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Everything posted by ldpool

  1. Not wanting to (Count the Chickens before they hatch) But it appears I may have been given the wrong information in the first place. (PHEW) Having had the chance to speak (to somebody who actually thinks for goodness sakes) that I am covered. But will post out my details to me ASAP. My first reactions was pure sigh of relief, then to curse the person who gave the wrong information. (it was a bad 2 days) I would like to thank all of you who gave me hope just talking about it, it may not sound that important. But believe me, I was very down, and now I have a new positive outlook, even the Job position is looking on the bright side at this moment, although we still have a long way to go through the various eliminations. So a big thanks to Rebecca, and Patrick for your support. Cheers ldpool
  2. Thank's for asking Patrick. I am Looking to get some sort of Email or copy of my Income protection plan from my PROVIDER. But up to now have been unable to get time to talk properly. Will contact the group here when i have any details.
  3. Thank you, For your Time and consideration. Im Hoping that they have got things wrong. Bye for now ldpool
  4. Anybody here who can give advice.
  5. Rebecca Thank you for your prompt reply. I await your return and only hope that, I do not fall fowl of the situation. Please understand I above all do not like people taking others for a ride or advantage of situations, but I am so unsure at this time and feel mentally sick at the thought of letting my family down. I can not allow it to happen. :cry:
  6. Rebecca I am in a very awkward position at this moment. I tried an email to you earlier today. What is the position If I am currently under a possible redundancy, and I have no real cover from my current mortgage provider (Apparently) And My real Question is can I legally purchase cover from either the current provider or not.! I have not been given any details other that I am being considered. Have been employed here for some 12 years and have (Income protection which I thought would cover me) Please reply ASAP. Thank you:sad:
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