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  1. its a old hsbc account. i been paying it no problems for two years and now there being stupid.
  2. For f*!K sake. I have a debt with mackenzie hall which i have been paying for the last two years at 10.00 a week. Well the stupid idiots have just phoned telling me i need to complete a quartly review and tell them all my out goings etc. i told them i wasnt giving them my details over the phone and that i am paying by standing order. Well the man said that if i dont complete a quartly review and they will cancel my payments. So i said im not telling him and that if they take it to court they will look stupid i only owe them £100 and he said they wont take it to court but they will send me a letter demanding payment in 7 days or they will seize my assests to recover payment??? Dont they have to go to court to do that? Im so mad. What shall i do ive nearly finished paying it off.
  3. im sick of Cabot not sorting out this debt in my name which isnt mine. i checked the electoral role and i was defo not on it for the address the credit was taken out at i was back at dads. well i wrote to them to tell them to take me to court as that is the only way i can prove i didnt apply for the credit. i want to comlpain to as many people as possible about this stupid company but where do i start i have downloaded the OFT complaints form but not sure what to put in box 1. as im acting for myself.
  4. after i received the application form i wrote to cabot again with the ref number from the police and telling them that the info and signature on the form are wrong. i have had a reply today asking me to send them a signed letter and my passport or driving licence for proof of my date of birth and that on receipt of these documents they will compare them to the signature on the form. Now theres no way im sending them the info they have asked for do you think i should send them a letter telling them to take me to court. I have bills and a copy of my credit file which states on the electrol role the right address i was at when this account was taken out in my name. think this might be my last option now.
  5. i think i will write them a letter telling them to bog off and make a complaint. i might even offer them £20 to settle the acount.
  6. the £118.67 is what is left to pay. im quite happy paying my £10.00 a month. can they really do anything if im paying the debt?
  7. I have had this account with mackenzie hall that i have been paying for 2years at £10.00 a month. they have sent me reduced settlement letters before but i received one today that says. Dispite repeated requests for payment by our client, the above account remains unpaid. Our clients are unaware of any legitimate reason for non-payment. However, they are willing to accept a reduced settlement figure in order to draw the matter to a close. Our client would prefer an amicable settlement, however, should the settlement amount not be paid ny to specified date, they will not hesitate to take futher action as may be appropriate. Can they so this i have a standing order from my bank account each month for the arranged £10.75 which i have never missed. Im so cross i only owe them £118.67 and they want me to settle the account with £94.94 WOW saves me loads.
  8. i have posted the statue barred letter special delivery will be there by 1pm tomorrow. thanks for your help it is appreciated.
  9. i will speak to dad this afternoon and see if he can tell me anything else. wish he had kept his letters.
  10. do i put at the top i do not acknowledge this debt? Thanks dont know if the solicitors will listen though might have gone to far.
  11. Ok i will do that, i thought maybe i should be wasnt sure.
  12. Originally cabot. notice change of solicitor says shoosmiths.
  13. OK this is a debt of my dads which he asked me to look at today but i dont know where to start so thought i would ask you nice people here as you have helped me before. this is what i know: Dad has been ignoring letters from cabot for a debt which he says is an old barcley card which was last payed and used in 1999. I now believe it has been to court as he has had letter from solicitors on saturday saying they have an application for a charging order over your property, this application will be made 7 days after date of letter. (which was the 3rd of september) Dad phoned and told them he not paying doesnt acknowledge the debt as it is 9 years old. there is a notice of change of solicitor they sent with the letter which i dont understand. sorry cant post pics of letters as dont have scanner. Advise much appreciated.
  14. Does anyone know where you stand with id theft? Cabot are chasing me for a debt which is in my name but i didnt take out my ex-wife must of done it. i asked for a copy of the cca but what they sent is a application form the signature on the form is very close to mine but has differences. They keep phoning me now and although i have told them to write to me i couldnt help get into a conversation with them last night. They have asked me to send them a copy of my signature for them to compare and then they will decide if they think im telling the truth???? i told them NO i would not do that and that i would be seeking legal advise. I dont really know what to do i reported it to the police ages ago as id theft but they said its not a crime against me but the lender and gave me a handling number which i have given to argos and cabot but neither care. I left my ex-wife in may 2003 and moved back to my dads but i didnt put my name on the electrol role at dads so to them im living at ex-wifes address until around march 2004. Our divorce was finallised in Nov 2003 and i disassociated myself from her financially around the same time. I didnt go on the electrol role at dads house until april 2004 and she got the account in march 2004. I have household bills from the feb 2004 at my correct address but dont know if this is any use. She moved from our old address 1 month after getting the credit to a address where i have never lived and thats where all the argos statments were being sent. Dont know what to do, what if it goes to court ????
  15. no we confused everyone. When we first came to the boards it was my now 2nd wife who was dealing with it for me but people got confussed with the wife thing. So i just post myself now. the debt was taken out by my ex-wife and her partner we divorced in 2003 and this debt is 2004. I know it was them as its there address.
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