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Everything posted by camdbug

  1. Few more letters since, no substantial change. Now got one offering me a settlement of "up to 20%"..."depending on my financial circumstances". Ah, so I'd need to contact you, give you loads of personal details (as you've been trying to get me to do for months) only to be told that you want the full amount and now know a hell of a lot more about me. Hmmm... Tough one...
  2. So, an interesting twist. As about to leave to take my kids to school my mobile rang. Mobile number I didn't recognize so ignored. Previously I'd blocked Capquest's landline on my mobile. Seconds after it stopped ringing, my landline went (they hadn't called that before afaik). Picked up and conversation went a bit like this: Me: Hello? Silence for a few seconds... Cq: Hello? Me: Yes, you called me. Cq: Can I speak to Me: Speaking Cq: This is Capquest. For security reasons can I ask you to confirm your postcode? Me: Oh, you're the ones that have been spamming me with strange texts and letters recently? Cq: We've been trying to contact you... Me: Well, please conduct all further communications in writing. Cq: We've sent letters but you haven't contacted us in return. Me: That's because your letters have not contained any information indicating why you have the right to be making the requests or any detailed information about the subject in question. So if you write to me with full details of the request and your authority to make it then I will be in a position to decide whether to respond, but everything received to date has simply been requests to contact you with no detailed context supplied so I have treated them as such. All further communications by post please. Cq: Me: OK, we're done here, goodbye. Voicemail on my mobile was an automated message from them as well.
  3. So. I've now received three text messages from them, all from different numbers (they've obviously dug my number up from somewhere!) and two missed calls, no voicemail, from their office (number now blocked) along with a chasing letter. All in the last 2 weeks. Is there any benefit to trying a cease and desist approach or should I continue to leave well alone? Temptation to slap them down is strong but they are angling for me to make contact, so may not be wise. .. Advice welcomed.
  4. My thoughts exactly. You gave the same advice back then and it proved to be extremely effective
  5. Looking back I've realised it's just over a year since the last contact! Guess it's "new financial year spring clean time"
  6. Letters received today. Apparently erudio have passed it on to Capquest. Capquest; "please contact us". Interestingly both letters arrived simultaneously, both with identical envelopes and both envelopes with identical return addresses. Ho hum, starting again.
  7. Been really quiet here for the last 6 months. Zero contact for ages. It almost makes me miss them... Almost
  8. Just thought I'd update as I hate threads that just stop without conclusion. The update is: nothing. Still waiting, nothing received. Won't hold my breath that they've given up, in fact posting this probably means I'll get something tomorrow Trust me that if anything happens I'll post so silence means that I'm still safe from threats!
  9. Mind you, it's only being "reviewed" for a home visit, so no panic after all! ;-)
  10. That's shocking. You can see exactly how someone would feel threatened into just paying up. Not daring to say bailiffs add you point out but trying to push that button for those that are already scared. Can't wait to see what my next one is now. Will df lower themselves to this level I wonder?
  11. Agreed. TBH it took me until I got the SAR response from SLC before I actually knew any details about the CCJ (or even had any evidence that it existed and was related to the loan). Even then it's primarily just evidence that they were granted a CCJ (the ref number is probably in there somewhere but I still don't have a copy of the judgement anywhere). I'm more curious at this stage about what they will try next. I have not responded to them since I told them I was submitting a SAR to SLC, which was many months ago now. I'm going to follow this path on dx's advice until I see something in writing that suggests there is something worth spending time and effort on. .. as I, you, dx and others from various threads suggest, there is nothing they can do now anyway, but I shall update with the next instalment as it comes in
  12. Just to let you know, I am in a similar position; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?430125-drydens-93-SLC-loan-with-old-CCJ-14-years-no-contact In my case, despite having address updates (I was living in Dublin at the time) the SLC got a CCJ against me. I only found this out quite recently. In my case I have drydensfairfax chasing me on behalf of Erudio and it's in a similar state. After submitting a SAR to SLC and informing me of such they went quiet for a bit, then recently sent me a letter asking me to fill in an Incomes/Expenses report. Ignored that and today received another letter saying that I have until early next week to respond otherwise they "may" take action. I stopped responding to them a while back. Until they decide they're actually going to try and take action, there is nothing they can do. IF they are stupid enough to try and take action, then they are unable to enforce anything anyway, so I'll do something then. In the meantime I await their letters with interest to see what they are going to try next. If they're on schedule I should get something later next week, but I suspect it will be another long wait until the next instalment! They are right though; Ignoring the debt won't make it go away. However, if absolutely nobody has the power to enforce repayment of that debt any more due to years of incompetency, then what is the difference in reality?
