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  1. i am part of a union but sadly they are a waste of time they have a tendancy to agree to anything the management proposes. we have had no meetings apart from a brief ten minute get together in the canteen with union reps were we were basically told of our position. we have not been informed of any alternative and no form of compensation has been offered. there is nothing in my contract about reductions in pay and company policy is holidays are not allowed until been accrued. i have offered a spoken alternative were as my contract would be honoured were by my pay structure should remain the same and i was willing to take two weeks unpaid lay off. this was the only way i could stay afloat financially. i tried to explain i could defer my debts for one month but not three, this was refused. i want to put in writing to my employers that i can not accept their terms but want to do this in a way that fellow employees are not affected. we have not been told of any future matters reguarding employment pensions or redundances, the only thing we have been told is there is ongoing meetings with america about our future employment. as of this moment in time we have had no feedback to the outcome.
  2. i have been with the same company for 25years. we have now been informed that we must take a 30% pay cut for the next 11 weeks to subsidise our own lay off. we must also take 2 weeks holidays from next years accrument (commences april). this is because of a problem with a furnace which ordinarily would take 4 to 6 week to be repaired. i know my company is in breach of my contract but am unsure of what to do next. can anyone advise please thanks
  3. sorry 4 long delay (internet probs!) rang Virgin got silly supervisor who told me to go elsewhere i asked him if that was Virgin policy he replied it would be a very boring world if all companies where the same. rang again got through to 'if you are thinking of leaving us' dept sheffield. reported silly man explained situation to very nice lady got refund £50 credit and big discount on my package of £16 per month. recieved email from Virgin apology for silly mans comments. still having probs with connection i am going to put a claim in every month until they fix it as i only agreed to accept Virgin offer up until date of phone call. now its a matter of who gets fed up first!
  4. hi all happy new year can anyone tell me if virgin media has any policies for disruption of services. on the 8th of august 2007 i made my first of many very expensive phone calls reguarding my internet not working. i requested a reduction in my bill due to lack of service and was told that as the fault is on their side that i would get a full refund when the fault is fixed. several engineers the last one left 10 mins ago still no refund. i have quered this and told them that i would not pay for my broadband service as i was not receiving it and was told that i would be charged £10 per late payment of which i have been. but i have been given a new remote for my box i know that i should have sacked them by now but i wont get any refund at all if i do that and at £18 per month i want my money back anyone got any ideas
  5. sorry i took so long only just got my internet working again (great timing) went into total panic and sent a letter, does anyone have any views on it On the 30/8/07 the enclosed parking charge was placed on my car.My 12 year old (a minor) was questioned by your attendant leaving her shaken and very upset. Due to an oversight by me, being registered keeper of the vehicle that I was traveling in was one month out of date, this was rectified the same day. There are no signs in front of the vehicle and I have photographic evidence of this. I see your charge as unlawful, unenforceable and I am not liable. I will not be providing any payment and your continued pursuit of this matter will constitute an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act1997.I concider this matter closed and am explicitly instructing you not to contact me again except to confirm the matter is now closed. I found the bottom paragraph last week on the sight and saved it. I sent the letter yesterday and CMS have to sign for it. Also when I went back to the car park to take photo's of where my car was parked there are no signs. There are huge signs as you enter the car park but all these are on roundabouts which I don't think are designed to stop on to read I would have not been very popular took photo's of these also
  6. hi everyone thanks to everyone for all the help and advice. i rang CMS last week to tell them i was disputing the charge and that i was not paying any money whilst on dispute i said about the BPA code of conduct thing, the nice lady told me yes they were members but it did not apply to them that money must be sent then put the phone down on me. only got two days left to post a letter not got a clue :-? what to write is there a sample letter anywhere i can adapt
  7. and thank you everyone you all have made me more determined to see this through so thank you all
  8. you are all frightening me. still not done appeal letter yet anyone any suggestions or is there a sample letter any where? rang the nice lady at CCM and told her i was disputing the charge and that i would not be sending payment told her about BPA code of conduct she said they where members but it did not apply to them then put the phone down on me.
  9. i parked in the disabled bay in a free retail carpark which i am entitled to do so as i am registered disabled. as i was leaving my car i asked my 12year old daughter to display my blue badge. i returned to my car 4 mins later to find CMS UK LTD had issued a ticket. the traffic warden had questioned my daughter about my badge as she had unwittingly placed it the wrong way but the clock was correct. on return i found a distressed daughter and a parking ticket. unfortunately i then became aware that my badge had expired by one month i am still entitled to a blue badge as i recieve the full mobility component of DLA. i rectified this immidiately by phone and am awaiting my new badge. the appeals process, on the parking charge, states that i must include the £50 charge with any correspondence otherwise further costs will be incurred. i wish to get this matter sorted without paying the £50 and incurring additional costs what is my best course of action?
  10. i parked on the disabled bay in a free retail car park which i am entitled to do so i am registered disabled. as i was leaving my car i asked my 12year old daughter to put my blue badge showing.i returned to my car 4 minutes later to find that CMS UK LTD had issued a parking ticket. my daughter had stayed in the car the warden came over and started to question her about my blue badge asking her to turn it over she had unwittingly placed it the wrong way but the clock was showing the correct time. on return i found a distressed daughter and a parking ticket. unfortunately i then became aware that my badge had expired by one month i am still entitled to a badge due to recieving the full mobility component of DLA. this i rectified immediately and am awaiting a new badge. the appeals process, on the parking charge, states that i must include the £50 charge with my correspondence otherwise further costs will be incurred. i wish to get this matter sorted without paying the £50 and incurring additional costs what is my best course of action
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