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  1. Could someone please give me some sort of advice I changed to Swift Cover on the 31st July 2007 for my insurance for my volvo and guess what happened on the 7th August I had a accident on the A64 and there were 3 cars involved and I went into the back of someone and I came off the worst the other cars managed to drive off but the police had to be called to take statements etc and my car was took to a recovery garage in York and I live in Newcastle so it wasn't exactly ideal and I had to make my own way home with 2 kids and it was a nightmare. I contacted Swift numerous times to find out what was happening and I ended up with no car at all. It looked to me to be damage to the licence plate and also to the lights but then I was told it was a right off!! Anyway I excepted this as I was told that it was a 6 year car and uneconomical to repair and I was told I would receive a payment for my car and it would be £4250.00 but when it arrived it was a payment for £3944 which I could not understand as all of my payments were up to date when I queried this I was told that the £306 was deducted as it was a total loss claim and in those circumstances the whole premium for the year is deducted even though I have no car. The man on the phone said this was normal practice in a total loss claim or an accident when you are at fault. Has anyone else experienced this before and is Swiftcover telling the truth?
  2. Thanks to all the posted replies to my post I did end up going into Newcastle County Court yesterday and it was so nerve wracking. My hearing to listen to my objection against the stay on my account was yesterday supposedly at 2pm but it had to be moved till 3pm but no one had notified me so I had been in the court office since 1.15pm so by the time it was 3pm I was a bundle of nerves. Whilst I was waiting to go in I saw loads of people coming in and out and by 2.45pm there was only me and 1 elderly gentleman and a lady solicitor left. By process of elimination I guessed that the man could not be the solicitor for [problem] on behalf of Lloyds so I guessed that it must of been the lady and I even tried to sneak a look at her paperwork to see if I could see my name on it with no avail. Guess what at 3pm they shouted Hunter vs Lloyds TSB and I was the only person who stood up I then thought this was going to be a done deal and that I had won. We went into a small office and the clerk to the court said to the judge "Judge this is Mrs Hunter and no one from Lloyds or [problem] have turned up. The judge was nice and he explained that he had read my letter about the objection but unfortunately he was going to grant the stay even though I explained about the hardship as he had to go along with the majority of the courts decisions as Newcastle Court can't really cancel a stay when the majority of stays have been granted around the country have not be cancelled so I ended up with the same case scenario as JohhniePK had yesterday. The Judge said that Lloyds must inform me within 28 from the test case then it is up to me if I want to continue the claim or cancel it depending on what the test case brings up. I asked what about the fact that no one has turned up to represent Lloyds or [problem] and he said that it did not surprise him at all as if they had turned up they would have been charged for the judges services but I was thinking LLoyds/[problem] could not have known what the judge has decided so what if he had said that the stay had been cancelled and today he was going to hear the case and no one from the bank had been there would I have won outright? I am pretty sure that I will be continuing the case but I shall watch on this website for any further news so by the time the test case is over and then I appeal again god only knows when my case will be heard as there will be a massive backlog of people needing to claim after the test case. So I left the court disappointed but I thought that the judge seemed nice and human and he did explain his reasons. I am just glad it is all over but I wish I had got a different outcome but at least I have experienced what it is like in the court room. Now to top it all I went shopping last night and when I went to the cashpoint I put my Lloyds card in the machine only for it to be swallowed up and the screen read "Card Retained by Bank Instruction, please contact your brnach". I was fuming so this morning they are going to get a telling off. Thanks again to everyone who gave me advice and I shall keep an eye out for further developments.
  3. Hello Everyone I hope you can help me.... I am due into Newcastle Court tomorrow 9th October at 14:00hrs and I am really worried. I sent a letter to object to the stay on the 26th September to [problem] and also to Newcastle Court but with the postal strike being on I had heard nothing but this morning I rang up [problem] at Brighton to see if they had received my letter and I was told yes but the man on the end of the phone said that the case was still going ahead. This is the second claim that I have had with Lloyds TSB the first one was settled out of court on 10th February which was a Saturday and the court case was due to be on the 13th February which was the Tuesday and I was paid £4387.52 but I then went ahead to claim my charges from the February up until the June plus I have also claimed for all of the court fees which meant a total of £3056.03 and i thought that it would most definitely be sorted out of court but it seems that I am wrong and that it is going to court and I have no idea what to expect and what information to take in with me and can I have a friend in with me for moral support? Thanks. A prompt reply would be great to put my mind at rest
  4. Thanks for the reply slickwilly123 I am new to this game and i am not sure how it all works
  5. I hope you can help me.... Well Done on winning your case I am due into Newcastle Court tomorrow 9th October at 14:00hrs and I am really worried. I sent a letter to object to the stay on the 26th September to [problem] and also to Newcastle Court but with the postal strike being on I had heard nothing but this morning I rang up [problem] at Brighton to see if they had received my letter and I was told yes but the man on the end of the phone said that the case was still going ahead.. This is the second claim that I have had with Lloyds TSB the first one was settled out of court on 10th February which was a Saturday and the court case was due to be on the 13th February which was the Tuesday and I was paid £4387.52 but I then went ahead to claim my charges from the February up until the June plus I have also claimed for all of the court fees which meant a total of £3056.03 and i thought that it would most definitely be sorted out of court but it seems that I am wrong and that it is going to court and I have no idea what to expect and what information to take in with me and can I have a friend in with me for moral support? Thanks. A prompt reply would be great to put my mind at rest
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