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Barnsley Boy

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Everything posted by Barnsley Boy

  1. Morris has a great life, and a great job - he's an Inglish teecher.
  2. Contrary to what Peternet has said, ignoring does work with UKCPS. I've direct experience of this.
  3. Usual appalling grammer "any vehicle........will be charged..." Most vehicles are not financially independant and so are unable to pay. £200 though, that really is stupid. If it was £30 I could see people putting it down to experience and, not knowing any better, paying up. Surely for £200 even the most gullible of people would do a double take and find out for themselves that the proposed charge is just nonsense.
  4. Just looked up Vehicle Control Services address: it's Omega Ct/354 Cemetery Rd, Sheffield, S11 8FT Interestingly Excel's address is: Excel Parking Services Ltd 356 Omega Court Cemetery Road Kenwood Park Sheffield S11 8FT Are there by any chance related? Just in case they are, here is a link that V789 may find interesting [the rest of you have seen it before] Judge quashes £300 parking fine...because it set out to ‘frighten and intimidate’ driver | Mail Online
  5. Look in the shaded box area LHS of the post - you will see a red bordered triangle. Click on that and you may report the post to the moderators.
  6. No personal expreience but they have been posted about a fair bit. Just another typical PPC. You know the drill, either use the templates if you wish to fight back and record their misrepresentations or alternatively, if you just wish the issue to go away as quickly as possible - just ignore them completely and any letters from them and / or their "debt collection agencies"
  7. "let us forgive our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us" Yes, ignoring is the most efficient way, but it be fun to incorporate the above response "on behalf of the driver at the time" in a "go forth and multiply" response to the PPC
  8. Thanks for the support guys! I liked the troll spray - lol Have to go now, pot noodle going cold, plus I want a place on the sofa well before Jeremy Kyle comes on.
  9. So, I must be a jobless, pot noodle eating, Jeremy Kyle loving tosser? Well, if the cap fits? Nobody did owe BPM any money and certainly not CRS when they bought the "debt" at 5 pence in the pound or whatever, it is a CON and, your poor opinion of me notwithstanding, I will continue to shout it from the rooftops.
  10. There is one thing better than one person telling you directly, that is several people telling you directly. Do not contact them, ignore, ignore, ignore. After a couple of letters from UKPC you will start to get letters from a "debt collection agency". This also means nothing - ignore them as well. If you have the time do a search on this forum or over on pepipoo on "UKPC". You will find all the template letters, all the threats but not a single court case, not one. UKPC just play the percentages. They know most people pay their unenforceable invoices straight away but they also know that there is no legal basis for their charges.
  11. Lamma - you are right as usual - its CRS, dug out the above quote from this very thread. If the post were genuine, you would have expected our Morris to be disgruntled at being stung for £100 or so. Not a bit of it, instead old Morris rushes to the defence of CRS when they are criticised. Sorry to hear I make you sick Mo. What makes me sick is people who lie and cheat for a living - the above posting is hardly straight is it?
  12. Hi unlucky67, Thanks for getting back to us. We can firmly put TPS parking solutions in the "no cahones" camp where legal action is concerned. So far only 1 company in the "got cahones but no brains" camp, no prizes for guessing which one.
  13. Looking at other postings, Stirling Park do act for scottish councils in council tax matters, so it is not inconceivable that this is a council matter. As others have said, we really could do with seeing the original paperwork, simply not enough information to provide constructive advice at present.
  14. The landowners are probably entitled to the £1, The PPC won't be interested in that, they will want their £60. I'd consider waiting for the "notice to owner" document to come through the door and reply "on behalf of the driver at the time" sellotape a £1 coin to the reply "in full and final settlement" of any conceivable loss. The only reason for doing the above is that it winds the [problematic] up a treat. Some of us perverse individuals enjoy doing that. If however, as most do, you simply want a quiet life then standard advice remains to ignore, ignore, ignore.
  15. Yes, either just ignore completely from now on or alternatively, send the "cease & desist" letter from the templates. The PPCs don't respond to our questions, no reason on earth why we should respond to theirs.
  16. "I note the contents of your letter and would wish to have it known that I have no intention to be uncooperative. I will of course release driver details promptly upon receipt of an authenticated S172 request to do so" y/f
  17. DrO, You have been given good advice, ignoring really is the way to go. The tickets seem so legitimate don't they? These parking companies also have a cozy relationship with DVLA. They pay £2.50 a pop to obtain registered keeper details. This is yet another example of the government's casual attitude to our precious data. I suppose we should be grateful that they are actually selling it rather then casually leaving it on a train or taxi for free. Whether you use the templates or not, you will get a series of increasingly shrill letters, some purportedly from debt collectors. Do not be in the slighted bit concerned, they mean absolutely nothing. We've all been there, just resign yourself to their wasted efforts.
  18. Looked through the thread and can't find the quote anywhere. Clearly following the great PPC tradition of making it all up as you go along.
  19. Ranger! - as in Ranger Services, the company that does all the DVLA access requests for PPCs not "respectable" enough to have their own?
  20. On the trail of a very stale scent - the thread he picked up is two years old
  21. Just looked on CRS website - their news section is a hoot October 2005 - CRS announce that over £100M of debt is now under management August 2008 - CRS has now collected over £8M on behalf of its clients. Even assuming no new business October 2005 to August 2008, that is only 8% debt repayment in just under 3 years, less than 3% a year. Not exactly a sparkling performance is it? No one should take these jokers seriously.
  22. Hi Jamoe, If you are using the templates there is no need to send each letter in the series more than once. If it obvious that they are ignoring your letters then stop sending, you've made your point. Save your real letter writing for complaining to trading standards, OFT etc.
  23. £200 for goodwill - I should coco! Lets hope that they DO issue court papers. The troops WILL rally round if that happens. What contract, what nonsense, £3 a day for "liquidated damages", what planet are they on. It would be great if you could scan some of these letters in, minus the personal details, we know the signs and the "PCNs" are BS, we could do with seeing more of the letters. Goodness knows, in these dark times, we all need a good laugh.
  24. I've not actually heard of any UKCPS court cases, I actually live in that part of the world so could have expected to hear about the odd one. I've been directly involved with one [a relative - after a dose of ignoring UKCPS eventually did.......nothing] and have heard about a few others from aquaintences which went much the same way. With their "owner is responsible" and £3 / day "liquidated damages" I don't see them hurrying to court to have their paperwork examined.
  25. You know the drill - ignore away. It may take a month before they get round to obtaining RK details from DVLA and sending their first BS invoice to you.
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