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  1. putting link in doesnt seem to be working? They are on photobucket and I have copied the img bit?
  2. please excuse my spelling - v v tired and rushing cause my daughter is having a snooze!
  3. Hi - I've looked and looed honestly, t I cant woprk pout how to add attachments to my thread and I have two CCA's returned that I need checking over. Any advice on how to attach them so somebody can tell me if they are valid or not please?
  4. Just quick clarification 1) They send the CCA within the timeframes - I need to negotiate whatever I can using other letter templates. 2) They respond in the timeframes saying they dont have the signed copy of the CCA - which means the debt is unenforceable and I can either a) Deny the debt, cease further payments, have it written off, claim back monies paid - depending on my moral leanings, and have all trace of it removed from my credit history or b) negotiate a reduced payment 3) They dont reply within the 12days plus one month - I can report them to Trading Standards and then do as in 2. but what happens if they find my agreement at a later date? 4) what if I am making payments by Direct Debit - does this mean because I have signed a DDR that I am acknowledging the debt and created an obligation to pay regardless of a CCA? or is this not relevant because after all they request the money from the DDR and can only do so if there is an enforceable debt, and therefore if they have no enforecable debt the DDR should not have come into efect and they were effectively claiming money under false pretences. I just want to make sure I'm prepared for any next steps.
  5. PS - is there a forum seach icon anywhere on the site? I haven't located it yet but would like to search rather than in and out of each post
  6. It was between 4 and 8 years ago so they may have them if they can find them - I will post them onto the site if/when I have them. The issue with signatures etc - is this because the company may take a signature from another document and provide that as the supposed signature for the CCA? or am I getting only ever so lsoghtly paranoid?
  7. I'm off to send my requests now - Thanks ever so...I'm feeling a little less panicked now - at least I have something to do whilst I'm job hunting too. I'll be back on in a couple of weeks once I start getting the replies - bound to have another mini panic then! BTW - should I make any more payments whilst waiting for their responses, what I can afford, nothing, just leave it? The next batch is due to go out on 28 September and I really dont know that we will have any money to pay them by then.
  8. The more I write the more I feel like you might be making it difficult (but not impossible) to contact them.... ? Dont know what this means? Egg Card, part of citigroup - has divisions in Canada John Lewis partnership Card - part of HSBC which has divisions in Canada Skycard - part of barclaycard - unsure Tescos credit card - royal bank of scotland - dont think has divisions in canada Northern Rock - pretty sure UK only based
  9. BTW - Thanks for the quick responses. I'm going to use some letter templats I have found and request the CCA and then go on to send them a copy of our spreadsheet and advise them we want interest and charges frozen and will make the payments to them on a pro rata basis out of our disposable income -what little there is of it, and that we will review this on a quarterly basis. Can I send a CCA request at the same time as making a reduced payment offer? or does making a reduced payment offer admit liability of the debt making the cca request worthless? If not at same time should it be CCA request first? finding so much out on these forums on how to play things that just want to take the steps in the right order!
  10. Hi, We went through and claimed all of our bank charges for the past 6-years back at the beginning of this year - we got £320.00 across the board between us. I also got all my friends and colleagues to do the same - between them I think they are at early £15k in reclaims - yay! We are in the process of claiming Mortgage Exit admin Fee's as we had 4 mortgages over the passed 6-years to keep rates low - hope that will be paid to us on.
  11. Hi, we are on work permits at the moment, renewable every year for 3-years, we are applying for permanent residency (thats another worry - if we have debts or bad credit I dont know how that will affect our perm residenct application) We hope it to be permananet but it may be that we are back in March 2010.
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