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  1. Many thanks for ur advice dantesoloman... I will check the paperwork and let u know how i get on
  2. I have also had the constant harassment from these people, despite it being there error in the first place ! Does anyone know how to get out of a bill of sale with these people ?! All these people tell me is that THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF IT ONCE YOU HAVE SIGNED UP ! (My company has lease vehicles and I want to have a car with them as they are much much cheaper!) Please advise
  3. Hi all, I have my car on Finance with The Funding Corporation and I am now employed by a company that offers lease vehicles and so want to end my agreement with them. I have tried to make enquires about this but all they tell me is that its A BILL OF SALE and that due to this there is NO WAY I can break free from it unless I sell the car (probably at a considerably lower price and then I would not have enough funds to pay them an early settlement figure any way !) PLEASE HELP !!
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