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  1. Hi Goldlady, I have only just come across your thread and 'sweet victory'. I have a very similar case to your friends but additionally when listening to my tape it is also clear that the representative encouraged me to borrow more than I needed and re-adjusted my debt so that it would by-pass their credit council....! I am owed in the region of £44,000 - £50,000 from First Plus (£20,000 PPI and at least £24,000 in monthly payments should come off my loan that's without any interest being worked out), they have so far after 2 letters offered me £7,000!!!!!! I'll go away and work out what they owe me and tell them I will not accept anything less than a full refund. I have copied everything to the FOS and will update the site with any further information. Cheers, Sooze
  2. Hi, I started a thread here some time ago about First Plus and as of today they have agreed to pay back £7,000 approx off the final settlement figure. I am unsure whether to accept this sum or take it further. I am talking in the region of £45,000 (20,000 cash back sum and approx 2.5 years of payments which amounts to 25,000) if I was to take it to court and be successful). Trouble is I have no spare money to engage a solicitor and pay for court costs if I lost. How did you go about getting all your money back and what reason did you give them? Kind regards, Doozie
  3. Don't give up Stewbones. My daughter recently spoke to Policy Admin @ Phones 4 You, they offered £140.00 immediately, which she accepted.
  4. Hi HHNF, Many thanks I will send that off today. Cheers, Sooze
  5. Hi, Can anyone tell me where I can get an S.A.R template? Cheers, Sooze
  6. Hi Thomper, Do you have a number I could call please? Regards, Sooze
  7. Morning HHNF, Overloaded with information is right! I have read the website above having looked back at one of your previous posts - thanks. I think what I am trying to do with the letter is just stick to the facts and get back what's fair and reasonable, which with all your help I should be able to do. Getting back anything will be a bonus because without you and this site I would have been non the wiser. Thank you for all your support.
  8. Hi HHNF, It's been a long day....wading through the minefield of paperwork and other forums. I will have to alter my letter for the following reasons: 1) First Plus is a 'single premium' policy and you can't make a reclaim (this is according to (moneysavingexpert.com) all you can ask for is a partial or full refund of the premiums paid to date. This would put my figures: 29 months of £146.97 = £4,262.13 29 months of interest at 8% = £340.97 TOTAL £4,603.10 approx 2) I said in my letter that I was unaware that the cover was only for 5 years and that I did not realise this until now (this is true!) They will point out that all over their paperwork this is stipulated including their T & C's. My argument would not stand up in court on this one. 3) The points I have going in my favour are that I was NOT made aware that I could get this cover elsewhere and that it would make no difference to the decision of whether the loan was approved or not. 4) In their paperwork (in black and white) they asked the following question: "Would your current employment provide sufficient income to repay your borrowing in the event that you are unable to work through accident or sickness? I answered YES, so it begs the question of why I was still encouraged to purchase the PPI. Apologies for the long winded article but I thought it might be helpful to other people wanting to claim refunds from First Plus. I will re-draft my letter taking on board your comments and will let you know the outcome. Cheers for all your help with this claim. Sooze
  9. Good Evening HHNF, Thanks for replying to my letter article. I actually copied the letter from Martins Money forum. I think the best thing to do is send a mixture of both the letters giving a much smaller time-frame to respond. Cheers
  10. Hi HHNF, I have drafted a letter that I will send off tomorrow. I purchased the above policy from you on 7th June 2005 but now believe that I was mis-sold this Payment Protection Policy. This is due to the fact that I was not given the correct information when the policy was sold to me, as: · your salesperson did not tell me that the policy was optional and that I did not actually need to purchase the cover through First Plus. · your salesperson did not give me full information on what the policy would and would not cover for example that the loan only covers the first five years of my loan term. · I am concerned the sales assistant that sold me the policy has no financial background and the policy was not sold in my best interests. Unless you can satisfactorily justify to me that the policy was fair and reasonable I am requesting a full refund of all premiums, and subsequent interest on these payments, that I have paid to date. As I believe I have been deprived of this money I also expect 8% statutory interest, the amount a court would award, to be added to each payment made. I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter and for the matter to be concluded with eight weeks or I shall be contacting the Financial Ombudsman to investigate my complaint.
  11. Hi HHNF, I have put a letter together for First Plus and will send it off tomorrow. I have not put any figures in it so lets see what they offer, if anything. I would love it to be anything near the figures you have worked out, instead of the verbal £2,106 so far. Kind regards, Sooze
  12. Hi HHNF, I have only made a phone call to them Saturday morning and they offered me £2,106 to be deducted from the loan. If I then paid the loan in full they will charge me £764 early settlement interest and £150 for something else, admin charge. I have been researching as many articles as possible over the weekend. I did a 'google' search for "First Plus PPI mis-selling" and it came up with a number of articles in the press and on this forum which I am wading through. Kind regards, Sooze
  13. Hi Ordinary 77, How did you get on with your claim? I am in a similar situation and my PPI mis-selling amounts to (approx) £44,000 - £52,000 with interest. I agree they are very persuasive and when prey on those with financial difficulty. Kind regards, Sooze PS: I have started my own thread.
  14. Hello HHNF, Look at my stars today.... Without hope or inspiration... where are we? Strangely, though, we consistently undervalue these. Instead, we become amazed by the mundane - or fascinated by the fiscal. It's almost as if the light of true joy is too dazzling to look at... so we turn our eyes towards whatever reflects it least! How else do we explain our peculiar propensity to feed flames of fear while starving our optimism of oxygen? Whatever you lack now, there's one thing you have in abundance: faith. Foster that. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity.
  15. Morning HHNF, I dunno about about jaw on the floor my whole body went.....:o These are enormous figures and my signature on the loan was dated 5th June 2005. I think something of this enormity will end up surely with the FOS and would not qualify for the small claims court because I think their threshold is £5,000. Kind regards, Sooze
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