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  1. In response to the previous 2 posters - you are saying that anyone who for whatever reason can not attend a hearing might as well not bother making a claim. So what's the point then? In no way do any of the articles about small claims court make this assertion. If they did I would never have started my claim as I knew all along that I couldn't possibly attend a hearing whatever date was set.
  2. What makes you think she didn't claim all those things? I wrote to the court asking for my case to be heard without me using my written statements. The costs for me to travel to the court would have been more than my claim.
  3. OH yes, the judge also ignored the fact the in her response to the original claim the LL admitted that she owed me 130 pounds! Was the judge blind!
  4. Well, the case went to court. LL claimed that I had agreed to pay extra for broadband and extra nights accommodation. Totally false. Judge believed her. My claim thrown out, I now have to pay her 450 pounds and lose the 240 that she owed me. I didn't get a copy of LL's statement before the hearing, but she had a copy of mine. I couldn't go to the hearing, so I've no idea what happened or why my claim was dismissed. Don't the rules about perjury apply in Small Claims court? If this is justice I can't see why anyone would bother.
  5. I have just phoned the helpline and been told that my LL has filed a defense and couterclaim! My claim from her was for 240 pounds and now she has counterclaimed 380 pounds. How do I stop this from escalating, she obviously thinks she is going to win, which she can only do if she lies.
  6. I gave the keys back and asked for my deposit, but was told that I wasn't due any money back and that she beleived that I owed money to her! It is a complete fantasy on her part. She says that I agreeed to pay for broadband access, which is a complete lie, and that we had a fixed term agreement and so I should pay to the end of the term, again a lie. There were also other lies in the letter that my landlady sent to me. I could not believe how twisted the truth could be and still look reasonable. Anyway, I started a small claim on line. She acknowledged it, but I haven't heard anything else. When I tried to request judgement on the basis of no response, judgement was refused. Does this mean that she has entered a counterclaim? If we end up in court and she still insists on her lies, how can I counter her as there is no written evidence and it will be her word against mine. I really don't want to go to the expense of a court appearance when she is going to lie through her teeth while I am made to look like a liar because I will have to say that everything she is saying is a lie.
  7. Hi, I have been living as a lodger in a house with the landlady and sometimes 1, 2 or no other lodgers. During my stay, 3 other lodgers left, one sneaking out while the landlady was out, one who had his goods deposited at his place of work because he'd had the nerve to pack his bags and not say he intended to leave, and one who gave proper notice after a seven year tenancy. The first 2 lodgers did not get back their deposits. I moved into the house in March and paid 160 pounds deposit, and 4 weeks rent in advance, followed by 4 or 5 weeks rent each month depending upon how many Sundays there are in the month. One week ago i.e. Sunday 19th August, my landlady and I had an argument which was quite heated and I offered to leave at the end of the week, she accepted this and was so angry that she left a note on the other lodger's door stating that "xxxx has explained to me how intolerable it is for you both to live here, so I expect you to leave on 25/08/07. " My rent was paid up to 2nd September, but I decided to move out the next day. I went back to the house today to return my key and my landlady would not let me through the front door. Nor would she discuss returning my deposit or the rent for next week. She said she was "too busy" and when I tried to arrange a date and time later this week she simply refused to agree to anything, or suggest a convenient option. How can I get my deposit, and next weeks rent back? When I moved in I didn't get a rental agreement, inventory, or recipt for the deposit. I have since received a licence agreement that states that I have the right to occupy a room in the house between 18th March and 28th September. My landlady is implying that because I have left before the end of the term then I am not entitled to a return of my deposit. She has also kept the other lodger's deposit.
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