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  1. With regards to Laptop computers, I thought I would let you all know how I deal with IVAL. Once I new that IVAL would be collecting my laptop, I typed up and printed the spec of my laptop. I also stated that if my laptop could not be repaired, I would like a replacement of at least the same spec. I also stated that my current laptop was running XP home with 1 gig of ram and if any new system should be running vista then I would like at least 2 gig of ram because of the memory that vista uses. 5 days later I rang them because I wasnt willing to wait for them to ring me and they came up trumps and offered me a £1200 laptop running vista and 2 gig ram, 17 inch screen all singing and dancing. Just thought I would let you know that putting a letter in with your laptops and ringing them instead of waiting around may be helpfull. 2 days after my phone call I had a new laptop (thats one week after them collecting it from my house). hope this helps.
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