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  1. I received an answer to my first letter to the Bank Of Scotland after only sending it away on Friday! They write "please be advised the bank (along with a number of other banks) has now become involved in legal proceedings with the \office of Fair Trading (OFT) in relation to bank charges which we beleive will resolve issues regarding the fairness and legality of your bank charges." "......we have asked the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to suspend the normal timetable for dealing with bank charges complaints, and the FSA has agreed to this request subject to conditions that protect your rights":-x Are they trying to trick me here? How can I answerr them or is this correct?
  2. Thanks Deso. That is actually what I told them on the telephone. I said they should get this sorted, make sure the dd goes through and put the £35 back on my account or I'll claim it back anyway and cancel both business and personal account. They don't bother. If I would be making millions of £ I'm sure they would be kissing my feet. The problem is that I can not find a bank that is fair! They seem all be trying to rob me. IdaInFife! That's quite dodgy.:o When I see dd's taken off my account on Friday that are dated for Monday. All in all there seems to be a silent agreement between Westminster and the Banks. They seem to be covering each other. I would call the majority of them criminals.
  3. Hi @ll! I'm new here, allthough I did claim back the small amount of charges from RBOS & BOS last year. This time I'm fed up with these Banks. I am running a (very) small business with my wife (about £100/month) and have this small Business account with BOS. Dell financial services wanted to take via Direct Debit the monthly payment of £57.54 of my account on 24.10.07 what did happen. Unfortunatly my account went about £30 over the overdraft limit, what was my mistake. So I drove to the Branch and payed in £40. As I came home they had already got the money back from Dell and had charged me already £35!! I wrote them a message from my account saying I'm not going to argue with them and I wanted this sorted out immediatly. I could have told that my dog, useless. So I phoned them on 26.10. and was put through to some dodgy manager who just ignored what I was saying. I told them there was enough money in the account that day and they told me there should be enough in it the day before??? The same thing had happened 3 times with my personal account and I was not charged a penny!!:idea: On Monday 29.10 I received the letter (sent on 26.10 and saying written on 24.10) with the note that I have been charged £35. So I sent them the first letter from Bankcharges.info. Today I received a message from Dell financial services saying the Bank had rejected the payment (I phoned them on 24th and told them that) and now I will be charged late payment interest and additional charges plus an administration charge of £15. So I'm now within a couple of days beeing EDIT for over £50! Sorry, this may have been asked somewhere else in the forum but can I claim these Dell charges from the BOS back with postage and other charges (maybe the drive to see a doctor because of this ridiculous behavior from BOS).
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