. cost to me will be £200 including VAT and will take up the argument once I have paid and received a receipt.
  2. Thanks for your advice, will keep the thread posted
  3. Sorry my first posting should have read consumer replaceable items not consumable. You make a good point about replacing the lamps. The handbook quite clearly states - Do not open the cabinet under their safety instructions
  4. Hi Lefty, JL sell all their TV's with a "Free 5 year guarantee" so a refund wouldn't be applicable. Consumer replaceable is the operative phrase here I think. Yes I could replace a light bulb or a battery but a projection lamp that needs a qualified engineer to undertake? I just think they are wriggling out of a guarantee that should cover this major item. Trouble is it's my only TV and I need to get it repaired. My current thinking is to let it be done tomorrow then with a copy of the repair bill take the matter as far as I can.
  5. My 1st post so bear with me all. Bought a projection TV online from JL 15 months ago because of the name and that it came with a 5 year guarantee. Last Sunday the TV went bang and so contacted JL customer service Monday morning. No problem they said somebody will get back to me within 24 hrs. To cut a long story short after about 20 phone calls and a similar number of arguements an engineer is coming out tomorrow. However John Lewis are telling me that their guarantee, a copy of which I never received, does not cover the projection lamp, which they believe it is from my description, and therefore I will have to pay £168+VAT for the lamp together with call out charges that in total will probably cost me over £400!! The reality is that the projection lamp is the main part of the TV and they are quoting within their guarantee the following exclusions which are not covered:- "Consumable replaceable items including, but not limited to, batteries, light bulbs and other consumables" In my opinion this makes the guarantee worthless and is like saying that your TV is guaranteed but not the tube! The projection lamp is the most important part of a projection television. Trying to talk to any decision maker at John Lewis is impossible and dealing with the call centre is like pulling teeth. Robotic responses and nothing else! I believe their advertising of a 5 year guarantee is misleading at best and fraudulant at worst. Has anybody else experienced this and what advice can anyone give me? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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