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  1. Another Development. Despite the recent (and in my opinion unjust) stay, I have just received a copy of form N30 which has just been sent to Barclays. The form says that as Barclays failed to reply in time, it is ordered that they must pay me £2,000 forthwith. I guess this has been sent from a seperate department to the one that has issued the stay, and Barclays will just refer the courts to the stay.
  2. Disaster! The same judge who ruled in my favour over a month ago, has now decided to overturn his own decision and accept Barclays late (way past deadline) application for a stay. I feel like I've been robbed.
  3. Update: Sent off my Judgement in default form a couple of weeks ago, but I've now received a copy of an application (N244) by Barclays to have the judges decision overturned on the basis that the Test Case will cover all aspects of my claim. This application appears to have been dated 2nd November, which is after the deadline that the judge had previously set. Has anyone else out there been down this route. And more importantly, did they win?
  4. Cheers everyone. I'll leave it another week and then request the default judgement. I'll keep the thread updated with the progress. Thanks.
  5. Hi Slick. Errm..? So that means I haven't quite won yet? Barclays wrote to me several months ago saying they would apply for a stay. I presume I'd have to wait for the main court case if they got their stay accepted. Hi Saintly 1. It was Leicester County Court - Judge Atkinson
  6. Thanks Saintly 1. I'll check out that link now. I'm a bit of a pessamist, so I'll hold off the celebrations for now . Thanks again.
  7. Hi All I've been fighting Barclays (for £2k including interest) for more than 6 months now. It had got to the stage where a court date had been set, and I had submitted my paperwork. The court date is next week and today I've received a letter from the courts which states that. "It is ordered that: 1. The defendent having failed to file documents as set out in the previous order of this court or at all, the Defence is struck out in accordance with the provisions of that Order, and accordingly the Claimant may enter judgememt in default. 2. The hearing listed for 23rd October 2007 is cancelled. 3. This Order has been made by the court of its own initiative, without hearing the parties or giving them an opportunity to make representations. Any party affected by the order may apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed. Such an application must be made not more than 7 days after the date on which the order was served on the party making the application." I don't want to sound thick, but (i) Does this mean I've won (ii) can Barclays still get a stay? (the court letter has the date 9th Oct at the top, but 26th September as the date under the order.) (iii) If I have won, what about the money. No mention has been made of this. And costs. I presume I'd be able to reclaim them, if I have won. Should I be celebrating, or waiting. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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