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Posts posted by Ell-enn

  1. If they have been calling your neighbours then that is completely out of order !!    You should be making a formal complaint - would your neighbours give a statement of what calls they received and the questions asked?  Who are the "While you were out cards" from?

    If they want income and expenditure make sure you use our budget sheet, not theirs.  If you can't find it let me know and I'll send you one.


    Also write and ask them for a breakdown of the solicitors fees - who are they using ?  silks?    Probably their in-house "legal" department  at virtually no cost.

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  2. Hi, what do you propose to offer to repay the arrears?  in order to avoid repossession you will have to tell the court that you will maintain the normal monthly payments plus an amount towards the arrears each month.   This is done is a statement to go with Q27 of the N11M form which we can help you with, but you need to tell us what you are proposing to pay.

  3. Glad to hear you had a successful outcome,  but as Andyorch says , you must contact the lender if you feel you have a problem looming - don't miss a payment then contact them - you need to contact before you even think about not making payment.  If you don't adhere to the suspended order you will find yourself back in court defending eviction again and you may not be so lucky next time.


    Hope all goes well for you from now on

  4. Well done ! Thanks for letting us know Tony, it might be helpful for others in similar positions to know that with help they can get a positive outcome.  When you get the written order from the court (might take a week or so), can you let us know what conditions are on it i.e.  possession suspended upon monthly payments being maintained etc.


    Now relax and make sure your payments are made on time.

  5. Actually I don't see any harm in calling them back, after all you have the upper hand at the moment with a court hearing date when their behaviour will be scrutinised by a judge.  I suspect they have been emailed a copy of your N244 by the court and are now thinking it's not such a good idea to have served you with an eviction notice as you are not taking it lying down.


    At the end of the day you don't need to get into a long conversation with them,  just find out what they want and if they are being awkward just say you will wait for a judge to decide in your favour and end the conversation :)  We can then do a further statement to take to the hearing stating what they have responded.

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