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Everything posted by Ell-enn

  1. No, but they will be able to advise you what court to send the N244 to.
  2. What is the eviction date? Ring the bailiffs office number on the eviction notice on monday morning - you'll have to do it early as they usually go out around 9-10 am.
  3. Which court has the eviction notice come from? are there any telephone contact details on it? Normally you would apply to the court where the original repossession hearing took place and where you have been corresponding with.
  4. Hi, the eviction notice could be either hand delivered or come by post, I've known it both ways. Have you tried emailing the court to see if they know when it will be issued and by which method. Usually the eviction date will be around 14 days from when you receive the notice or sometimes a little longer, I've not known it be only a few days.
  5. At this stage, unless you can pay all the arrears there is no way they will stop the process, so I think you'd be wasting your time.
  6. OK, I'll leave you to do what you think best. Let us know when you get an eviction notice and if you need any support for the actual hearing.
  7. They certainly won't cancel the proceedings at this stage. I don't think you've been berated for asking questions - all I'm trying to do is to get you to stop stressing yourself further by looking for other avenues which don't exist. Furthermore I don't think you can complain about the support you've had - it's certainly more than most - 201 posts in fact
  8. If the eviction was applied for on 3rd June, it would take some days for the court to register it - as most courts are extremely busy it could be up to 2 weeks before you actually get an eviction notice - it could be hand delivered or delivered in the post , I've known it be either way -and the date for eviction could be up to 2 weeks after that - so the court will give you a hearing date before the actual date the eviction is due to take place. You could email the court and ask if they have a date yet - but I wouldn't send too many emails, it won't make it happen any faster and they may get irritated by having to answer too many times. No point in emailing the solicitors - they won't know any more than you do - they will be advised of the hearing date at the same time as you. You don't have to tell the solicitors you are defending - the court will do that, they send them a copy of your N244. You also asked " Should I also mabe put my offer of normal monthly payments plus amount towards arrears from August onwards forward to Britannia, along with completed I&e and fit note from GP? " which is why I asked What for? - it will make no difference whatsoever at this stage. All you can do at the moment is wait for the eviction notice. You don't need to be constantly going over what else you can do - there is nothing else to do. I know it must be frustrating having to wait, but that's just the way it is I'm afraid.
  9. What for ????? it's not going to make any difference now! For goodness sake just wait for the eviction notice and post your N244 pack as it is.
  10. I'm so pleased for you - I told you it would be ok judges are much more understanding think
  11. They're probably ringing to try and get you to pay all the arrears to stop eviction which they'll still think is tomorrow and obviously don't know what has been happening today -idiots! I wouldn't call them back - they'll find out from the court that you got the eviction stopped. You've no need to talk to them at all now. Just make sure you never miss a payment or they'll go straight for eviction again.
  12. You can do, although they will know what it is from the claim number. Take a photocopy of the notice and paperclip it to the front of the N244
  13. the Claim number stays the same. Personally I would wait for the eviction notice from the court, the fee will be much cheaper - if the court say they have received the request for eviction from the lender then it won't be long before the notice arrives with you. If you post the N244 pack by special delivery the day the eviction notice arrives, they will get it the next day, they will then phone for payment (make sure you have put a contact number on the form, and then carry phone around with you, so you don't miss their call).
  14. Ooops, sorry, I'm really busy at work this morning and thought I'd attached it - should be there now. You should now get it sent off asap - don't forget to make the pack secure and send by Special Delivery (not Recorded Delivery) Please confirm when you have completed the list I put on my earlier post for assembling the N244 pack. Cadbury Statement for N244.doc
  15. As they haven't actually instigated court action - I think you should wait till you have the Britannia hearing over with which is imminent.
  16. I do understand you are stressed and that it is an extremely worrying time for you however, there is nothing to be gained by repeatedly going over the same stuff again and again, it will not change the situation and we need to draw a line under all this repetition and get on with finalising the application so it's ready to post after the court has rung to take payment. I have affixed the amended statement to reflect some of the things you wanted to say - so now you need to assemble your pack as follows: N244 - completed and signed Statement - signed Copy of Doctor's letter & Fit Note - numbered 1 Copy of the letter you sent to them - numbered 2 Estate agents details - numbered 3 Budget Sheet with proof of future earnings - numbered 4 If the documents are too thick to be stapled you will need to put them into a ring binder or similar to ensure they do not become separated. Send by Special Delivery - to be signed for by 1pm next day. Also ensure you have a photocopy of it all to take with you to court - again in a binder with any other documents you want to take. Please confirm when you have it all ready - so we can do one final check.
  17. You're confusing yourself! the judge will read the fit note with the date to return to work. You keep asking for stuff to be put in the statement but the evidence is in the attachments - I don't know how much clearer I can make this and frankly I'm getting tired of reading post after post of the same thing. I can only help you with the N244 I can't predict any outcome given your circumstance, now you can either work with me on the application or you can go it alone. I'm sorry, but that's all I can do. I will be back on line in the morning.
  18. Once again, you're overthinking everything, and asking me to predict outcomes for different scenarios which I can't do. You are affixing the fit note from your doctor and also the budget sheet with proof of future income - that is sufficient. The judge will read the statement and when he comes to where there is a number (i.e.No 1 - the doctor's letter and fit note) he will turn to that number and read it, and so on throughout the statement. I don't think you will have seen an email address for me on here - in any case I don't use a forum email.
  19. Just leave the statement as it is - I did mention in an earlier post that you could include the fit note with the doctor's letter so you will have to number it 1 also. The judge will be aware of the arrears figure. You can't affix documents to a PM
  20. If we add all that to the statement then it will be far too long - it needs to be one page only supported by the attachments. I will add the issue of being detrimental to your health and put it on here in the morning. Pets are not a consideration in this kind of case, unfortunately. As I said before, the judge can only make a decision regarding the ability to pay the lender, some circumstances will be taken into consideration but they won't be interested in hearing every little detail of your life, again unfortunately
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