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Everything posted by lisachloe

  1. Thanks, I think I will try & appy online - well read through the application form if I can..... I remember it being a lengthly one!
  2. This is just an update on my situation. The council were not bothered that the bailiff may not be certificated. Nor, would she take our arreas back. So, I don't know what to do now? Do I just ring the council again & hope that I get someone more understanding or leave it , pay Rossendales even though the way this woman filled in the forms was wrong - with no walking possession agreement or the fact she may not have a certificate?
  3. That's great thanks, I'm thinking that as I have xrays from birth surely there's no getting away from the fact that my condition has worsened. I rely on taxi's & other people for the supermarket etc... somedays my husband or daughter helps me up & down the stairs etc. I've fallen down the stairs twice last month, so I know with age I wont get any better. Thanks for all your help, I will give it a try. I'll no doubt get knocked back & would've probably never re-applied, so I'll just keep going. Cheers
  4. I am 36 yrs old & was born with a congenital dislocated hip. As a child I attended hospital appointments, as I had years of being in casts. It was established at the age of 11 that I be dismissed from hospital as they could do nothing else for me. Since then my condition has worseded & I now have arthritis in my lower back & right hip. I was sent for x-rays from my doctor & it was established that I did have arthritis & I needed physio. Physio, didn't really help as I also have 1 leg shorter than the other (I had no balance when doing the physio) so I was given a heel raise of 1.5" to wear in my shoe & discharged from the hospital's physio department. I now get incapacity benefit & the last time I had to go for a medical was around 8 years ago (I was sent a medical form to fill in around 5 yrs ago & got a letter back saying they will contact me Dec 2008) My arthritis has worsened & I now find it uncomfortable during the night & I end up going "walkabout" as it's too painful. I don't know if I should apply for DLA as back in 1996 my daughter was diagnosed with Leukaemia & turned down! The hospital social worker re-applied again for us & she was finally awarded it. SO, I'm thinking, if they turn down a child with cancer, what hope do I have with arthritis? I also suffer with depression, which is related to other issues & my arthritis. Many thanks & sorry that this is a long post.
  5. Well she called today at 12:30pm & didn't get in the house. She was kept outside & handed my husband 3 forms She added her fees of £24.50 for her 1st visit, £18.00 for her 2nd visit but didn't add £12.00 for her waliking fee - which I'm told is questionable. No forms were filled in by my husband & the waliking possession agreement didn't get filled in by her. he told her that we'd been in contact with the CAB & she said that she was sick of them "do-googers" trying to tell her, her job She was very stroppy & said that if we didn't pay within 5 days (don't know if these are 5 working days or not) then they were to seize goods. So what happens from today we have no idea! Such a foul woman she belongs on the Horlicks "How do they sleep at night" advert!
  6. I had a letter through the door from Rossendales on Tuesday of this week, demanding £816.00 for our 2007 council tax bill. The lady never knocked on my door! My husband contacted her & she was adamant that this bill had gone to court & that she demanded the money in full. She then put another letter through my door the following day (Wednesday) Again, my husband rang her & she said she would be calling again today, to recover the money! We are unable to pay the amount in full & technically we owe arrears from April - October of this year, with 3 months remaining of the current bill. She was very off hand with my husband on the phone & said that if we don't see her today then she has no alternative than to send a van next week to recover the debt by our goods going to auction. I'd like to know if she's allowed to do this & if the council could just accept our payments as the bill is for this year (2007)? All replies are appreciated.
  7. I had a letter through the door from Rossendales on Thursday of this week, demanding £850.00 for our 2007 council tax bill. The lady never knocked on my door! My husband contacted her that same day & she was adamant that this bill had gone to court & that she demanded the money in full. She then put another letter through my door the following day (Friday, yesterday) Again, my husband rang her & she said she would be calling again today, to recover the money! We are unable to pay the amount in full & technically we owe arrears from April - October of this year, with 3 months remaining of the current bill. She was very off hand with my husband on the phone & said that if we don't see her today then she has no alternative than to send a van next week to recover the debt by our goods going to auction. I'd like to know if she's allowed to do this & if the council could just accept our payments as the bill is for this year (2007)? All replies are appreciated.
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