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  1. Hi there Jenny, Many, many thanks for that. I've just finished making copies of all the letters etc and I'm all fired to go! (Still a bit nervous though!) Good luck for tomorrow, Smiley123
  2. Hello everyone! Another first time - poster here! I too (well my partner) is in Leeds Mercantile court on Thursday. We received a letter from the HSBC implying that the case had been postponed and foolishly we believed them so, handing in the Case Management Form was very last minute. It's great to have a bit of support on here and know there are others in the same boat. The only thing is, I'm not sure exactly what we should take with us other than letters and statements etc and we're both starting to panic. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Their most recent letter was explaining that they were applying for a stay. I'm just feeling very unprepared at the moment. Many Thanks in advance, Smiley123
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