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Everything posted by BADGER 69

  1. I had a somewhat similar problem. My floor was covered in parque flooring. This had to be taken up. They wanted to just lay a concrete floor. I insisted that the floor had to be covered by flooring quality chip board and this was done.
  2. Just because the zig zag markings may not have the backing of aTRO it does not follow that you have not committed an offence. You have. The law requires you to use the public highway as to not cause a hazard to other road users......
  3. Rooster. What you are referring to is called vicarious liability. This only applies for an employee but does not apply to a business that is engaged as an agent. I discussed this very point with my law tutor, a barrister, and he explained the situation.
  4. Yes I have written to ASDA pointing out that they have no statutory Authority to issue fines and that it is illegal for them to do this. So far they have ignored it.
  5. Tom. What you say re the legality of the zig zag lines is undoubtedly true: if they are not backed by a TRO then the markings have no legal backing. However, the user of a vehicle on the public highway is under a duty to use that vehicle in a manner which is not going to cause injury or difficulty to any other road user. In which case anyone who parks on zig zag lines has reasonable cause to suppose that they are not complying with the afore mentioned requirements and are therefor creating a hazard and should reap the consequences.
  6. I totally agree. I hope that everyone who reads this thread agrees with you.
  7. I accept Zamzara, that you have shown where there could be mitigating circumstances. Patricularly where your exit can not be seen. Having said that as a retired driving instructor and holder of an HGV licence I have more experience of the road than most and I have seen it time after time where people have got themselves into stupid situations because they did not have their brain in gear or were too busy with some thing else.
  8. You're right. 3000 in this country. Deaths due to war are not just in this country but world wide. Now think of deaths due to RTAs world wide every year and I feel sure that you can see that more deaths are caused by RTAs than war. Actually, this is not my say so. I have read a report on just this some where but I'm not sure where. The UN I think. Besides which 300 deaths a year in this country is far too many. most of them are caused by people not sticking to the rules of the road. I suggest that the only reason why anyone would be caught stopping in a box junction is because thy were travelling to close to the vehicle in front causing them to not be able to read the road ahead. I've never be caught out in a box junction.
  10. Their claim looks ridiculous to me. Do they suggest that other drivers can "See through" a Royal Mail van and see a child about to run onto the road . Sounds like a good reason for making a public complaint to your MP and copy to the Minister of Transport. Then wait for the muck to hit the fan when a child gets killed in just such a scenario
  11. What I was referring to was a comment made by Credit_Allergy about parking on the pavement. I was not commenting on any of your posts at this point.
  12. MacBoy. I'd be grateful if you would be so kind as to explain to me where my logic was "Utterly Flawed".
  13. C-A. It pleases me greatly when I see cars parked on the pavement with a ticket. My late wife was a wheelchair user and cars parked on the pavement made her life very difficult. Unfortunately, it will still not cause them to have more consideration for those who have such difficulties as they will probably still carry on in the same way. There is also something else that should be taken into consideration with regards traffic offences, including parking, and that is, there is no other activity that cause so many deaths per year. Perhaps even than war.
  14. I can be pedantic too, but GAWD you take the biscuit
  15. Hi Louis Wu. See your post yesterday 22. 12. It credits me with that posting and i didn't make it.
  16. I'm sure that when I saw this first it was accredited to me. Rechecked. It was.
  17. I'm afraid you have the quotes mixed up. This is not my posting.
  18. Are they staying away? What leads you to that conclusion? I've learnt quite a bit from CAG.
  19. Reading all the posts on this I wonder if it would be a good idea for all BB to have a chip in them that allows them through a barrier. it may also have other uses as well. Any Ideas?
  20. You can come on as much as you like. I never park where is prohibited and I never speed. It is not necessary at my age. I have never been stopped for speeding,or anything else. The rules are there for a purpose and signs are not Christmas decorations. I have seen too many accidents to think that I'm invincible. When I was a driving instructor I used to tell my pupils that accidents are the collusion of two idiots as accidents are very rarely entirely the fault of one individual. Having said that I also used to say that if all drivers only made one mistake a month that would mean that there will be a lot of mistakes.
  21. My understanding of speeding is that the speed that you are/were moving at has to be stated. Otherwise, what is the point of radar guns . It is impossible for a person standing on the edge of a road to say what speed a vehicle is travelling at. In the days before radar guns the police did it over a measured distance. It would seam to me that the police have a very weak case here in that they were stationary at the time, and they had to do means of ascertaining the speed of any vehicle concerned. As the speed limit is 70 MPH, I would like anyone to prove whether a vehicle is travelling at &0 or 80 MPH whilst stand by the road. I think the police in this case are being vexatious.
  22. The time set for the amber light should be such as to allow a vehicle to stop in a safe manner at the speed limit in force at that place. It is not unknown for the amber light not being on long enough for this. I have known of people getting away with a fine for this reason.
  23. So! You think that you know better that the local authority as to what is a safe distance from the school entrance to allow car parking.
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