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  1. Hi there everyone, I've fairly recently discovered this site and have read everything I can but am still confused I'm afraid:( It started in July, when A&L charged me £25 for going over my overdraft by a small sum ( I can't remember exactly how much, but I do have all my statements saved). I didn't realise as it is a secondary account, and so got charged another £25. And then another, and then another. My wages went back in and everything was fine. However, on the 24th September I was charged another two lots of £25 at once, and I had no idea what for. I rung up their customer services dept and was informed by the lady that she had no idea what they were for either, and it would be investigated. Today, I go a threatening letter demanding that I pay the £49.90 i am over my overdraft by (the £50 they took out on 24 sept did this) so I rung again and was informed that this £50 goes back to the charges from July! So it appears that I have now been charged £150 for going over my overdraft once. And because I have been charged in sept and this caused me to go over until october, I will be charged next month as well. And potentially the month after. I am utterly at a loss as to what to do. Should I pay off everything, close my account and then start the claim? Or just keep paying in enough to cover the fees and claim with the account open? And will I get anywhere anyway with this test case? Any help would be so greatly appreciated, this is really all completley alien to me. x
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