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  1. I need some advice please. I was finishing uni. (mature student nurse) year 2010/2011 and worked, so my salary was only 11,000.00 so when I started work full-time april 2011 I called the tax credit team and informed them that I would be earning approx. 22,000 for the year and did not wish to get into debt with them and would they change my payments. they renewed my details and noted that I would be earing 22,000. I continued to recieve my money but in January realised that my salary was hitting 20,000 and i still had 3 months left to work (this was due to shift enhancements which I do not know how much). I called them immediately and they said that My money will stop tax and child credits and that I owed then 1,500 pounds I have been in a turmoil ever since and do not know how i can pay this back as a single parent recieving no maintenance or help with anything. They also said that the limit for any tax/child credit it 26,000 pound and I think will be earning 26,100 pounds next year. Gross pay can anyone please advice I dont know what to do. thanks
  2. Hi Matt Good for you so glad someone got them at last! unfortunately I paid mine but so happy that you didnt have to. made my day that has
  3. BUZBY! Im a bit confussed the contract was just another issue the main problem was that they failed to provide me with the facilities that they initially offered! I have since been back to the gym and have been told that the sauna/steam room has not been open since I left and this was due to the licence being far to expensive for them to pay. (this being one of the main reasons for joining). Also the showers were filthy and tiles were missing or cracked and filled with bacteria (this was not the case when i joined). You mentioned an offer? what offer are you referring to? corcorans1
  4. Thank you for your help "Slick" will send letter. I must admit I felt much the same when I read it. They have totally ignored my previous letter. will be intouch no doubt! thanks again. Corcorans 1
  5. We confirm after discussion with Harlands, whom advise, that all Clubs have had sufficient training in completing the Agreements, and fail to see how anybody would complete their Direct Debit details, and then sign, a blank agreement, agreeing that they have read the Terms and Conditions, the club are aware that they give all members a copy of the Membership agreement immediately after signing. We have no doubt as to the validity of this agreement We confirm that this debt is valid and due, the best we can offer to you would be a settlement figure payable in one payment of £185.00 payable within the next 10 days, if you do not wish to take the settlement figure up, please call us on 01444449165, whereby we will be happy to accept monthly instalment payments, however there will be a small handling charge each month for this facility. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services
  6. hi guys, sent the above letter in March 2009 and have just recieved a reply which i am going to post. Any ideas where i go from here? many thanks corcorans
  7. Hi, is there anyone who may be ableto help with this thread Please?? Many thanks corcorans1
  8. These are the grounds........ Dear Sir or Madam, I purchased the above policy from First National that you took over but now believe that I was mis-sold this policy for the following reasons: · Due to the fact that you have been fined by the FSA for failing to treat your customers fairly when selling Payment Protection Insurance and I do not believe that my policy was sold in my best interests. · This is due to the fact that I was not given the correct information when the policy was sold to me. · The salesperson stated that taking out the policy was essential for me to get the associated credit and explained that it was compulsory. Unless you can satisfactorily justify to me that the policy was fair and reasonable I am requesting a full refund of all premiums, and subsequent interest on these payments, that I have paid to date. As I believe I have been deprived of this money I also expect 8% statutory interest, the amount a court would award, to be added to each payment made. I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter and for the matter to be concluded within eight weeks or I shall be contacting the Financial Ombudsman to investigate my complaint. Yours faithfully, thanks corcorans1
  9. Hi, Have looked at the credit agreement that was written out by the salesman for Zenith Windows and the agreement was then with a credit company called FIRST NATIONAL who were taken over by GE MONEY..... bit confusing hey! The protected Payment premium is clearly stated on the agreement as £776 and its added to the loan. It then states the Monthly rate of interest variable 1.19% and then it states APR: 15.5%. I have been paying this for 7 years and made the final settlement. Hope you can advise and thanks corcorans1
  10. Thanks aa, have the agreement will get it out and post reply as soon as i can, corcorans
  11. Hi, Started the process to claim back PPI from GE money, sent the 1st template letter to them and they replied blaming ZENITH WINDOWS for the selling of the PPI, who have unfortunately gone into liquidation! can we claim from GE money or do we not have a leg to stand on?? Many thanks Corcorans1
  12. At Last thanks so much Britains worst driver. You have made my day to you as you have me!!!
  13. Well!!!! Inbetween doing 10 hour shifts as a STUDENT NURSE i was constantly calling them and being given many excuses. I Was only asking for advice and I have for the first time in several years of being a member of this forum am very disappointed in your response! Thank for your help
  14. thanks again will send it and post reply. Any idea what we can do about the interest that they have added? We do realise now that we should have carried on with the payments but we did inform them that we could not afford to and the reply was never sent to us! many thanks
  15. Actually I emailed watchdog about Seat not about the garage!!! apparently it is a fault that has now got modified parts to replace the faulty ones!!! Also I was asking a question (garage rip off???) Yes the garage was trying to help but not doing a very good job of it as they had my car for FOUR weeks and never called me even though I asked them to with any progress. They also admitted to taking on a job that they should not have and charged me £400 for completing it, but the dealer SEAT quoted me £350. I dont think I was being that harsh do you?
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