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  1. OOps!:o Obvious now you said it! Thanks very much!! Never done foruming before, like these smily things!
  2. I have to say, I'm a bit of a saddo, I'm a tax investigation specialist:o ..so I do play with figures all day (what a great career!) but I don't have either a bowler hat, umbrella or comb over hairstyle!! Definitely not my friends fault, german HGV with cab on wrong side pulled out of the slow lane, didn't see my mate, clipped the back of her car, spun her, hit her again and left her on the hard shoulder just in front of another HGV! Lucky to be alive. Whats NUD please?
  3. Thanks guys. I think she probably has a £400 excess. My own view was to haggle and haggle hard, I think a 10% reduction on value is fair, if pro-rata'd on the extra mileage put on since owned. If we haggle, is there a point where she will be forced to take whatever they offer, or is there some arbitration type procedure?:?
  4. The purchase price, i.e £6,400 was put on the insurance proposal. Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
  5. My friend had a car accident totally the fault of another party, and her car has been "written off". Shes had the car for four months and paid, £6400 for it from a reputable dealer. Shes done 3000 miles in it. Although liability has been admitted by the other party, the insurance company is only offering her £4,100. What can she do? Even on parkers guide it says to buy the car from a dealer it will cost £6K. Please help, this is so unfair. Both drivers are fully comprehensive. Thanks for your advice!
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