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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. cozzie121

    MBNA Charges

    This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. WOO HOO..... i've been getting a bit worked up but still very nervous at defending the claim in a court. Just checked my bank, court case was booked for monday 01-06. LTSB deposited £432.52 into my acount today. I was claiming £348 + £59 in costs. The cumulative to date with interest would have been £403.40 + the £49 in costs, but this is enough for me, i'm not going to argue over £20 now. I am pleased with my result. I want to extend my thanks and support to all members here. A donation will be winging its way. 1 bank down, 2 credit cards to go. Anybody who is uncertain, the banks will push to the last day and make you worry. Its worth the wait though. You will win!
  4. unfortunately, i moved from the address nearly 2 years ago, i've had a look but cant find anything at all. do you reckon i should post forms of i.d instead of putting in a sars and waiting to hear back?
  5. Hello, today is my return date for LTSB and am now planning to make a move on Barclaycard, reading up to ensure i know what to do about CC companies. The problem with barclaycard is that my account closed a few years ago, i have moved house since then and have no documentation or account numbers to quote when going for my SAR. Is there anything i can include in my SAR to ensure compliance and not give them an excuse to mess me about for weeks?
  6. ok, i went up to the court today and found out that LTSB are have entered a defence to my claim. I spoke to the lovely clerk who advised that this has happened before and the day before the court case LTSB had deposited funds into the claimants account. sneaky sneaky. My court date is for next week and still a bit worried but have checked out the defence outline in case it does go to trial and have it clear in my mind what i need to say should it go that far. The only letters i have from LTSB are back in february saying the standard, sorry u feel this way, there charges are not illegal, contact the ombudsman. sent the LBA, never heard anything since.
  7. i havent received any letters or contact from LTSB since 26 February. its got a bit concerning now, but then, they know i have started court action, it has served upon them, so...its up to them just now. even after reading everybodys posts, its still a bit worrying going to court and arguing your case in the legal system.
  8. i find it strange how some people are getting settled before this return date and some are getting pushed to the line. how much was your claim for jaybabes?
  9. ok, an update so far. Data Protection Act sent ages ago, filed papers with the courts, return date is today 28/05/07. will pop up tomorrow to see if LTSB have lodged a defence as i havent heard anything from them since my LBA. My claim is for £341 plus all the interest and costs now. I have been reading others posts, bexy etc.... noticed that a lot of people are being settled before their court return date. I havent heard a thing and now thinking that since the outcome of the berwick v's LTSB court decision, will they be pushing every court date to the end and defending. is it going to be different for scotland as this was an english CC? The doubt is beginning to set in now. still will push it, but looking uncertain.
  10. i claimed for 12% because i think it is a fair rate compared to the 18.1% i am charged by my bank. i couldnt justify why 12 and not anything else i suppose. plus i also read a few other people had got away with it, chancing my luck i reckon
  11. ok, an update is required. i filed court action on the 28th March. This morning i recieved the forms back asking me to justify why i am using 12% interest instead of the judicial rate of 8%. I am now thinking that i should actually go for a higher rate but need some guidance on the wording on it, as i need to put it in?
  12. yes i did, sadly it sent me 6 months into the future.....very weird, no recollection. When it came to filling out the forms the last time, i was so badly skint that i could not even afford the £39 court fees and didnt really have the time to do it properly. back on the ball now though
  13. ok....time for an update. My LBA ran out on my birthday no less, 27/03. popped into my local sheriff court, managed to avoid the usual dundee junkies, ha ha, filed my claim in the civil office up the stairs. The girl behind the counter was very helpful. It turns out the stencils posted on here are for different procedures, i suppose i should have read the instructions closer. The file 1a form is for launching an action against an individual and the form 1b is against an organisation. they are in the office now, getting process, waiting on my court date. Lloyds TSB havent given me the courtesy of a reply to my LBA yet either, now 3 days after it has expired. I never went through with the last LBA but definititely finishing this claim. Lets see what happens. If all goes well, which i am hoping it will do, i will be starting again on my credit cards. Time will tell
  14. my lba expires on the 27th, nicely done, right on my brithday ha ha. many thanks for your advice, can i ask how you would of justified the 20% interest and what figure did you calculate that interest on?
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