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Everything posted by jaboh

  1. thanks for reply right what is the crack on reclaiming credit card charges i,m a member of the penaltycharges forum but most of it looks closed i know cc are different from bank charges and not covered by the oft test case so can still claim trying to find template letter thanks for any help
  2. so what would,ve happened if it left her overdrawn and over her overdraft limit and she did,nt know bank would just add chargesfor being overdrawn etc
  3. can clydesdale bank credit card section transfer money from my wifes bank account to pay for arrears without her consent i would have thought they would have to get permission to do this first from account holder advice on this please if they can do this that means they can go into anybodys account take money out etc to another account which could leave one acount overdrawn which could lead to charges
  4. hi joined this forum ages ago but never really put anyhting on it not sure what to do as first time posting on this forum member of penaltycharges forum but was on thier site today but most of it looks closed needing advice on things etc i,m for scotland so i take it i will be transfered to scots section etc thanks for any guidance
  5. hello all you guys i am new to this web site but i am a member of the penaltycharges.co.uk. been reading the threads about mackenzie hall i received a letter this week from this crowd, a final notice demand for £909 i knew i did,nt owe anything of that amount so like a fool i phoned them to enquire about the letter they sent me told it was for an outstanding debt on a barclaycard account from 1997 i was gobbed smacked to say the least i told her i did,nt or never had a barclaycard (i think i did in the 80,s)but did,nt tell her that,so anyway she gave a 16 digit number like the on you get on the front off credit and bank cards as the account i was supposed to have had but could ,nt give me any details of phone numbers or addresses told i would be back in touch. i came home and went staight onto barclaycard web page and phoned them up,what happend next should have sent alarm bells ringing 1st person i spoke to typed in the 16 digit number reply was nothing came up transferred to another dept 2nd person took the details the same thing happened again except my name did come up but no information on the system transferred to another debt same thing again this time i was put on hold after a few minutes i was given another number to phone which i did. i explained the situation about the letter i received from mch and told the person i have had no contact from barclaycard in the last 10yrs about the outstanding sum of money (the debt is written off after 5yrs in scotland 6yrs in england i live in scotland)the reply was it had nothing to do with barclay,s as there is nothing in the system i persume the debt is now statue of limitation. barclays has more or less written debt off,this where it gets strange the person i spoke to told me mch was now dealing with this i asked when was i last contacted he told me by post on the 28/7/07 then 2/8/07 told him never received any letters except for the one dated 13/8/07 he told me he would put me through direct to mch. but after a few minutes came back on line and said he had spoke to his supervisor and said been to instructed to say no letters had been sent out on the 1st 2 dates given i also explained to him if had known about the debt years ago i would have paid the sum due as you know banks and credit companys will get their money at one stage mainly through the courts.this is the bit has really been bugging me all day he told me if i made an offer of £10 a month that would do fine and the debt would been paid off that way(why would some one from barclays say that after being told account was not on their system. so heres the next part phoned mch again explained situation and that as no contact form barclays or anyone else in the last 10yrs debt was now written off her reply was once a debt all ways a debt no matter how many years then asked for a payment either the whole sum(£909) or anything to keep it from going further but only till monday then thats when the courts will be involved then she asked could i pay just the £9 just to stall it for i few days till i get back in touch with them on monday so i could enquire more info on the debt. like a fool i paid £9 by switch (only £9) it was just to get her off my back as i had to be in dundee by 2pm that day for my work i have made no agreement with mch to pay or signed anything my wife was annoyed that i did that as i am the one all ways telling my sons and her not to give any info over the phone anyway got home that night and spoke to my son who looked mch up on google. what i have read about this company really stinks they are a legit company who prey on peoples debt from years ago then pressure them into paying by any means possible. now i have never heard of mch or the lowell group who are the pursuers in this case,here is another thing i asked when did mch start proceeding to chase me for the debt was told 1/08/07 if that was the case how was i told the 1st letter was sent out on the 28/7/08 never mentioned this to her,now i,ve taken tomorrow off to go to citizens advice and thinking off going to the police to complain off a possible fraud when you read this letter to me it looks like there is someone from barclays giving out the information on old accounts which have been lyin idle for years to companys like mch ,js2,the lowell group. one thing is for sure they won,t be getting anymore money from me will be going to bank as well to cancel switch card i,ve got to decide now do i contact them after i,ve spoken to citizen advice and tell them to take a hike as i will defend this in court (if need be )probably they would,nt go to court any way as it would cost them money and they are only interested in making money and not losing money. would appreciate any feed back or advice on contents of this letter (last option would be getting in touch with media ie the sun /daily record) ps sorry for length of letter be in touch cheers jaboh
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