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  1. I too work in the finance dpt for a large insurance company in the city and when I first started, I informed the HR department that I had a couple of ccjs and debt problems which I was trying to get on top of. They were not bothered in the slightest. I think they are more interested in any criminal record particularly fraud. As you have been there 11 years they are well aware of your character which has proven to be trustworthy. And as previously mentioned, there is no reason they would need to do a credit check so please dont worry about this.
  2. Well done chloe01 Good to hear it's gone your way after so long. My Mum and Step Dad also live in the costa del sol and my step dad was also recently granted DLA. They worked in London and paid their contributions all their working lives and when they retired they moved to Spain for their health. It took a lot of letter writing and a few appeals over quite a long time but they got there in the end.
  3. That's so sad. I read her first post and was absolutely gutted to hear the sad news. It does make me try to put some things into perspective. I think you are right about orange. It doesn't matter when you look at that poor lady's story. Only 41 which is younger than me. I've just got back from the doctors and I've got high blood pressure. I'm going to use this news to force me into a healthy eating plan. I need to lose at least 3 stone and now I need to do it for health reasons. Wish me luck!
  4. jay-morris. You can have my season ticket for £1,000,000 if you want! I'd pay off debts and mortgages and buy a couple of flats so I could rent them out and live on the proceeds. And treat everyone around me too of course!
  5. Hi watching Sorry I wasn't around to give you support leading up to your appointment. I was at the inlaws for the weekend and haven't been very well the last few days so haven't had a chance to get on. I notice you haven't been on here since the appointment. How did it go?
  6. If you need the CAB to look back over their case files for the information they gave me, tell them it was the City of London (St Pauls) office and the date was November 2007.
  7. Hi watching.That policeman incident sounds very scary. My heart went into my chest when I read it. Could it be medication that makes that happen do you think?Not too long now until the appointment. You deserve all the support and help you can get with this. I've got everything crossed for you!
  8. Sorry it all came out in one paragraph. That's not how I typed it and I can't edit it to make it easier to read so if you need clarification on anything let me know.
  9. Your case is almost identical to mine. I also had an original loan with Universal which had a CCJ on it that was taken over by Paragon. They accepted my reduced monthly payment for a number of years until I requested a settlement balance. They gave me the judgement balance and a further balance of £10,000 in contractual interest. I settled the Judgement balance in full and went to the CAB to see what could be done regarding the extra interest. They drafted a formal complaint letter for me mentioning the following points:Their lack of transparency regarding this additional interest and the fact that had I not requested a balance I would still be under the impression that no interest was being added and that the balance was reducing with each payment. I believe that there are doubts about whether a creditor with an existing judgment is permitted to commence fresh proceedings for recovery of interest charged after judgment. I am working together with the Citizens Advice Bureau who has taken further advice on the general issue of contractual interest. I understand that where a creditor wishes to claim contractual interest after judgment, there are 2 methods available 1) Request an interlocutory judgment at the outset and include a specific claim for post-judgment interest to be assessed at a later date or (2) Where the interest rate is fixed throughout the term of the loan, obtain a final judgment at the outset for the full amount owed under the agreement.Section 35 of the County Courts Act 1984 states that 'It shall not be lawful for any plaintiff to divide any cause of action for the purpose of bringing two or more actions in one or more of the county courts'. As a result, a creditor who fails to obtain the correct form of judgment at the outset is precluded from taking further or separate proceedings to recover that which s/he omitted to claim in the original action.I would also argue that a second action could constitute an abuse of process, due to the combined effect of CPR rules 7.3, 1.3 and 1.4 (2) (i). Such an action falls to be struck out on application under CPR.3.4 (2) (b).I pointed out that due to their lack of transparency and a lack of a legal basis to pursue this unlawful interest, I would not be pay8ing them another penny. They wrote back informing me that whilst they could add this interest, as a gesture of goodwill and down to my personal circumstances (!!!!!!! That I know my rights?!), they had closed the account and would not be pursuing it any further. So they wrote £10K off just like that.I would do the same if I were you and send a formal complaint to Paragon. And stop paying them if the judgement has been satisfied.
  10. Hi JC. I'm very well thanks. Do you mean that someone wants to write your life story (re the pm)? I've never been to therapy so I don't know if it actually works or not but whilst it's heartbreakingly hard for you to talk about it all at the moment, this may get better the more you do it. You've taken the biggest step by starting to talk with someone. But it's still understandable if you don't feel ready to offload completely yet. You've got to go with whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
  11. Of course you're not depressing anyone. Sorry to hear you've been more down than up lately. It's great that you've got an appointment on the 11th. It's all heading in the right direction. This might make you laugh a bit. Remember that dress I bought a while ago which was reduced from £60 to £18? I finally got to trying it on the other day and it's too tight! Oh well, I could do with losing some weight!
  12. I had to smile today when my OH passed me a letter to read that he had received from Nat West today. They are disappointed that he has stopped his payment plan and have given him 14 days to rectify it before the take further action. When you look at the balance of the account at the top of the letter it says £68 in credit! Doh!
  13. Very true. And hopefully, like others on CAG, my experience can help someone else in the same situation which will lead to other victories.
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