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  1. Thank you everyone for your advice on this. It is all really helpful
  2. Mike, Would they be obliged to tell me the information you suggested asking for ? When they first contacted me I asked why it had taken so long to notify me and whether other employees had the same problem. The girl chasing implied it was an error on my part and for some reason I had canelled the dd (which I hadn't). It was only after speaking to colleagues I discovered other people had the same problem. I complained about the wording of the original letter and was basically told ' It is a standard letter drafted by the audit team (who I think discovered the problem)' regarding other people it effected I was told she could not discuss other peoples issues because of DPA ... basically she did everything to try and blame me ... not admit it was a 'bank' problem which I presumed was so as to put pressure on so I would pay and sort out sooner rather than later. I have heard nothing at all regarding my reference to Dignity at work. My Dept Manager is back next week so I will speak to him regarding whether to take this any further. If I am honets I would rather not as I am busy enough as it is but I feel she, and to some extent the bank, should not simply get away with it. My own bank only hold records for 6-months for Telephone and branhc banking. They have told me anything older and I have to get copy statements.
  3. Hello, Transpires the girl chasing me actually works in HR. I emailed her on Monday (cc'd in her Manager, her Managers Manager and My Manager) I told her where I was at with my enquries. I then went on to say I felt I was being bullied / harrassed when I was doing all I could to look into the matter. I went on to say as she worked in HR I presume she was familiar with section of the Code of Conduct 'dignity at work'. Furthermore I said I intended to speak to my Manager on his return from annual leave to decide whether to escalate this! This worked a treat. She has just said she will wait to hear from me when I get the statements. No more chasers/ snotty emails ... I can actually get on with my job without being wound up each time I received an email in my in box. Thank you Cal.
  4. Cal, that is great. I am back in work today so will do this as soon as I get in ! Thank you.
  5. Thanks for replying poppynurse. ... We don't have a union at work, which is not good. I think I will have to do what you suggest and approach her supervisor. Thanks again.
  6. I contacted the girl chasing the money initially and told her what I was doing. I just feel she is really unreasonable. She keeps refering to the code of conduct which says you should manage your finacial affairs, so by not checking that every direct debit I have on my account is being paid she has said I am in breach of this. Just feel she is using this to bully me into agreeing a repayment plan. My main problem is not the loan, if I owe it I will pay it. My concern is how this is being chased for what was their problem.
  7. Hello, I work for an insurance company that is owned by a Bank. I have recently, on the 22nd September received a letter from the HR section to advise that a season ticket loan I took out in 2005 remains unpaid. The letter implied I was in breach of my code of Conduct and gave 10-days to repay. Since transpires this was a bank (my employer) problem and there was a number of accounts where they have not collected the money or set up mandates. I contacted the team running the matter on the Monday as I receivd the post on the Saturday. I highlighed my concerns regarding the tone of their letter and advised I would make enquiries with myBank. Long story but wrote to my bank, they waited a few days said I would need to apply for copy statements at £5 per statement. I then contacted the woman dealing with recovery of the money, she sent me the printouts they had but to be honest I want to check with my bank first that I have not paid this. I contacted my bank on the 8.10.07, after i had received these printouts. Bank confirmed on the 10.10.07 they had received my request and would process this. Yesterday I received another email from my employers. She had cc'd a Supervisor in who was no longer my supervisor and told me we should have soted out this matter by the end of september (they wrote to me on the 20.9.07, I got this on the 22nd which was a SAturday !). I have again complained that they are bullying me like this and also that they are involving people who are in no way related to this. My own department manager is supportive and has agreed to escalate this with his own manager. Just wondered if you could give me any advice regarding what my rights are. I realise that I have to repay the money if I have not paid this but I am not paying anything back until I have satisfied myself I owe the money. The woman contacting me is rude and aggressive, If they treat staff like this I hate to think how they treat members of the public ! Think I should raise a greivance against her personally ? Not sure if you can help but nice to get off my chest.
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