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Everything posted by spidey41

  1. this is still ongoing with these idiots , they are adamant i did not cancel the new contract i have had several conversations with them uptil mid november at which point i had had enough and filled in their official complaint form , never heard a word more till last thursday when i got a leter from moorcroft , since thursday i have had 3 phone calls , another letter , 4 emails and 3 voicemals from moorcroft , so this has now already become harrasment in less than a week
  2. no i got a new number from bt mobile and just decided to use that one
  3. there is still the fact though that the day after my contract expired i could only make emergency calls and had a charge to actually call vodafone from my vodafone number so it was not really continuing as it it had ceased and was restarted at a later date ( which i do not know ) as i switched to bt mobile later that day
  4. so continue as normal after commitment ends , not double in price , which is what they have done to me
  5. i had a contract with vodafone which ended on 27th june this year , i called them on the 28th to get the unlock code for my phone and got a 40p out of contract call fee for this , at this time my phone showed emergency calls only . today i had an email from vodafone stating i was 41.00 in arreas on my new contract at 18.00 per month ( it was only 8.00 a month when it expired ) , i contacted vodafone today and they told me as i never asked to not renew the contract it was automatically rolled over at a new rate and i would have to pay it , the person i spoke to would not answer why i got a 40p fee for an out of contract call or why i could only get emergency calls on the 28th , i put a new sim in the phone on this day with bt so have not been able to see if i had any messages from vodafone , surely this is illegal pushing a new contract onto somebody after theres has ended without a signed agreement to it
  6. i have an issue with this company that i could do with some advice on , 4 months ago they sent me a letter stating they were adjusting the way payments were made so the outstanding bill would be paid faster and i would pay less interest , they immediately put my bill up by £20.00 a month and every month since my payments have come down but the interest has gone up on every statement , i am actually paying more interest now than i was before this so called interest saving adjustment , question is really are they legally allowed to do this without me agreeing to it , i was not behind with any payments so its not like i was in arrears with them
  7. its a fairly new debt about 18 months old that's all , and it barclaycard
  8. I have a credit card debt being collected by wescot , I stopped all contact with them for numerous reasons and now they are sending letters to my mother in-laws house stating they know I live there , I don't and never have , surely this against the law
  9. well that did not go as planned , 2 policemen called this afternoon and stood on my doorstep pointing at the jeep , as there was not many cars in the street at the time they stated that anybody that parked this side of the road would actually be in the wrong as his vehicle is already there , a ten minute conversation that got me nowhere all the time being watched by the idiot over the road , so now i expect more hassle from him
  10. i have this morning called the police , it is being passed on to my local pcn and will be delt with within 24 hours , thay also told me to phone it in again in the morning if still there
  11. a fire engine would have no chance , ambulance might at a push if it went slowly
  12. i hope they do then , was tempted to report it myself to be honest
  13. thought this had quitened down but alas no , for the last week this idiot has been parking half on the road and half on the path opposite my drive , all other residents park on my side of the road so not only is he making it awkward to get of my drive but also causing other traffic to swerve in and out of the parked cars and large vans are having to reverse back down the road as they cant get through ,
  14. well i came home for lunch today and his bloody jeep was about 18inches across the end of my drive , got on the drive okay still but not so easy getting off , this guy is a total moron and perhaps now is time for a bit of revenge , if only to show him i am not intimidated by him
  15. hat is unbelievable , glad i dont have a shared driveway
  16. i have downloaded the incident form and when everything is logged on it i will be going to the police
  17. yes i was thinking along the line of harassment , i have not been to the police yet , to be honest i dont really want to look this petty to the other neighbours with whom i get on really well with , but i think eventually if it continues i will have no choice
  18. i did try having a word a few months ago and got a 2 word reply , hence why i decided to post on here for advice , i dont think there are any mental health issues though , he actually owns a barber shop and his wife owns a tattoo shop , but obviously has it in for me , more so now since i had the drive done
  19. somebody told me that it did not matter having a white line as if there is no car on the drive people can park across it regardless they only cant block you in but can block you out , yes another person from dvla told me it was illegal to block access to a property as well so dont really know where i stand on this
  20. he does leave mud on the street yes and no i do not have a white line as when the kerb was done the council told me it served no perpose except to inform people there was a drive there , it is a public road and yes myself and this idiot both own our own homes ,
  21. new update on this , i have now recently had a driveway done with a dropped kerb so i thought hopefully now the twit would find somewhere else to park except outside my house , oh how wrong was i , he now gets the spot next to my dropped kerb and when he knows my wife is due home from work he sits in his bloody jeep reving it up with his reversing lights on so she thinks he is going to reverse into her , he now has 2 of these jeeps one of which he now keeps on the pavement opposite my house which i know is illegal , this morning he actually parked across my drive just staring in my living room window , ive now got to the stage were i am tempted to take a crowbar to these bloody vehicles in the middle of the night , any advice what i can actually do about this
  22. great idea thanks will try that , ass for how big is it , it is a range rover and the mud drips of the back wheel onto our bonnetr
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