  13. Latest letter today stating that they note I have not responded to the previous financial statement. Giving me until 23rd March to respond otherwise they "will have no alternative but to recommence steps to recover the full balance owed to our client." Guess I'll expect to see another letter in about a week then...
  14. Yep. That's it. Along with copies of payslips, bank statements, proof of benefits etc. Stupidly 2 days ago I was thinking that I hadn't heard anything in a while. That was when they posted it! That'll teach me
  15. today I received another letter from drydensfairfax. Interestingly there are no demands for payment and no threats. Instead it is a financial questionnaire to work out a payment plan with phrases like "we appreciate you may be struggling" and "understand that your present circumstances may be difficult". I intend to ignore it for now as there are no threats. They want the questionnaire returned by Feb 19th, so I'll wait and see what happens after that.
  16. Thanks for that. Happy to just do nothing; after all it's been several months since last contact and they have not been in touch at all. Will update if/when I hear anything new!
  17. Finally received the SAR response from SLC yesterday. Got to be around 100 pages (although most is just screenshots of their system and statement details). Copies of the original agreement and forms were included (very bad quality - from microfiche I suspect - but readable). Have ordered everything and gone through it. Their "Customer Activity Report" runs up until Spring 1998 then has nothing until the beginning of 2010 (will come back to this). It contains no record of default notices sent and none were supplied in the copies of letters sent. The legal department's 11 page "Matter History" commences in Autumn 1999. it looks like they have no records of the first address change (to Ireland) I sent them, with the result that when they applied for the CCJ they were doing it against an old UK address. CCJ was granted early in 2000. Although there is no copy/record of the CCJ itself, they do include the claim number from the courts. They subsequently tried to request an oral examination in late 2000; again against the old address. Not surprisingly this failed to take place as the courts were unable to serve the papers. Rescheduled a number of times before ultimately failing - I was of course totally unaware of all of this. In early 2002 they contacted my mother requesting my current address, which she gave to them (the Irish one I had already notified them about; of which there is no record). They sent a letter in April 2002 to this address (which I recall) simply requesting me to contact their office as soon as possible. No mention of any of the above. I responded by letter saying that I was about to move back to the UK (I moved back mid May 2002) and gave them the new address there; there is no record of this. They have records of account statements being generated but not sent; which indicates that they knew the Irish address was no longer valid. In Summer 2005 there is a curious entry stating "PWOUEF000 Identified as possible write-off" which is then periodically repeated until Summer 2006 when it changed to "OLDCCJ000 Identified as possible write-off" then immediately "PWOABR000 Identified as possible write-off", after which this does not appear any more. After that they continue to apparently send letters according to their matter history, but no copies of these letters were provided (last letter provided was the one to the Irish address asking me to contact them). The "Customer Activity Report" includes an entry in early 2010 showing that they had located me again at my current address via Experian. I had lived here fully registered and publicly since late 2006 and at another fully registered UK address for 18 months before that. Prior to that I was in Australia for just over a year. The Matter History seems to reflect this change of address, but only shows the old address not my current one. Only other entry of significance on the Matter History is a "Decide fate of account" entry in Autumn 2010 with no listed outcome. Matter History ends in Autumn 2011. Customer Activity Report has one final entry after the address change which is my recent request for a SAR. That's it. Virtually no details of the CCJ other than a copy of the text from a letter saying it had been granted containing the court/case reference. Definitely nothing saying that it was transferred when they sold the loan. Covering letter states that the loan had been sold on to Erudio earlier this year and that I should contact them for any further info. Due to the postal mess I had already done this, nd Erudio returned absolutely nothing of any significance. So... what do you think the next steps should be?
  18. Yep, this has proven that But it does now seem like the original SAR to SLC has not made it, so at least I'm clear on that and it looks like I'll get the money back from RM for the first one. Will hopefully have more information in about 40 days! Still heard absolutely nothing from Drydens so they're either prepared to wait or are taking the view that if I'm doing things like this then they might find it hard to push the matter. Either way, I'll update as/when anything else happens.
  19. RM apparently lost the original SAR request to SLC, I had to spend a long time waiting to try and find out whether it was actually delivered or not - as I did not want to send another £10 PO unless the original really was lost. ij decided to trace the whole thing back instead and while waiting sent a SAR to Erudio. Interestingly I received their response this morning. a load of what look like screen dumps from what is a very basic piece of software, which make it quite hard to interpret anything. However, there is very little info in there. The only reference to the CCJ is a single cryptic entry stating that one was issued in 2000. Definitely nothing indicating that it was transferred to them at any point. I guess this was obvious, but they have nothing to indicate that they are in a position to do anything. As it's clear SLC has not received anything (still waiting on RM to reimburse me!), I will now redo what I had originally done and resend the SAR to SLC More waiting!
  20. Apologies for not replying sooner. I posted an extremely short letter to drydens saying that I had submitted a SAR and was waiting on the response before I would take any further action. I also posted the SAR with £10 postal order. Both sent "signed for" at the same time in the same post office. Dryden's arrived. It appears that Royal Mail have "lost" the other. I am waiting on confirmation whether it ever arrived, while simultaneously taking out a claim against Royal Mail. If it did not actually arrived (the tracking info was shocking, I genuinely do not know whether it got there or not then I will have to submit another, which will happen imminently. So no real progress. I have however heard nothing at all from drydens in the meantime. Will update if there is any progress.
  21. Hi Pamela. As I'm sure others will tell you if I don't get in first best thing is to start your own thread as I'm sure there will be differences in what happens. However feel free to pm me your thread or post a link to your thread here (I assume that's allowed) and I'll keep an eye on yours just as you are watching this one. It looks like erudio were given a new batch of loans earlier this year and drydens are gearing up and working through them all now hence our coincidental timings! Will update this evening on what I'm doing. Ps.again as others will say; do not talk to them by phone. If you do, only say that you want to do everything in writing and then hang up. There is also a good service being offered here which will give you an image of your signature that is hopefully impossible to copy. Helps if your signature has changed since you signed anything with slc as well. The template letters have a link on the signature bit which takes you to this service. When I get home I'll send you the details otherwise. Just ask for advice on your thread before communicating anything to them!
  22. Thank you dx. I shall do that with SLC then, and if I hear anything further from the other side then I will send them a brief one-liner stating that I am waiting on a response to a SAR from SLC.
  23. My temptation at this stage is to skip the CCA stage and go straight for a SAR, asking specifically for (as they they have already mentioned all of these things); Copy of the original credit agreement Copy of the CCJ (as I have never received anything on this, nor even really knew about it as mentioned in the earlier posts) Copy of all transfer of ownership of the CCJ (will get the correct name for this, but suspect they don't exist anyway) As the loan was only transferred to Erudio earlier this year, and Erudio are not the clients, I cannot see how they have any claim at all, given that the transfer occurred 14 years after the CCJ was issued and 8 years after the CCJ "expired" (ok, it hasn't expired, but you know what I mean).
  24. Here you go then in this morning's post, also received a short letter from them stating; They also provide a "useful link" to an FAQ section regarding Student Loans with CCJs: http://www.drydensfairfax.com/Erudio/ The implication from this "FAQ" is that Erudio+Drydensfairfax are primarily handling the CCJ cases. Not much there other than implications that you have to pay and they will work with you to find suitable repayment plans. Basically, the letter is making no threats (other than going back to Erudio regarding instructions on enforcement), just trying to sweet talk into starting a repayment scheme. Obviously not going to step onto that land-mine ridden path. Advice welcome!
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